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Dance Tue Nov 03 2009
Innervation's Stories in Dance
What do Adam and Eve, out-of-control goth dolls, Etta James, multiple personalities, and Metallica have in common? Innervation Dance Cooperative has brought them all together in their upcoming dance concert, Our Own Devices. IDC's roots are in theater and contemporary dance, and the many choreographers and dancers come from wildly different backgrounds. These qualities always lead to an eclectic show, and the company's mainstays of narrative dancing and a high-energy, multi-layered aesthetic bring it all together. In this concert, each of the eight choreographers presents the audience with a different struggle and shows us what happens when groups and individuals are left to their "own devices." The subjects range from a comedic and sultry reinterpretation of Eve's relationship with the Snake, to the frustration, bliss, and heartbreak involved in pursuing a man, to a portrayal of a woman whose mind created multiple personalities to deal with childhood abuse, to goth-esque dolls running amok in the dollhouse. There are eye-opening moments of intensity and belly-shaking moments of comedy, thought-provocation and good times guaranteed.
Dance novices and aficionados will appreciate the accessible style and, because IDC's roots are in theater, will come to know and empathize with each character without necessarily knowing the difference between a pirouette and a plie. The music choices, from Etta James to John Lennon, from Bob Seger to Metallica, also contribute to the comfort level. IDC's mission is to present dance to ever-widening audiences in Chicago -- striving to draw people from the already faithful and the soon-to-be faithful Chicago dance community. This is a great opportunity for you to come join!
Links Hall, 3435 N. Sheffield Ave., Chicago, IL. November 13 & 14 @ 8:00 p.m. and November 15 @ 7:00 p.m. $15 ($10 students and seniors). Click here or call 773.281.0824 for tickets.
(Disclosure: I am a member of the Innervation Dance Cooperative.)