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Sunday, February 9

Gapers Block

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Andrew / January 5, 2009 1:08 AM

I've resolved to get in better shape. I'm starting with 100 pushups, plus some situps. From there, we'll see.

Nuke LaLoosh / January 5, 2009 10:40 AM

Lose 25-35 pounds (trite? yes; necessary? also yes).

Run a 10K race.

Have one adventure per month.

SCUBA dive.

Visit my brother and his family who moved to VA.

Drink more wine with friends.

Save 25% of my gross income.

Relearn Spanish.

Jasmine / January 5, 2009 11:26 AM

I don't make resolutions for the new year, but the question reminded me of one of my favorite episodes of Absolutely Fabulous.

Come to think of it, lots of things remind me of AbFab.

    Edina: My New Year's resolution, sweetie… to have more fun! What's yours, Pats? Patsy: Ohh, well, I think I'll just try to be more relaxed. Saffy: You? More relaxed? What is that, dead? Well, that cancels out my resolution.

There are things I could stand to do more: exercise, eat vegetables, be awesome. And things I could do less: skip breakfast, worry, watch television.

Cheryl / January 5, 2009 11:31 AM

I am going to work the word 'jagoff' into conversation more often, in the hope others will follow my example.

annie / January 5, 2009 11:32 AM

I hope to be a home owner in 2009, so that means to be way more aware of my crazy spending and start saving lots more. And I really have to kick the smoking, it's killing me, literally.

Craig / January 5, 2009 11:34 AM

I plan to try to get up earlier every morning, have breakfast everyday, make a video for my website every day that I can, and pay off half my student loan.

Gaigen / January 5, 2009 11:42 AM

One play. Just one fucking play. Finally finished. Edited. Reviewed. Submitted. Performed on stage. Just one.

I am going to work the word 'jagoff' into conversation more often, in the hope others will follow my example.

Considering our current city financial woes, as well as the things happening in Springfield, you will have ample opportunity to keep your resolution.

appleuzer / January 5, 2009 11:46 AM

Quit smoking so much, lose 40 lbs, and have grab more traffic from gapers block :-)

printdude / January 5, 2009 11:56 AM

I need 12 more kick-ass recipies I can make from memory.
I need to free my spirit and elevate those around me.
I need to garner new work skills that can translate into Kin-Ash!
I hereby resolve to make my world a better...

Aw screw it.

I resolve to be more like our Guv, that Jagoff, so I can grab myself a Pottymouth Patty.
That trash-talking guttermouthed girl turns me on.

thumper / January 5, 2009 11:57 AM

Go on one date with someone I met face-to-face for every three dates from online dating. (I'm getting tired of online dating.)

Volunteer once a month (recycled from failed attempt last year)

Michi / January 5, 2009 12:02 PM

Take 1 vacation that is not related to a wedding. Cannot be to a neighboring state.
To this end, I am planning more gigs!

Elizabeth / January 5, 2009 12:32 PM

Try not to let trivial things get on my nerves at work. These include: the loud crunching coming from my cube neighbor, my boss's Cosby-esque choice in sweaters, and the reality that no one here except me was raised to properly load a dishwasher.

zoenotcool / January 5, 2009 12:38 PM

To stop worrying about the future and just live day by day. Anything else is too exhausting and depressing today. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better and will be full of dreams and schemes again.

Val / January 5, 2009 12:44 PM

(I agree with you Craig)


Travel Europe.

with no regard to time......

Hal / January 5, 2009 12:50 PM

1) Find a new job ASAP.
2) Continue my weight-loss/fitness regime and shed another 35 lbs.
3) Keep up with my blog entries.
4) Finish my damned thesis already.

Steven D / January 5, 2009 1:58 PM

#1. Manage my money better. Includes cooking at home more often, bringing lunch and breakfast to work, pay more towards the bills.

#2. Stay in shape

Rich / January 5, 2009 2:16 PM

Andrew...hell yes with the push ups! A la Hershel Walker, I started doing push ups a couple years ago.

I had no idea there was a site...but that schedule the site listed is right on.

I just started doing sets of ten, and then slowly increased it. You will be able to do 100 straight in no time!

My resolution: more 5k's and less booze.

Dan / January 5, 2009 2:43 PM

I plan to spend enough time on my trainer to make sure that I don’t embarrass myself when attempting my first century ride in the fall.

Carlotta / January 5, 2009 2:50 PM

-- Do one thing different everyday. I'm hoping this will produce more results than my usual litany to de-clutter, stop procrastinating, etc.

-- Consistently carry a shopping bag with me so I can help decrease the number of bags --especially plastic ones -- given out at stores.

-- Lose another 20-25 lbs. My goal of 160 lbs is in sight!

Mo / January 5, 2009 4:02 PM

I made a long list of things I'd like to attempt, but here are a couple:

Eat breakfast at the kitchen table instead of in front of the computer.
Read more for fun.
Quit drinking soda at meals. (I tried to quit all together, but the addiction is too strong.)
Send more snail mail.
Find some project that makes me write every day.

I finally finished my thesis in Decemeber, which I worked on for 1.5 years. So I'm really excited to try some new stuff and get out of my rut.

anne / January 5, 2009 4:31 PM

Run the Elvis is Alive 5K in August again. If I train for that, then the "getting in shape" resolution will happen as a result as well.

Steven / January 5, 2009 4:52 PM

Get new glasses. Picked them up last week so I'm done for the year.

spence / January 5, 2009 7:09 PM

There aren't so much New Year's resolutions because I decided on most of these last year. I'm going to start a beehive on top of the garage come April. I'm planning on climbing a 14,000ft mountain out west this summer.And I'm back in school as of this Spring.

spence / January 5, 2009 7:13 PM

...I've got one-I resolve to reread my posts for grammatical errors BEFORE I hit the send/post.

fluffy / January 5, 2009 9:51 PM

save money, paint more, get in shape, read more.

Carrie / January 6, 2009 9:53 AM

Learn portion control because it's ok to not eat 1/2 box of pasta at dinner. It's fun, but not really necessary.

Pay my condo assessments on time (and you know, catch up on last years) Once I'm caught up on that, put more into savings.

Buy new clothes because I neeeeed to.

lmy / January 6, 2009 12:20 PM

jan - march: pay off my credit cards and lose 20 lbs.
april - june: learn to swim, run a 10k, buy all my plane tickets for the year
july - sept: study a language for 3 months, start a roth ira, work on at least two film projects
oct - dec: cook thanksgiving dinner, make christmas gifts, find the perfect red dress to wear for new year's
on going: volunteer 2x a month, explore the city, cook and smile more

Gemma / January 6, 2009 12:21 PM

1) Stop smoking . For good -- even when I'm drunk.

2) Run more. I succeeded in my resolution to start running last year and completed the Chicago Half Marathon. This year I want to compete in more races and increase my running from twice a week to three times a week.

3) Pay off my loans. The end is within sight, but I have developed lazy financial habits over the last two years.

Lindsay / January 6, 2009 4:28 PM

I have a list going:

1) Divert a significant portion of beer $ towards cultural events (first step is purchasing an Art Institute membership)

2) Be kind to people even when they annoy me

3) Get up when my alarm goes off -- no snooze!

4) Make one recipe from a week

5) Make more lists.

Kaylee / January 6, 2009 5:06 PM

Last year was floss daily and unball my socks when I take them off (I was having issues with them not drying completely when doing laundry). I kept the latter, so I feel like I'm ready to re-tackle the former.

Plus, I want to pay off the rest of my student loans, walk to work more often (I'm an hour away, and tonight I'm partially copping out :/), and read all of my unread books (just under 50).

C-Note / January 6, 2009 7:32 PM

Gaigen - I predict your failure. No need to argue; it would just be speculation. If you like, we can bet on it. Andrew will give you my email, and then we can bet.

My resolutions: mostly personal, but as for the public ones: #1: stay employed. #2: 100% recovery from back surgery. #3: half-marathon - too many 10Ks and no progress towards marathonage. Severe injury no excuse. #4: win the Parks District league team tennis championship in our class. #5: stand here next January like a man to report success in all resolutions.

Failure means that one's resolution was no resolution at all, but mere wishful thinking. How many of us (myself not included) chimed in on this same question last year and FAILED? Not me.

Irisheyes1212 / January 7, 2009 9:43 AM

In no particular order except for #1
Lose 20-25lbs and stop whining once and for all
Try to get to the gym more - or at lest do at home DVD when I'm stretched for time
Make more time for myself - put myself first
Drink less = spend less
Try to see at least 3 plays
Log and keep list updated - read a book a week (or at least every other week)
Go to Ireland in Sept. with my honey
Smile more
Get this mole checked out
Don't sweat the small stuff so much
Pay off credit card and student loan (by March)
Start savings acct.

Long list yes, but all doable as I've already begun. Happy 2009 everyone!

Gaigen / January 7, 2009 10:24 AM

C-Note: I predict you suck.

Wow, I was right!

Janaynay / January 7, 2009 1:34 PM

@Lindsay re: #3. This is a great one. I really need to try it--I hit the snooze bar at least 3 times every morning and am late every day as a result. You've inspired me.

@Gaigen & C-Note: Will you two just do it and get it over with?

Gaigen / January 7, 2009 2:57 PM

He started it! LOL.

Rachel Benoit / January 7, 2009 6:21 PM

I resolve to give up emoticons!

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