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Friday, February 14

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Review Fri May 14 2010

#4 Aldi--New City(Back of the Yards)

Aldi Storefront.jpgAldi #47
1508 W. 47th St.
Store Hours:
Monday-Friday 9am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 8pm
Sunday 10am - 7pm

I remember when Aldi hit the Chicago grocery scene in the '80s with their low price shtick and moms all through my neighborhood were raving about it. But back then Jewel and Dominick's was affordable to shop, so being caught on the block with an Aldi bag screamed -- generic foods! And you could bet that none of your friends were coming over for your mom's dinner.

Today, shopping at Aldi is just plain common sense. However, I bet during in my future ventures to various Aldi in Chicago will revel different characteristics of this chain store. The 47th street store just screams utilitarian. You aren't going to get anything fancy. Heck, I would be surprised if you get anything beyond the "showing-up-for-work" effort here. If I ever wanted to experience what a North Korean grocery store is like, this is close enough.

Again, food for the American masses involve copious amounts of carbohydrates. After struggling to find 25 cents for a cart, I walked the gauntlet of diet death. Potato chips. Pasta. Processed foods. Arrrgh, this place is providing dysfunctional eating at its best.

But their commercials would have you believe you're actually having a "magical" experience. (Note the "warning" they have in the beginning of the jingle.)

Meats offered are limited to two brands -- Cattlemen's Ranch and their Fit and Active line. Fit and Active is their diet line, which must be some sort of insider's joke on the customer. Yet, I found the Cattlemen's Ranch Bacon Wrapped Beef Filet a good buy at $1.67. Their cheese and other dairy items were in such disarray I didn't even want to know what I would find by sorting through them. Vegetables are sparse. However, the lawn and garden section was plentiful. Veggies_Aldi.jpg I guess that's Aldi's hint to customers to start a DIY veggie garden.

Over in the frozen foods aisle, I found plenty of frozen pounds of chicken, whole turkeys (in May?), fish and vats of ice cream. The breads were tucked in a dimly lit corner near the checkout section.

Checking out of Aldi is a speed test. With no baggers, you better get up to the front as your items are being dumped back into the cart. Cashiers are somewhat friendly but so focused on checking you out and returning change from their kindergarten-sized registers that if you're not careful you'll be searching the floor it when they hand it back. Boxes are supplied in lieu of bags, so make sure to bring your own.

It's accessible for wheelchairs and can be reached by taking the #47 or #9 Ashland bus. As for getting back to this store, I'm certain there are cheaper deals, which can be found elsewhere.

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George / May 19, 2010 9:45 PM

Proof read!

Jennifer / May 24, 2010 6:36 PM

Thanks George. I always make an attempt to do so, however I don't catch everything. Next time if you see an error, help a fellow human out, and email me with the offending error. :)

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Feature Thu Dec 31 2015

The State of Food Writing

By Brandy Gonsoulin

In 2009, food blogging, social media and Yelp were gaining popularity, and America's revered gastronomic magazine Gourmet shuttered after 68 years in business. Former Cook's Illustrated editor-in-chief Chris Kimball followed with an editorial, stating that "The shuttering of Gourmet reminds...
Read this feature »

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