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Theatre Wed Aug 05 2009
Much Needed Salvation Comes to Lakeview
If you're sick of fake-speaking in tongues to impress your fundamentalist friends at small group pot-lucks or anti-gay protests, look no further. The Best Church of God has come to save your soul from eternal damnation--and it's Boystown adjacent in case that doesn't take.
The church*, whose letterhead reads, "We read the bible, so you don't have to," returns to Chicago with a rapture-ready, apocalypse-retardant word of God starting Sunday, September 20th and will run through October at Lakeshore Theater, 3175 N. Broadway.
Fresh off their Chicago protests with the Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church, BCOG has been on a literal-bible-translation-salvation binge, protesting the abomination that is yeast at a local Dominick's (that's Exodus 12: 20, for you heathens). But, if you can't wait until the Lakeshore Theater Shows, BestChurchOfGod.org features Rapture Updates, Godcasts, Viral Videos, Survival Blogs and a Holy Forum with a "110 percent Jesus-approval rating," to keep you duly sanctified.
For ticket information on the critically acclaimed *religious satire Sunday services, visit BestChurchofGod.org. The "suggested tithing" is $10 and shows are "open to all of God's children--even the unborn."