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Monday, February 10

Gapers Block

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Review Thu Mar 01 2012

The North Plan - Are You On The List?

The North Plan.jpgThe United States is in the midst of a national crisis. People are being detained without due process, the media is being censored and a new regime is rising and most of the country is unaware it's even happening.

Carlton Burg, a bureaucrat from the State Department is in possession of the top secret Enemies List consisting of millions of American's names - citizens that have participated in some way in any number of groups the new government has deemed oppositional. The publication of this list could awaken the public and start the revolution. Unfortunately, Carl is detained in a small police station in Lodus, Missouri and with the Feds on their way, he must rely on his fellow detainee, an eccentric, foul-mouthed redneck woman named Tanya to carry on his mission.

Written by Jason Wells, and developed at the Steppenwolf Theater as one of the three-play First Look Repertory of New Work, The North Plan takes a sinister hypothetical scenario of the not-so-distant future and infuses it with comedy - both dark and light. Directed by Kimberly Senior, the show accomplished multi-layered scenes of mischief, tension and impact.

While the show had a slightly unsteady start, the performers hit their stride and the ensemble cast picked up a rhythm, playing off one another. Will Zahrn delivered a stellar performance as the straight-shooting Chief Swenson along side the timid, but clever pre-law jailer, Shonda (played by Lucy Sandy). Carlton's (Kevin Stark) sincere passion for the truth found balance in Tanya's (Kate Buddeke) wild outbursts, snide comments and flexible moral ground. The DHS officers also introduced a dynamic set, from the malicious Pitman (Tom Hickey) to the sensitive, almost loveable Lee (Brian King).

The crew was able to effectively transform the small stage into two spaces in the course of the show, demonstrating talented set design and lighting in tandem with on target sound effects and creative staging.

The North Plan is an adventure in political conspiracy and dark humor and Theater Wit provides the perfect intimate setting to appreciate the details.

Opening night is Friday, March 2 at 8pm and the show runs at Theater Wit, 1229 W Belmont, through April 1. Tickets are $24 regularly, $30 opening night.

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Architecture Tue Nov 03 2015

Paul Goldberger Describes the "Pragmatism and Poetry" of Frank Gehry's Architecture in His New Book

By Nancy Bishop

Architecture critic Paul Goldberger talks about Frank Gehry's life and work in a new book.
Read this feature »

Steve at the Movies Fri Jan 01 2016

Best Feature Films & Documentaries of 2015

By Steve Prokopy

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A/C is the arts and culture section of Gapers Block, covering the many forms of expression on display in Chicago. More...
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Editor: Nancy Bishop,
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