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Call for Artists Tue Jan 20 2015
Call for Proposals: Out of Site Chicago
Out of Site Chicago is a curatorial project which focuses on public space and performative work. The goal of Out of Site is to invite the public to the artists practice and bring forth a cultural experience for everyone involved. The current call for proposals is for a public performance in Chicago.
Out of Site Chicago is interested in presenting an "interactive experience for the public" that would take place in the Wicker Park/Bucktown neighborhood, for a duration of two hours. Revitalizing the current notion of public performance is what applicants should focus on for the 2015 call for proposals. Dance companies and performance artists are encouraged to apply. The 2015 jury panel is Felicia Holman, Carron Little and Roberto Sifuentes.
Submission requirements:
Submit a proposal by email in a single PDF document titled with the artist name.
Please include the following:
A Proposal: this needs to include a detailed description of the performance including the location or route of the performance within Wicker Park/Bucktown, Chicago. We want to invigorate the Gateways: Western, Damen and Division L-Stops (2000 word maximum)A short biography: 250 words max.
An Artist Statement: 250 words max.
A resume: 2 pages max.
The number of performers and equipment required
Six images of relevant work and a website address
A proposed budget for performance
• International Submissions: We will cover the cost of the flight not to exceed $1000 and an artist fee of $500.
• Local Submissions: Artist's fees throughout the series will range between $300 for solo performers and up to $1000 for dance troupes.
Deadline for Submissions: February 28, 2015 at midnight.
All applications should be emailed to outofsitechicago@gmail.com.