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Performance Thu Dec 06 2012
Review: Dead or Alive @ Raven Theatre
Jared Grant portrays the late poet Etheridge Knight in
Chicago Slam Works' "Dead or Alive." Photo credit: Andy Karol
In his ridiculously funny take on Jonathan Swift, Robbie Q. Telfer blasts through any highbrow preconceptions of the 18th century satirist, and does so in a gigantic wig and a thrift store approximation of what Mr. Swift's wardrobe might have looked like if Village Discount Outlet stores had been around in 1700s Ireland. Chicago Slam Works is back with another edition of "Dead or Alive," the slam-inspired challenge where living poets face off against famous dead poets and writers (played by live ones) and a panel of judges decides who's best. CSW brings poetry to venues not generally associated with the form with the hopes of broadening the audience and shaking off some of the dust and cobwebs commonly associated with it.
CSW is behind a number of projects that test the limits of literary preconception: "Two Sides" is their series that brings storytelling and poetry onto the same stage, and "In Any Tongue" brings German slam poets onto the same stage with American poets. Highlights from last night's show include Jared Grant's performance as Etheridge Knight, Sage Morgan Hubbard (as herself), Emily Rose (as herself), and Robbie Q. Telfer's embodiment of Jonathan Swift. DOA runs on Wednesdays through December 19 at the Raven Theatre, 6157 N. Clark St. Shows start at 8pm; tickets are $14 and can be purchased online or by calling 847-556-8679. The December 12 show will be preceded by "Slammin' in the Footlights," a benefit to celebrate CSW's new home at the Raven Theatre and to raise awareness of CSW programs. Tickets to this performance are $50.