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Contest Mon Oct 31 2011
Need a Beer Hoptacular Hookup? WE HAVE A WINNER!
We're giving away two tickets to the afternoon session of this Saturday's Beer Hoptacular at the Aragon! How will we choose which of our lovely readers will get this prize? Email us at contests(at)gapersblock.com by this Wednesday at 12pm CT with your name and the following zinger: if your first time drinking beer was described with a (fake or real) song title, what would it be? Mine would be Lynyrd Skynrd's "Gimme Three Steps," because that was how far away my bed was from the place where I had my first drink (and subsequently needed to lie down). Ah, college! The winning song title will be posted on the Hoptacular's Facebook page.
UPDATE: Congratulations to Kerry, who won with this story:
"My first time drinking beer song title is Like a Virgin. I avoided beer in college because it was all light beer, and I told everyone I was allergic to it so I wouldn't have to drink the nasty stuff. The first time I accompanied friends to a beer/ale fest (don't ask me why i went as a non-beer drinker) was such a HUGE experience. I tried good, if not great, beers and have been hooked ever since then. I now pride myself on turning non-beer and light-beer drinkers into GOOD beer drinkers."
brian haas / November 1, 2011 8:37 AM
Ah... first beer... Paul Simon's " me and julio down by the schoolyard" I was 14 and my best friend Rome.... (didnt actually know anyone named Julio) snuck a beer from his dad, pabst blue ribbon. And went to our jr high playground and split that beer and pretended we were real tipsy. Wow... those were the days... me and Rome down by the schoolyard