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Review Tue Mar 09 2010
Thank you, Bagels on Damen.
Thank you, Bagels on Damen, for so many things. You made a sunny Sunday morning all the more awesome.
- Thank you for having cucumber water out on the counter. So refreshing!
- For fighting tooth and nail to get Stumptown coffee. Which is even better than I remember when in Portland.
- For also having soy milk out to mix with that delicious Stumptown coffee.
- For putting juuuust the right amount of honey walnut cream cheese on my bagel.
- And for your coffee that only comes in one size - big - but is still pretty cheap.
- Thank you for having reading materials for all to enjoy.
- Thank you, from my NOLA-loving friends, for selling Zapp's potato chips in Cajun Crawtator and Gator Tators. I know they're more or less just a pickle-flavored, but man are they good.
- Thanks to the cashier who was very friendly. That's always nice on a Sunday morning.

So thanks again, Bagels on Damen!
See you real soon,
ruben sanchez / March 9, 2010 6:43 PM
wow! quite an homage; especially given the mediocre response on yelp