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Art Thu Oct 15 2009
Golden Age Presents Medium Rare
Golden Age, an innovative and niche bookstore on west 18th Street, has and interesting show of works opening on Saturday Oct. 17th. The show consists only of works previously published by Medium Rare. Founded in 2008 by Milano Chow, Medium Rare works with young emerging artists to publish works in an affordable and accessible format.
Being inside Golden Age is a total experience, and if you haven't, this is the perfect opportunity. Opened in 2007 by Marco Kane Braunschweiler and Martine Syms, Golden Age is an odd niche shop that outwardly seems to cater to the ultra hip in the indie publishing book world. In reality, they are not selling books at all, actually I found it difficult to call anything within the entire store an out and out book. Sure, most everything there had multiple pages bound together in the traditional book fashion, and one might very well mistake Golden Age for a small Quimby's. Fortunately, for us in Chicago, it isn't. Golden Age sells art, it may as well be called the Golden Age Gallery, because I found everything in there a small bound curated collection of art.
Now enter Medium Rare, a publisher from New York who has some of the same ideas about books as does Golden Age, they curated a selection of works from its previously published artists books.
Collage, watercolors, photocopies and other mediums you might expect from young artists making book art will be on display at Golden Age from October 17th to November 17th 2009.
Anna Peaker
Brock Potucek
Elina Minn
Jaakko Pallasvuo
Emily Ryan
Eric Marth
Jason Rosenberg
Jessica Williams
Lucas Soi
Megan Plunkett
Michi Turner
Pia Howell
Tara Sinn
Golden Age
1744 W. 18th Street
Chicago, IL 60608
Opening Oct. 17 7pm - 10pm
Photos of works by
Jason Rosenberg
Eric Marth
Jessica Williams