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Film Wed Jun 30 2010
Steve at the Movies Special Screening! [REC] & [REC] 2
A couple years back I was at a horror convention in town and I purchased a DVD of a film I'd been reading about for some months and was desperate to see. The film was called [REC] -- as in Record -- and it's the horrifying tale of a group of residents in an apartment complex trapped inside with a seemingly viral force that turns its victims into raging, zombie-like killers. It borrows a bit from zombie films and 28 Days Later, but the Spanish-language [REC] also has some truly original elements, including its first-person narrative told from the point of view of a news crew inside the building, documenting the horror. [REC] is also fairly gory and will absolutely scare you, no debate. And if you saw its practically shot-for-shot American remake Quarantine, you haven't seen anything.
At last year's Fantastic Fest, I was lucky enough to see [REC] 2, the equally impressive sequel that picks things up right where the first film leaves off, but also (if memory serves) offers alternate views of scenes in the original, which results in us getting another look at characters killed in the first film.
When Magnolia first approached me about organizing a screening of [REC] 2, I agreed, but I thought that the best way to show this film would be to play it back to back with the first movie. Thankfully, they thought that sounded like a great idea.
The double-feature screening of [REC] and [REC] 2 will take place on Wednesday, July 7 at 7:30 and 9pm, respectively, at the Music Box Theatre, 3733 N. Southport Ave. -- and you're invited. Email me at steve@steveatthemovies.com with your full name and the number of guests you would like to bring. I've got the whole theater to fill, so as long as they are confirmed guests -- I don't want any empty seats. The deadline is this Friday at 5pm. Hope to see you there; bring the whole family.
Oh, and please don't be scared by the subtitles; there will be plenty of other things to be terrified of in the course of these movies.