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News Sun Apr 13 2008
You've Got Class
- Co-opted by Madonna and popularized by Benny Ninja on America’s Next Top Model, voguing is a flamboyant and stylized form of modern dance with a rich history dating back to 1930’s Harlem. Gallery 37 is offering a free class on Tuesday the 15th that will teach you moves from three different schools of vogue.
- If you’d rather shoot for Vogue than vogue yourself, the Chicago Photography Center’s new session of courses begins this week. They offer classes at all levels in digital and film photography, lighting, and several special formats.
- Playing the saddest song on the world’s smallest guitar: something you won’t be able to do if you miss the Old Town School of Folk Music’s beginning ukelele class. The eight-week session starts on April 28 and no experience is necessary. Old Town’s other instrumental classes also begin that day if size matters to you.
- Do you know what goes great with ukelele? Hula. The Flamenco Arts Center has an on-going Tuesday evening hula class (scroll down to the “Tuesday” section of the page).
- But where the hell are you going to get a grass skirt? Maybe you should invest in some sewing lessons at The Needle Shop. Their Sewing 101 classes for absolute beginners fill up quickly, so be sure to register in advance. Once you have the basic skills down you can advance to things like tote bags, pajama pants, and even upholstery.