Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
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Sunday, February 16
None. For now. But I like the idea of it. I'll have to check it out for now.
Why do you insist on crawling into my brain?
Publication is a self-invasion of privacy.
-Marshall McLuhan
(OK, it is a long list.)
I couldn't make a list - I kept making up goals that had nothing to do with what I actually want to do with my life ... things like "Learn Klingon" and "Dance with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight."
Neat site, tho. I'm going to steal it to post on craigslist ;)
Breast feed for one year? That's a goal?
37 Things. I've been posting to this site since Gapers Block first mentioned it several months ago. I'm one of those types of people that need to record my goals and track their progress, otherwise I'll just forget about them and wallow in my laziness. This site also gives me the opportunity to write on a regular basis, which I otherwise can't seem to find the time to do.
What seemed like a reasonable goal a few decades ago-- survive at least until the Cubs win a World Series-- is now looking less and less possible. Had some bad news at the doctor's office a few weeks ago, and those damn Cubs are looking lame so far.
I spent a week in Montemarte, where Amelie was shot, and I think that's a worthwhile goal. There's a cheap hostel about two blocks away.
Israel boasts crushing unemployment right now, so try to get fabulously famous before moving there.
Move totally into new place by April 29
Publish the second issue of Love, Chicago zine by May 1
Not go insane or hurt anyone doing so
I actually have several to-do lists. If I'm going to actually make a list, it needs to be specific enough that I can make my way through it. Here's one of my lists. I like that I can see what I have done below what I need to do. It makes me feel like I'm making progress.
Find a new job!
If I make a list and fail to accomplish some (or all) of the things on it, I tend to feel guilty. I don't like feeling guilty, so I no longer make lists. I realize that my approach seems somewhat counterproductive, but I feel better about myself, and I'm much more relaxed. Unlike most, I'm not running around all day feeling rushed and busy, trying to accomplish every task on a list before making a new one for tomorrow. If I had to have a list it would say the following:
1. Have a good day.
Amen Blake! Anyone hiring?
See now when making a list there are two kinds. The stuff you have to DO and the things you WANT to do. Something I want and have to do is raise $1,800 for the Avon Breast Cancer walk I'm doing. Thing I'd like to do but don't know if I will, learn all the words to DM, New Order,Joy Division and Cure songs by summertime! :p
Get out of the suburbs and move into Lincoln Park
Nicole -- I'll tell you after I find MY new one!
I've taken to writing out my to do lists in a coffee shop each Saturday. This incessant listing is a newish habit of mine and it does make it easier for me to remember, to, you know, do stuff.
But I'm lothe to admit that I actually write down 'make to do list' then check it when I've finished making the list, just so I know that I've made some progress that day.
Grrr... all of my goals seem to involve traveling to exotic locales with money I don't have. Remind me to be reborn in the next life as Tom DeLay's daughter or as a jewel thief.
Perhaps just start stating some of my more relevant day-to-day goals instead.
Neato-keen site, however.
Whoa whoa whoa. Way too digi for me (as I post on Gapers Block), I prefer the old-timey way of making a to-do list: piece of paper, a pencil, couple of scribbles, place in back pocket and forget until you do the wash.
procrastinating doing work by looking at productivity websites (lifehacker, 43 folders, et all).
it would probably be funny if it wasn't so true.
Things that have been on my to-do list for years now..
1. Learn a foreign language (Spanish)
2. Skydive
3. Actually take my Jeep off-road
4. Remember to send birthday cards
On the plus side, the list used to be longer, so I'm getting better with that.....
I'm a big fan of making lists, but I also prefer the pen and paper kind because most of my lists are made on-the-fly as I need them. But I'm also a longtime Palm user, so some of my "bigger picture" lists/goals go in my handheld.
I just bought a Palm Tungsten T5 (with work money, of course), and I find that it is really an overpriced task-list and calendar book. I really should have just made my own Hipster PDA. But I digress.
On the tasks for the weekend:
pick up pillow dry cleaning
fix up office
call target re:cabinet
buy window shades @ Menards
order grad attire
My lists are made in a Moleskine. I like having it with me as others have said, so that when you're on the go, you can jot it down.
Lists vary for me, depending on if it's work, a project of some sort, etc. I don't usually make grocery lists even though I've often thought that I should. I suppose because I'm never really a same-old-thing person - I don't usually buy staples. I'm much more adherent to the European style of shopping - getting things on that day for what you need to make.
I'm doing .. what? 34 things? I find as I run up against the mythical 43 I get more selective about what I add. My big problem has been adding only elusive "life goals" instead of "quick win" goals, or at least, doing little to track my progress toward the achievable ones. I also haven't found the site as compelling in the long term as it first seemed.
Fixing everything i own, based solely and somewhat embarassingly on the last issue of Chicago. yes, i'll by that typewriter and fix my jeans, and yes i'm going to have steve refurbish my waiting-to-be-gorgeous lead type drawers from the chicago sun times building.
Urban Ethos [26]
What is Chicago's "urban ethos"?
Cool Glass of... [16]
What're you drinking?
Supreme Decision [22]
What's your reaction to the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act?
Taking it to the Streets [20]
Chicago Street Fairs: Revolting or Awesome?
I Can Be Cruel [9]
Be real: what is the meanest thing you've ever done?
Ian / April 7, 2005 10:43 AM
Currently only 10 active goals (, but I think it's a great site and interesting spin on the 'social software' trend