Gapers Block has ceased publication.

Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
 Thank you for your readership and contributions. 


Monday, February 17

Gapers Block

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Super Bowl XXXIX

If you're a football fan, you already know about this. If you're not a football fan, you probably already know about this too. Nonetheless, the SUPERBOWL is TODAY! At 5:30 pm. Cook up some weenies, crack open a beer and enjoy the action. Or the ads.

U of C Folk Festival

Waltz down to Hyde Park this weekend to participate in the 45th annual University of Chicago Folk Festival. A diverse line-up of concerts take place Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. Saturday and Sunday during the daytime, check out lots of interesting-looking workshops on fiddling, drumming, dancing and lots more.
Tickets are $15-20 or $7 for students.

GB staff member RAH will be in attendance

Mount Nemrud film @ Oriental Institute

Every Sunday the Oriental Institute (1155 E. 58th St.) shows free documentaries on the ancient Near East at 2 pm.

Today's featured film is Mount Nemrud: Throne of the Gods

"Discover the eighth wonder of the ancient world in this film highlighting the massive ruins located on Mount Nemrud in Eastern Turkey. A source of mystery and debate for more than 2,000 years, these ruins are the focus of a documentary that presents archival footage of excavations, on-site interviews with scholars, 3-D computer animations, and superb battle re-enactments." -Oriental Institute.

INXS Rock Star Auditions

INXS is looking for a new sensation...and a new singer since the untimely death of Michael Hutchence. If you're looking to score your fifteen minutes of fame, head down to Schubas Tavern and the Harmony Grill at 3159 N. Southport to audition for the CBS reality show promising to deliver just that. The auditions are free and last from 8am to 4pm.

Cute Pet Tricks

Tired of your old dog's tricks? Get out and learn some new ones to liven up your winter afternoons. During this introductory Anti-Cruelty Society class, today, from 1 pm to 2:30 pm, ACS dog obedience instructor, Janice Triptow, will introduce you and your dog to positive methods to make training fun. Three core tricks will be introduced. The class will also equip you with the knowledge to get the behaviors that you want from your dog. Pre-registration is required and there is a 20 dog/handler limit. This event is free of charge. To register, call Tammie Bouschor at (312) 644-8338 ext. 344. Please include your name, day time telephone number and the name of the program that you are registering for. The event will be held in the Education and Training Center at 169 W. Grand Avenue.

Clown Around Town

Today is the last day of Clown Around Town, a new program from The Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs, which celebrates the circus arts with acrobatic workshops, clown performances, and a circus museum exhibit.

Highlights of today's events include: Navy Pier's free Circus Extravaganza, "Subversive Clowning: The Politics Of Laughter," a workshop led by 500 Clown's Adrian Danzig at the Chicago Cultural Center, and a performance by Kapoot at the Storefront Theater (66 E. Randolph St).



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