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Openings Tue Jul 26 2011
Welcome to the Second Floor: Revolution's Brewers Lounge Opens
Last night and tonight, Revolution Brewing's second floor Brewer's Lounge is open to its Mug Club members. It opens to the general public on Wednesday, though it didn't seem like some exclusive club and we didn't have to flash our plastic card when we checked it out last night.
It's a huge space that features a stage with a tastefully illuminated logo behind it, a fireplace flanked by shelves filled with growlers and surrounded by couches to lounge on, and most important of all, a bar featuring almost all the beers you can get downstairs (except for those pesky cask ales). Don't worry, though, the full food menu and funky lights from downstairs are exactly the same upstairs (though the bathroom does seem fancier).
Check out the space after the jump.
lounge area in front of the fireplace.
Revolution Brewing, 2323 N. Milwaukee Ave, (773) 227-BREW
Alan / July 26, 2011 4:16 PM
Is there an elevator to get to the second floor.