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Restaurant Thu Jun 10 2010
"4 1/2 out of 5 bottles of ketchup"
That's the rating that a student of 826 Chicago gave to Hot Doug's on a recent review visit. Several students had to wait in line, in the rain, choose an encased meat product with duck fat fries and write a review about it. And these reviews are quite possibly some of the best and most entertaining food reviews you've read all year. Overall, the reviewers loved Hot Doug's and they loved The Doug Factor.
jackie glenner / June 10, 2010 4:15 PM
what, no one has commented on the obvious yet? the title of this piece is "4 1/2 out of 5 bottles of KETCHUP" (!!!???!!!)
(gagging) KETCHUP??KETCHUP???!!!!
hot dogs and KETCHUP??!!!???