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Review Tue Aug 19 2008
Dreaming in Pies
The perfect pizza. It seems everyone has one. And those who don't are on a quest to find one. I had mine in St. Paul before I moved to Chicago. I could (and sometimes did) eat it multiple times a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.When I moved to Chicago, I embraced the deep-dish pizza. And I like it, I really do. But I missed the thin-crust perfection I had enjoyed so much in Minnesota.
Last weekend I found myself standing in front of Angela's Burrito Style and Café Luigi on Clark Street in Lincoln Park. When the group chose Café Luigi, I reluctantly followed, trying to imagine the taste of chicken tacos from Angela's (delicious).
Much to my surprise, Café Luigi serves the best pizza I've had in Chicago and reminds me exactly of the pizza I used to look forward to when visiting my good friend is Boston. I'll admit, the sight of lukewarm pizza sitting under lights and then re-heated took me awhile to get used to. But these guys know what they're doing. Thin crust, amazing sauce, plenty of cheese and just the right amount of grease.
Added bonus: a slice of cheese pizza is less than $3.
Café Luigi
2548 N. Clark St.
Andrew / August 20, 2008 10:10 AM
Actually, oven-reheated slices are pretty common in NYC.