Gapers Block has ceased publication.

Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
 Thank you for your readership and contributions. 


Monday, February 17

Gapers Block

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Bassists Pay Tribute to Maghostut

Local creative bassists Tatsu Aoki and Yosef Ben Israel
will present Dreaming of the Master, a series of solo and duet improvisations honoring legendary Chicago bassist Malachi Favors Maghostut tonight at 9 pm at the Spareroom (2416 West North Avenue).

Malachi Favors Maghostut died from pancreatic cancer nearly one year ago on January 31, 2004. For roughly half a century, Favors was “a catalyst for new ideas in jazz and innovative approaches to the bass, influencing generations of players and anchoring one of the most widely esteemed bands in the musical avant-garde, the Art Ensemble of Chicago.” - Howard Reich, Chicago Tribune

U of C Folk Festival

Waltz down to Hyde Park this weekend to participate in the 45th annual University of Chicago Folk Festival. A diverse line-up of concerts take place Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. Saturday and Sunday during the daytime, check out lots of interesting-looking workshops on fiddling, drumming, dancing and lots more.
Tickets are $15-20 or $7 for students.

Chicago Craft Mafia Launch Party @ TOJO Gallery

The Chicago Craft Mafia, a group of local crafty businesspeople you may have seen at various DIY craft shows in recent years, is throwing a launch party tonight at TOJO Gallery. And while you're there, Craft Mafia people will be holding a Valentine's Day sale, so you can also pick up some handmade gifts for your loved ones. An offer you can't refuse! The party goes from 7:00 to 11:00 tonight. TOJO Gallery: 1418 W. Division.

Before Sunrise, Before Sunset @ Film Center

Richard Linklater's two films Before Sunrise and Before Sunset are playing at the Siskel Film Center starting tonight and running through Wednesday, February 9. If you've missed one or both of these films, now's your chance to see them both back-to-back! And yes, you will get reduced admission if you buy tickets for both movies at the same time. Siskel Film Center: 164 N. State. (312) 846-2600.

Clown Around Town

Clown Around Town, a new program from The Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs, celebrates the circus arts all weekend long with acrobatic workshops, clown performances, and a circus museum exhibit.

Today's events include "Vito's Circus on a Shoestring," a free circus workshop at the Indian Boundary Cultural Center (2500 W Lunt Ave) from 1:30-3 pm, and The Actors Gymasium presents: Daredevils and Dolls from 12:15-1 pm at the Chicago Cultural Center (77 E Randolph St).

The Dollar Store @ The Hideout

The Dollar Store is a monthly show featuring some of Chicago's top literary and performance talents together. Each performer receives an item purchased from a local dollar store one month in advance, which they then use to craft a short story, monologue or performance piece. Each piece is written specifically for the show. This month's performers include, THE2NDHAND Co-Editor Todd Dills, I AM SPAM author and poet Larry O. Dean, and Dancer/Choreographer Asimina Chremos. The show is co-hosted by Jonathan Messinger, editor of and comedian Sean Gardner. The Dollar Store takes place at The Hideout at 1354 W. Wabansia, Chicago starting tonight at 7 pm. There's a $1 suggested donation. Contact: Jonathan Messinger, thedollarstorechicago{at}yahoo{dot}com.

Midnight Yoga @ Bloom Yoga Studio

There’s a new alternative to Friday nights spent in smoky bars and clubs. Bloom Yoga Studio hosts their now monthly Midnight Yoga class tonight from 10:30 pm – Midnight. Midnight Yoga is an invigorating candlelit yoga class taught by Kerry Maiorca and accompanied by live music by local DJ Jesse Hozeny. The late-night mood, fun and challenging flow, and ambient beats combine to make a yoga class unlike any other. Following the class, Midnight Yogis relax in Bloom’s reception area for wine, light snacks, dessert, and good conversation. Whether you come alone or with friends, Midnight Yoga is a great night out. For those looking to connect with like-minded individuals, Bloom’s Midnight Yoga provides a fun, unique, and healthy way to spend a Friday night. The workshop costs $20 and pre-registration is recommended. For more information or to register, visit Bloom.

Opening: Anton in Show Business, BackStage Theatre

The BackStage Theatre Company presents Anton in Show Business, by the pseudonymous playwright Jane Martin, author of Talking With... and Keely and Du, for which "she" was a Pulitzer finalist. Anton, a backstage (ha ha) comedy about a doomed production of Chekhov's Three Sisters in San Antonio, is billed as a satire on the state of theatre today; an all-female cast portrays fifteen characters of both genders. Tonight through March 13, at the Heartland Studio Theatre in Rogers Park (7016 N. Glenwood, behind the Heartland Cafe). Tickets are $12-15; call 312-683-5347 for reservations.



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