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Television Mon Jan 17 2011
"Mike and Molly" Back With More Close-But-No-Cigar Chicago References
CBS sitcom "Mike & Molly" is just one of a slew of current TV shows set in Chicago ("The Good Wife," "The Chicago Code," "Shameless"), but its references to the Windy City aren't always spot-on. Tonight's episode managed to successfully suggest that the characters head to a Bulls game, correctly painting the Bulls-Celtics matchup as unmissable. They manage to refrain from easy details like mentioning the UC, D Rose or Benny the Bull by name -- lazy, sure, but not fallacious. The writers make it almost to the end and then tragedy strikes: after the game, the guys rejoice in the fact the the Bulls won and scored over 100 points, earning everyone in the crowd a free...chalupa? Real Bulls fans know the prize is actually a free Big Mac.
My guess: the writers thought "chalupa" sounded funnier than "burger." And rightly so.
jenny / January 17, 2011 10:56 PM
Actually, when I went to a Timberwolves game, it was a free chalupa, so maybe it's a west coast thing?