Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
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Sunday, February 16
Features the world premiere of Moanin' Low, a new work by former principal Joffrey Ballet dancer and independent New York based choreographer Davis Robertson. The piece is inspired by a scene in the early musical The Little Show (1929), in which Clifton Webb's erotically-charged dancing and Libby Holman's soulful singing broke new ground. Emotional content and the complexity of relationships across centuries are at the core of this eight-minute piece, which features three Giordano dancers performing to a recorded blues/jazz score. $25-50. 8 p.m. 205 E. Randolph Dr., in Millennium Park. Tickets available at the box office, at 312-334-7777 or at the Website.
Affordable, handmade, mostly local items. caveat: 21+ and parents with kids (same goes for sellers). Noon-4:30 p.m. 1035 N. Western Ave. Free. For more info, call 773-276-3600.
Find out everything you need to know about proper rabbit care. Red Door rabbit experts discuss health care, diet, behavior, and the rewards and challenges of owning a rabbit. Learn all you need to know before making a 10-year commitment. See bunnies! Free, but registration is required. 1-2:30 p.m. 510 N. LaSalle. Send an email to or call 773-764-2242 to register. Free parking at ACS on Wells off on Grand Ave.
Seven Chicago artists -- six men and one woman -- display their work ... on International Women's Day! Featuring photography by David Szpunar, Kevin Eatinger and David Schalliol, paintings by Matthew Morgan, Lauri Apple, and John Geletka and screen prints by Phineas X. Jones. Eclectic music mix and birthday vibes by DJ Lapple Pietunes. 7 p.m.-midnight. 3204 N. Broadway. For more info, visit the Website.
Go get your alternative dance on at this monthly event. This month, Camera, reModern, and The Lusties make their Metro debut. Tickets are ten bucks, show at 8. Or go to to any of the bands' myspace pages to print out a "get in free" flyer.
If you think it would be cool to participate in local scientific studies (not as a subject, but as a co-scientist), check out this all-day symposium that introduces and trains attendees to assist in local projects like "Pigeon Watch," "Dragonfly Network," and others. 8:30 AM - 3 PM, $50 ($40 for Nature Museum members). 2430 N Cannon. For more information, call 773-755-5100 ext. 5007 or visit the website. To register (required), click here.
The Hideout holds its second "Sending the Four-star City to the Lone Star State" showcase of bands heading to SXSW. The show starts at noon and runs into the night, with the proceeds going to help the bands make the trip to Austin. There will also be a raffle, auction and goodie bags, too -- all for just $10!
12:00 Sybris
12:45 Apteka
1:30 Cameron McGill
2:15 Mittens on Strings
3:00 JT and the Clouds
3:45 The Hood Internet (DJ STV SLV)
4:30 Hollywood Holt
5:15 Bound Stems
6:00 Make Believe
6:45 Reds and Blue
7:30 Pit Er Pat
8:15 Waco Brothers
9:00 Tight Phantomz
9:45 Killer Whales
10:30 Icy Demons
11:15 Tom Schraeder & His Ego
12:00 Ezra Furman & the Harpoons
12:45 Scotland Yard Gospel Choir
Join The Spice House and Slow Food Chicago for a lecture on the history and use of salt and pepper. Expect to find out how salt and pepper became commonplace on the kitchen table, and learn what long pepper is. $30, net proceeds donated to Slow Food. Reservations required by March 5. (312) 274-0378. Kendall Culinary College, 900 North Branch Street, Chicago, March 8, 2008, 1:00-3:00 PM
Senegal's all-male Compagnie JANT-BI and the U.S.'s all-female Urban Bush Women collaborated for two years to produce Les ecailles de la memoire (The Scales of Memory), a piece "about the importance of place and community, urban and rural life, and the diversity of the African and the African-American experience." The collaboration yields movement vocabulary that combines JANT-BI's nature-inspired technique with UBW's black-vernacular-influenced contemporary movement. Tickets and more information, including a video preview, are available at the website for the Dance Center at Columbia College. 8:00 p.m., March 6, 7, and 8. $24-28. 1306 S. Michigan Ave.
The WPBGA is an organization of galleries in the Wicker Park and Bucktown neighborhood (roughly defined with the southern border at Division, the northern border at Fullerton, the western border at Western, and the eastern border at the Chicago River). 6-10 p.m. For more info, visit the Website.
Twenty years after the assassination of Palestinian cartoonist Naji al-Ali, the issues he sought to reveal continue to rage unchecked by the lack of a fair and peaceful agreement between the Israeli and Palestinian people. Curator Haseeb Ahmed and Around the Coyote Gallery present this major exhibition of politically oriented Palestinian artwork from some of the most influential contemporary artists from the Middle East. A selection of al-Ali's works from their original publications spanning two decades of bloody conflict between Israel and Palestine will be presented along with the contemporary work of New York/Ramallah based artist Emily Jacir and United Arab Emirates based artist Tarek al-Ghoussein. Through May 3. 6-10 p.m. 1935 1/2 W. North Ave. For more info, visit the Website.
This ultimate evening of Irish music consists of fiery dance tunes and rousing ballads, complemented by a full orchestra and chorus with three of Ireland’s sensational soloists. Based on the famous tune by The Irish Rovers, "If You’re Irish…" presents some of the most amazing talent in the world, directly from the Emerald Isle. Irish music superstars, including tenor Derek Moloney, soprano Deirdre Shannon and fiddler Cora Smyth, perform. $38, $48, $58 and $68. 8 p.m. 75 N. State. Tickets on sale through The Chicago Theatre box office at 312-902-1500 and online. Group tickets available by contacting
EMMETT TILL DAY: *A Professional Development Day for Chicago Teachers*
Place : Emmett Till School, 6543 S. Champlain
Date: Saturday, March 8, 10 - 3.
All teachers are invited. There is no charge but participants must register. To register: Contact Kafi Moragne; or (847) 848-4252.
The 1955 lynching of 14-year old Chicagoan, Emmett Till, was an historical turning point of profound importance. It affected the course of race relations, America's standing in the world community
and the development of the civil rights movement. Indeed, many Southern activists considered it the beginning of the movement. Emmett Till Day will be a day of activities to help teachers explore where this important event belongs in their curriculum.
The day will include presentations by Professor Adam Green, (Dept. of History, University of Chicago; author of "Selling the Race: Culture, Community, and Black Chicago, 1940-1955;" Ms. Ifa Bayeza, playwright, author of "The Ballad of Emmett Till;" and Rev. Wheeler Parker, Emmett Till's cousin, who accompanied him on his trip to Mississippi. We will also have presentations from teachers who have taught this history and a panel discussion about teaching difficult and tragic subjects.
Directions and parking -- Champlain is at 650 east, 3 blocks west of Cottage Grove. From 63rd street , go south on Langley (700 east; Champlain is north bound. ) The entrance to the school parking lot is on Langley, in the middle of the 6500 block. Some of the signs on the school still say "McCosh," the name of the school when Emmett Till attended.
Co-sponsored by the Center for Urban School Improvement at the University of Chicago and Emmett Till School, CPS.
Come check out this great Chicago band producing all sorts of new synth rock for your listening enjoyment.
w/ Detholz!, Wax Fang, and Black Ladies
All Ages, $10
Show starts @ 7:30
Learn how to make fancy food today from 11am-2pm through the "Five Star Dining" World Kitchen learning series sponsored by the Department of Cultural Affairs. Class to be held at Gallery 37 Center for the Arts, 66 E. Randolph Street. Class fee is $30. Click here for more information and to register.
An exhibition that explores Chicago from the perspective of the Catholic community, examines how being Catholic in Chicago has transformed over time, and how it has shaped the city’s urban landscape. The first in a series of exhibitions the Museum will present focusing on the religious communities that have contributed to the city’s traditions and its evolution as a major urban center. Catholicism, which claims more than 2 million Chicagoans, remains the largest religious faith in the city. Through January 4, 2009. 1601 N. Clark St. For more info, visit the Website.
Chicago Tap Theatre's annual gala benefit invokes the raucous revelry of Mardis Gras with an evening of hot jazz, cool libations and much more, all to support Chicago's premier tap ensemble. $50 per person (reduced rate available for students and dancers) and include admission, carnival games, live music, a preview of Chicago Tap Theatre's upcoming tap opera, a free raffle and complimentary food and beverages. The benefit also includes a silent auction. 7-11 p.m. 5211 N. Clark St. Tickets can be purchased online or by calling 773-655-1175.
Area boutiques are showing that they care about International Women's Day by donating 5% of their total sales today to support the poverty-fighting and empowerment work of CARE. CARE works to help women organize and improve their lives, their families lives, and their neighbors' lives. To help CARE in this mission 8 area businesses are donating 5% of their profits to CARE and all you have to do to help them, is go shopping.