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Blog Mon Nov 19 2007
The Worst-Case Scenario Thanksgiving Guide
Okay, maybe worst case would be toasting some stale almost-forgotten marshmallows over the flames that consumed your garage and most of the backyard after a disastrous deep-fry turkey grease spill. (Safety first, especially in service of this degree of deliciousness.) But maybe if you're plum out of marshmallows and happen to have some unsigned cash lying around, you'd prefer to eat out, and maybe eat some real Thanksgiving fare at that. Should these misfortunes assail you, or you just don't feel like putting on an apron this year, the good folks at Centerstage have compiled a list of local spots open and ready to ply you with turkey and cranberry jelly come Thursday. Prices and deviations from your Joy-of-Cooking approved menu range wide, and it's enough to almost make you want to stay home and avoid the traffic...