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Film Wed Feb 10 2010
One More Plug For Tommy Wiseau and The Room
Oh, hi. There's already been plenty of talk on this site and others about a certain filmmaker's infamous film and that infamous film's screenings this Friday at the Music Box. There's been even more talk about how this will be Chicago's first chance to meet the film's winsome auteur.
This auteur, of course, is none other than Tommy Wiseau, who wrote, produced, directed and starred in the 2003 cult classic, The Room. Having been to three screenings myself, I can't emphasize the cacophonous insanity that ensues from the moment we catch our first glimpse of Wiseau's wild black mane. Rabid fans (some in costume) scream at the screen, chuck spoons and toss around the old pigskin with a frothy exuberance that's bound to infect old hands and Room virgins. Connoisseurs of the so-bad-it's-good sect have been looking for a new Rocky Horror for ages, and I think it's safe to say we've found it with this hilariously ghastly exploration of a man betrayed by those closest to him.
Anyways, what kind of fan would I be if I didn't give this Friday's two screenings my very own special plug? Below you'll find a truncated episode of B-Rated, a bad film review show produced by a friend and I to shed light upon the worst of the worst. Here is our episode on The Room. Warning: There be spoilers, but trust me, you're not going for the story.
You can catch The Room AND Wiseau in person this Friday at 8 and 11:30 at the Music Box (3733 N. Southport Ave.). The 8pm screening will be followed with a Q & A by Gapers Block's own Steve Prokopy. AV Club Chicago's Steve Heisler will be on hand for the late show. Advance tickets are $15, or $20 with a copy of The Room on DVD (which, trust me, you must own).
Leo / February 11, 2010 1:18 AM
this looks crazy awesome