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Art Mon Nov 03 2014
Preview: 21st Annual SOFA Chicago Fair Nov. 7-9
SOFA Chicago is doing it again. Thirty-four thousand individuals will attend the exposition at Navy Pier where 70-plus galleries will present creative works and emerging artists to Chicago art lovers. The 21st annual event will feature exhibits, a lecture series, in person creatives and the unveiling of many incredible first time, never before seen, art pieces -- a collectors must have! The Art and Design Fair is an internationally known event which interconnects the fine arts and the design world in a weekend full of creative bliss.
SOFA is Chicago's consociation of art collectors, creative individuals and designers. It continues to lure and pull individuals into the great event for a chance to witness or even purchase items that have never before been unveiled.
In addition to unseen work, the fair will also be hosting world renown galleries and artists that collectors and art lovers continue to come back for each year. Above is an image from Eric Zammitt, who is represented by the David Richard Gallery in Santa Fe. Along with artists like Zammitt and galleries like those in Santa Fe, Yvel, the William Zimmer Gallery, Pistachios, the Maurine Littleton Gallery, Kirra Galleries are just a small selection of those that will be in attendance at the fair. In total, 14 countries will be exhibiting this year at the exposition.
Not only are various countries going to be present at the fair, but various schools! The CONNECT program is running from its second year and will feature six international art and design departments which include: Illinois Institute of Technology, Pratt Institute, University of California Davis, University of Cincinnati, University of Iowa and University of Massachusetts.
On Friday, Nov. 7 and Saturday, Nov. 8, the Lecture Series will present the voices of critics, creative professionals and artists. The series will begin at 9am and run until 5pm on Saturday. The lecture schedule includes, Péter Botos, Steven Halvorsen, Michael Hosaluk, Sigurd Bronger as well as many more throughout the two day series.
More events at the fair include: "Glass Artists at Work" which will feature artists at SOFA Chicago demonstrating the creation of their pieces, "Woodturning Artist Demonstrations" which include wood artists, and "Booth Events", which feature hundreds of artists that viewers can talk to and interact with inside of their booths.
SOFA Chicago is open Friday and Saturday from 11am to 7pm and Sunday noon to 6pm. Tickets are available at the door or in advance, and cose $15 for general admission; students and seniors are $12, and children under the age of 12 are free with an adult. There will also be an opening night preview on Thursday, Nov. 6, for which tickets are $50. For more information about tickets, call 800-563-7632 or email info@sofaexpo.com