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Andrew / January 4, 2007 10:06 AM

Inspired by the recent story in the Sun-Times about local salaries.

You're welcome to use your name, but we figured anonymity would be preferable in this case.

Marilyn / January 4, 2007 10:08 AM

I'm curious about why people are so skittish about their income, why it feels so personal to talk about it.

Andrew / January 4, 2007 10:11 AM

Well, for one thing, if your coworkers read about it, it might become a liability, whether you make more or less than them. Many companies forbid the discussion of salary between coworkers.

Anon #1 / January 4, 2007 10:24 AM

$44k + 2 Bonuses

Dan R / January 4, 2007 10:28 AM

26k. Are there any investment bankers or fianciers out there looking for someone to take care of?

Andy / January 4, 2007 10:31 AM

I think bunny rabbits are really cute! Wait, what was the question?

Anon / January 4, 2007 10:36 AM

Made around $50K in 2006.

jonk / January 4, 2007 10:45 AM

circa 16k!

marilyn, i missed how much you make or why you do or apparently don't feel skittish talking about your income.

anon / January 4, 2007 10:48 AM

$100K - $130K, depending on commission

Charles U. Farley / January 4, 2007 10:49 AM

Some of us value our privacy. My bank account number, my ATM number and my Social Security number are private, because my money is.

People used to mind their own business, but now there are those who announce their upcoming colonoscopy, or discuss a horrible one-night-stand on their cell phone in a crowded train. Whatever happened to privacy?

Besdies, hasn't this particular question been asked ad nauseum on Craigslist?

miss casual / January 4, 2007 10:55 AM

and isnt it sort of irrelevant when you just post a figure and not your chosen profession / job / hustle?

my mom says never talk about money, politics or religion with strangers

anon. / January 4, 2007 10:57 AM

27K, but I'm worth about 10K more than that.

anonabee / January 4, 2007 11:00 AM


Marilyn--here's my reason:

I'm comfortable living minimally. I really LOVE what I do and have never been the kind of person who places a lot of value on things. I know, for instance, that I will never be able to afford an iPod (much less a home) and am okay with that. But I still am too embarrassed to tell my friends (especially the ones I went to graduate school with) how little I make. I think that to them, if my minimalism is an aesthetic, it's cool; if it is out of necessity, they will feel sorry for me and it will change the nature of the friendship. Now, other friends, older friends, I don't care if they know, but at the same time I would MUCH rather brag to people about the interesting work that I'm doing that how much it doesn't pay. Indeed, I've found that the only people really comfortable talking about how much they make, are those that make a goodly amount.

Besides, talking about money is kind of boring, don't you think??

skafiend / January 4, 2007 11:00 AM

I think people are "skittish" about discussing how much money they make because, among other reason, they view it as a reflection of their worth. Of course, how muchyou make doesn't determine what kind of person you are, but I think a lot of people feel that it's a gauge of their abilities, their talents, their values, etc. If there are two graphic artists and one is making $80,000 a year while the other makes $42,000, a lot of people would assume the one making $80 Gs is the better graphic artist. But it's not necessarily true. Better to just say "I'm a graphic artist" and let people draw whatever conclusion they want.

not telling / January 4, 2007 11:03 AM


skittish? why does it feel personal? because it is extremely personal. and it is literally the value that (a certain, very specific segment of) society places on you. not that it's right or even accurate, but there it is. and asking someone face-to-face or throwing it out there is just rude.

anonanon / January 4, 2007 11:07 AM

Sometimes I think our insistence on privacy about money is a symptom of greed, and maybe the import we put on it keeps most of us from being altruistic. We are hiding the fact that there are still class issues in America (obviously.) That being said, and acknowledging Andrew's truth about liability, I make about 31K pre tax and about 8k of fake money in the form of tuition forgiveness. Funny, though, I still have to claim that fake money on my taxes. And I clearly live above my means because I get deeper into debt every month.

g.i. anon / January 4, 2007 11:27 AM

$75K... at war... including hostile fire pay, federal tax exclusion, safe pay and cost of living allowance (Germany).
$65K... at peace... including housing allowance, cost of living allowance (Germany).
Available on a military pay scale... not a true reflection of my worth, however.

There are chumps who don't pull their fair share and are removed from any responsible task because they are complete idiots. They get paid the same as someone who works twice as hard and actually is successful. A huge pet peeve, deadbeats we continue to pay every month because it is too hard to fire them.

anon / January 4, 2007 11:38 AM

I agree with miss casual that a figure w/out mentioning the job/position is pretty irrelevant. That being said, I'm an editor and I make about $45k a year, which I know is pretty unusual and I count myself very fortunate.

Also, I know that the extremem squeamishness about talking about salary is definitely part of our culture, because I have lived in another, non-Western culture where there were no hang-ups at all about openly discussing your own and others' salaries. I felt uncomfortable with it there, of course, because I was most often asked about my salary by perfect strangers! But I do think our own attitude in the other extreme is rather silly. It makes sense that I wouldn't discuss salary with coworkers, but why is it that I can tell my closest girlfriends, who have no professional connections with me whatsoever, just about anything else about my life except how much money I make?

m / January 4, 2007 11:46 AM

You can tell your girlfriends. I've never heard of that being bad. Here, you're not supposed to tell your co-workers because then people would revolt when they discovered how much their do-nothing middle managers were making ... or how underpaid the people who work their asses off on the phone all day must get by on. We'd all be better off if we knew how much we all made.

Blagg the Axman / January 4, 2007 11:46 AM

When I led the life of a mercenary warrior, the pay varied. Were I contracted for one particular battle, I might expect to see a sack of fifty gold pieces upon victory, plus any personal plunder. Of course if our forces were routed, any claim to compensation was forfeit. In the instance of a more drawn-out conflict I was often paid for each scalp, head or ear hauled into headquarters, and price was often based on a sliding scale entirely dependent upon the foe—a mere goblin would bring perhaps three silvers, while the head of a troll or barbarian berserker might warrant upwards of twenty gold.

Having left that life behind, however, my income is now derived solely from the pockets of those I defeat in battle. Usually it is but a pittance, yet this is the price one pays for pursuing one’s dream.

anon / January 4, 2007 12:03 PM

$36k/year, art director


j / January 4, 2007 12:13 PM

It's all relative...

I pull in about 40k+ a year. I work in a family business and I make my own hours, take off when I need, take a nap after lunch at work, waste time online... and best of all I LOVE my work.

That I could make more in another field or by eliminating half-day fridays or impromptu vacations would mean a huge sacrifice in the quality of life that comes with having a job one loves.

33 / January 4, 2007 12:35 PM


me / January 4, 2007 12:45 PM

$35k + the greatest benefits i've ever had | graphic designer

A. Nonymouse / January 4, 2007 12:45 PM

Graduate student at Northwestern (humanities):

Stipend = $17.5k
Tuition waiver = $30k

M / January 4, 2007 12:47 PM

I probably made in the 45 - 50k range in 2006, but I also had 2-3 jobs at any given time. Bartender, admin asst, and sound engineer. But as long as you love what you do (and I do), who cares?

anon / January 4, 2007 12:52 PM

$115k , including 2 bonuses. I am an engineer, and I (usually) like what I do. The decent pay is just a nice, well, bonus.

guess again / January 4, 2007 1:03 PM

$37k + great benefits.

PS - for all the ENGINEERS, please let me know which companies in Chicago are good for engineers, fresh out of an MS (electrical engineering) program from a great school.

Thank you!!

Mr A. Non Jr / January 4, 2007 1:04 PM

Web Developer

90K + Bonus
2-5K Freelance work

anon / January 4, 2007 1:06 PM

I work for a University as an analyst. I make approx $65,000 and get some wicked benefits. It's not my dream, but it's going to help me get to it.

anon / January 4, 2007 1:11 PM

Maybe Andrew is trying to get some statistical data on the average salary of a GB reader to justify higher ad rates, hmmmmm?

Donald / January 4, 2007 1:12 PM

With my hit TV show the Apprentice on NBC as well as my developments in Chicago, New York, Miami, Hawaii, and LA, I made 75 Billion in 2006. How do you like those apples Rosie, you fat pig.

skafiend / January 4, 2007 1:18 PM

I applaud everyone for being "brave" enough to post their salaries here. But just wondering: Would you feel comfortable telling the people writing here in person? I think that is the point of the whole "why won't people discuss their salary?" question. It's a little easier to post how much you make when they only know you as "Mr A Non Jr." or "J" than it is to look these relative strangers in the face and tell them. I mean, are you just as casual about telling the guy at the bar you just met how much you make? Would you tell him how much you made in stocks last year? How much your monthly mortgage is? What financial information do you disclose and not disclose and what makes one different than the other?

Andrew / January 4, 2007 1:20 PM

I'd be lying if I said this Fuel thread won't be useful for advertising sales (though it won't make much of a difference regarding rates, just demographics -- total readership is more important for ad rates), but the question was legitimately inspired by the salary story in the Sun-Times.

Miss Casual's right, this question makes a lot more sense with professions attached to the numbers. Good call.

I make roughly $50 a year when you include all my various jobs (PR, freelance writing, pro blogging, etc.). In case you were wondering, GB's contribution to that bottom line is marginal at this point.

skafiend / January 4, 2007 1:23 PM

I make roughly $50 a year when you include all my various jobs (PR, freelance writing, pro blogging, etc.).

$50?.... or do you mean $50K? If it's $50, I tip my unable-to-stick-to-a-freakin'-budget hat to you.

Kofi Anon / January 4, 2007 1:24 PM

i make very little but i do...very well. like $25k.

Andrew / January 4, 2007 1:30 PM

Yes, $50,000. So far Cinnamon has refused to be my sugar mamma, and I can't afford that much pro bono work.

Me / January 4, 2007 1:33 PM

Before being fired from programming, 70K.
Now surfing the gossip sites, zero.
Not having to listen to uncouth boss, priceless.

Marilyn / January 4, 2007 1:44 PM

I am not going to reveal my salary and benefits because it's none of your business, like many of the other things I don't talk about on Fuel. I'm neither proud nor asahmed of what I earn. I pay my way, live up to my expectations for my life, and think that if everyone were less money-obsessed, we'd be better off.

anon / January 4, 2007 1:52 PM

Humanities PhD student at the University of Chicago:
stipend = $18K
tuition waiver = $35K
health insurance = $1.7K

not telling / January 4, 2007 2:01 PM

my 120k is as a director in an IT shop. for what it's worth.

hmm. guess i do know what it's worth.

anon / January 4, 2007 2:01 PM

I make a decent salary, but....can't buy me love.

Before someone tells me where I can, well, that's not what I'm talking about or looking for.

a / January 4, 2007 2:17 PM

CPS high school teacher. Been teaching steadily for 9 years. Up to about $50K now, but earn an extra few thousand tutoring in the after school program and administering saturday tests. Made national boards this year, so that should earn me $3000 more a year for 10 years ("as long as the money is there" according to the state).
Since i'm a public servant, my salary is public and constantly debated at to whether or not I deserve it. Since I'm a renter and have no children, I think this is an awesome salary. When I want to buy a house and have kids, however, I don't think I'll be happy with this amount.

Mikey / January 4, 2007 2:31 PM

I'll make just under $45K in 2007 including bonus, but am probably being underpaid by about $10K-$15K for what I do...

I'm always hesitant to divulge my salary to any new woman I'm dating because I do feel it is rather low for a 37-year old, college-degreed male living in Chicago, and I'm afraid that said woman will interpret such as my true value. And yes, I do know that any such woman who would think that way is not worth my time anyway, but it still sucks all the same...

But seeing as I am not dating any of you, nor have I ever even met any of you, I choose to post with my name attached. As long as I continue to make more money than I did the previous year, things could be worse...

a nonagon / January 4, 2007 2:40 PM

took a new job over the summer as an administrative type at a university - the salary is 35k, but with overtime and freelance work i'm somewhere in the 50-55k range.

leelah / January 4, 2007 2:49 PM

a, are you me?
9 years in CPS teaching high school, just made NBC (and where's that $1000 bonus just for completing it that they promised us??), master's degree... salary is just over $50k.

congrats on national board, a.

Pete / January 4, 2007 3:07 PM

a and leelah,

You definitely deserve it and you should be making a lot more.

I'd like to live in a world where a person's salary is determined by how hard she had to work to get the job, how hard she works at the job, and how valuable the job is to society. By that measure, good teachers should be earning a lot more.

By the way, I'm not a teacher. I'm a bullshit consultant who, by my own standard, probably makes too much.

anon planner / January 4, 2007 3:15 PM

Urban Planner:

Left lucrative private sector salary- 65k with excellent benefits (just found out my replacement got $80k)

Now at non-profit at 41k paying $750/month for my families health insurance

I like my new job a lot more, but the jury is out if its worth cutting my salary in half.

i know why / January 4, 2007 3:22 PM

I know why people don't want to talk about salaries. Almost all of the posters make nearly double what I do, and until I read this I thought I was underpaid, but doing average for my demographic. Now I'm just depressed even though I love my job.

Coming up roses / January 4, 2007 3:23 PM

Self-employed biz writer (HR, marketing, internal comms); grossed about $30k on the books and made another five or so in cash last year. My Schedule C will should show a taxable profit of no more than $18k due to my mad crazy home office spending spree and home office deductions.

This year I've already booked more business than I had all last year for projects that should be completed by the end of Q1. And I finally found a steady client that does a newsletter every other week that guarantees me a few grand per month.

This could be a six-figure year for me on the top line, but I'm not counting on it.

spence / January 4, 2007 3:25 PM

I am not going to reveal my salary and benefits because it's none of your business, like many of the other things I don't talk about on Fuel. I'm neither proud nor asahmed of what I earn. I pay my way, live up to my expectations for my life, and think that if everyone were less money-obsessed, we'd be better off.

I'm confused. First you want to know why people are skittish about there income, which is obvious to anyone who earns income. Then you pretty much blast everyone who posted.
Why even post in this thread? Seriously, no one wants to here your "I take the moral high ground" BS. It's old.

The Great Unknown / January 4, 2007 3:41 PM

I've never made over 20K in my life and I'm in my 30s and, once again, in grad school. However, I'm now married to someone who makes about 160K.

I do think it's odd that other grad students mention their tuition waivers, though. I know that the school tells you that they're doing you a big favor there, but from the grad student perspective, it's all Monopoly money -- you're never going to be able to spend a penny of it. They might as well be more generous and tell you that you're getting a tuition waiver of $350,000 or heck, why not 3.5 million? I mean, since they aren't giving it to you (or me).

Marilyn / January 4, 2007 3:52 PM

I'm confused. First you want to know why people are skittish about there income, which is obvious to anyone who earns income. Then you pretty much blast everyone who posted.
Why even post in this thread? Seriously, no one wants to here (sic) your "I take the moral high ground" BS. It's old.

You've confused me. I am serioudly curious about why people prefer not to talk about their salaries, and then gave my reasons for not wanting to. Did you see the post above about the person who's depressed about making less than everyone else here? That's why I said people shouldn't be so worried about salaries. If you're meeting your own expectations, then who gives a damn. No moral high ground there. Make as much as you can or not.

any such name / January 4, 2007 3:54 PM

$31K + bonus

don't ask me for a loan / January 4, 2007 4:25 PM

62.5K this year in an IT-related job. actually a bit below median for this area, but the place is pretty low-pressure and most of the people are cool.

spence / January 4, 2007 4:28 PM

Why didn't you give your reason along with your statement of curiousity in your first post? From my point of view it looked like you were setting yourself up to bash everyone. You know... see what other people put and then morally trump them. Apologies if it was genuine.

Anon / January 4, 2007 4:35 PM

lawyer - $90K + bonus

brokeass_anon / January 4, 2007 4:40 PM

I've made as much as 70k doing freelance creative work, but last year I choose to work less and claimed around 19k as income (truthfully making slightly under 24k if the IRS isn't looking).

Yea, I couldn't buy fancy toys, and got a little behind on bills, but I don't feel the slighttest bit depressed about making less than anyone. In fact I bet many making top or even median brackets are much more depressed about having to work a crappy job everyday.

Mindy / January 4, 2007 4:56 PM

$32.5K + no bonuses + no benefits + overtime pay only when i've worked more than 110 hours over a 2 week period

i am a cake decorator

frugal / January 4, 2007 5:02 PM

as a full time parent, I share my partners salary. we live on 50k or so.

Hal / January 4, 2007 5:33 PM

Not being in a grad school environment with stipends and all (part-time at night), I don't know for sure. But aren't the tuition waivers essentially taxable income? While I agree with the Great Unknown's assessment that it's Monopoly money in the sense of income, the IRS has never asked me to shell out real money as I've rounded Go.
If that taxation happens, then that may be another reason that the true grad school experience is insanely dificult. My metaphoric hat is off to all of you in that boat.

abi-nonimous / January 4, 2007 5:45 PM

IT Guy
50k and underpaid in the new blue collar industry of the 21st century

Marilyn / January 4, 2007 5:48 PM

Spence - Yes, I can see how you would think that, and I'm sorry for giving a wrong impression. My interest is genuine, and your apology is appreciated and accepted.

anonanon / January 4, 2007 5:51 PM

Yes, the tuition waivers are taxable over a certain amount. I believe it's just over $5k that gets taxed, but if you go to a private school like I do, that's used up in after about 2 classes. I work full time for my university for relatively crappy pay, so I think I should get my full tuition waived, but I'll take the 75% cut over nothing.

anonanon / January 4, 2007 5:51 PM

Yes, the tuition waivers are taxable over a certain amount. I believe it's just over $5k that gets taxed, but if you go to a private school like I do, that's used up after about 2 classes. I work full time for my university for relatively crappy pay, so I think I should get my full tuition waived, but I'll take the 75% cut over nothing.

anon / January 4, 2007 6:30 PM

63k. one thing about making more money over time is that you become a bit more paranoid about losing it, especially if you buy more and more. if you lose your job, panic time baby. unless you're a bit on the smart side and sock some away for a rainy day.

me / January 4, 2007 7:17 PM


work at a nfp with great benefits and i love my job.

now accepting applications for a sugardaddy. :)

4point44 / January 4, 2007 7:17 PM

-$5,000. including paisley design.

me / January 4, 2007 7:46 PM

28K, music publishing

Jane Doe / January 4, 2007 8:34 PM

Work for a public research university. Seeing as I have a BA in Philosophy, I don't think I'm doing too bad.


Jane Doe / January 4, 2007 8:37 PM

My hubby, John Doe, makes about $52,000 as a reference librarian.

A. Nonymouse / January 4, 2007 8:59 PM

I mentioned my tuition waiver because when I was working on my MA I had to pay out of pocket for my classes and enjoyed no stipend or health insurance.

Now I'm fortunate enough to receive a generous* package, without which I wouldn't be able to do what I love.

But yes, to an extent, it is all nonsense. I tie down $500,000 of Northwestern's endowment each year. The interest on that money is something like $70 or $80k, which is presumably what it costs the school to keep me around. The $17.5 is the only thing that is real, though.

*relatively speaking.

abe simpson / January 4, 2007 8:59 PM

They pay me eight hundred dollars a week to tell a cat and mouse what to do.

Reenie / January 4, 2007 10:36 PM

Quit two jobs last year--one I'd been at a long time in magazine writing--had just hit $51K plus great benefits--very unusual in the field. I gave it up to go back to high school teaching--with a master's and three year's of experience in Chicago Public, that was about 50K. Unfortunatly, I was too stressed out turning on a dime and going back with no time to prepare, and I quit midyear. (No, I didn't leave my kids with a sub. Lucky again, we found a real teacher to replace me.)
In 07, will be writing and consulting and expect to make between 45 and 60k, but no benefits.

anon / January 4, 2007 10:47 PM

I'm not sure. I keep getting laid off in the fall, and then I don't get off my ass and do anything about it.

But I'm working 2 jobs at the moment... I figure if work is steady, that leaves me with... about 28K/year.

I quit smoking to afford health insurance.

Anonymous / January 4, 2007 10:54 PM

$56,500 after a much needed large raise. But still paying a large % to debt relief (student loan with a side of credit card debt).

Anony in the County! / January 4, 2007 11:00 PM

I earn 75,000 yearly. I was recently hired to help Cook County Government move forward. I’m well educated, work hard and I make a difference. I also took a pay cut to do this.

p.s I'm not alone although the salaries differ

m / January 5, 2007 2:09 AM

at 65k, the world's most underpaid Harvard lawyer.

(Why am I not earning more? Because I'm too lazy to go look for a new job, and because I hate practicing law, a fact which everyone who's ever interviewed me has figured out. Plus, if I did get a new job, it would be in something else that pays less.)

goody / January 5, 2007 7:30 AM

i am a solopreneur so it varies but i can manage 50-65 a yr if i put in the energy like this month alone, from one of my three bizs i should make @ least 3k and possibly 200 to 30 from the others but tax time is coming and one of my biz's is heavily involved so this number will probably increase for february thru april

anon / January 5, 2007 8:24 AM

A little over $65k plus bonus

sheesh / January 5, 2007 8:57 AM

Am I the only one who is frustrated by the people who post a salary without also saying what their profession or level of experience is? A salary figure is useless information without putting it into context! Come on....

Someone else pointed this out, but apparently, some people didn't get the message.

anon / January 5, 2007 9:00 AM

administrative assistant-$45K, generous benefits

Mike / January 5, 2007 9:07 AM

I pay my way, live up to my expectations for my life, and think that if everyone were less money-obsessed, we'd be better off.

If by "money-obsessed" you mean being materialistic, I agree. I just want to live in the best place I can afford, be able to travel, be comfortable. I could care less where I get my clothes or what kind of car I drive, etc. I think MOST people are like this.

But if by "money-obsessed" you mean being afraid and somewhat preoccupied by the likely possibility that by 65 or 70, MANY of us will NOT have enough money for retirement, Social Security will be gone, and medical costs will be worse than they already are, then I disagree.

I'm 34 years old and I have almost a hundred grand in my 401-k, but what will happen to me when I get old still scares me. The baby boomers are already starting to figure out that their middle class life will soon change to a poor life. That generation has fought everything that's come their way ... I'm hoping they do the same with healthcare, retirement and the abysmal way our society squirrels away the elderly to die.

anon / January 5, 2007 9:47 AM

42k last year, including a healthy bonus as an office manager.

Marilyn / January 5, 2007 9:53 AM

Mike - I completely agree. I started my retirement planning last week with a financial adviser - hopefully not too little too late. The biggest problem I had was that I wouldn't join in with the rest of my generation in turning our economy over to stockholders. I didn't want to make my money by robbing someone else of theirs. I am currently invested in socially responsible mutual funds (Calvert), but may have to modify my principles a tad to keep myself out an elderly warehouse. Taking care of my mother taught me a lot, and especially the utter necessity of disability and long-term care insurance.

anon / January 5, 2007 10:32 AM

i work at a university at an entry-level position. my salary is $22.5K, and i get about $3K in tuition benefits per quarter.

tuition debt vs. salary / January 5, 2007 12:04 PM

It seems there is a relationship between the level of education and the related debt to the amount of money people earn.

If I didn't make my salary, I would not be able to pay my $400/ month of student loan. But I couldn't have my job without the education.

I agree this thread is somewhat boring and think it's unrelated to important current events. Some interesting conversations have been started from it though: retirement saving, investing, career satisfaction.

glue / January 5, 2007 12:33 PM

Financial editor, $55K
In two years I've gone from $18K to $65K to $28K to....this one.
The majority of baby boomers were not scrupulous about saving for retirement. The first "baby boomer" retired last January with nothing. Thanks guys!

Emerson Dameron / January 5, 2007 12:41 PM

It varies wildly year by year, with my inconsistent employment. I'm insecure about it because I simultaneously feel I "should" have more, "should" be content with my lot and "should" be immune from whatever judgments you might make of me regardless. That sort of cocktail keeps people "competitive," which is supposedly good for everyone.

Y'all should lighten up and stop worrying about money. When you decide to do that, I'll be glad to take all your excess dough off your hands. I'm in the white pages.

Anonymous / January 5, 2007 1:16 PM

It's not what you make, it's what you save...

PS: Anyone who isn't willing to say how much they make isn't proud of what they are doing for a living and needs to change their career.

PPS: I may still live with my parents but I make more money than you :)

Marilyn / January 5, 2007 1:22 PM

Don't you just love generalizations?

anonymous4 / January 5, 2007 1:30 PM

$42,000 + $5K in student loan repayment assistance with mediocre other benefits.

I'm a policy analyst for a small nfp with 2 master's degrees and 3 years related experience

I just finished grad school and moved back to Chicago, and it's really interesting to see the ranges in this discussion. I always assume I'm making less than my new friends here, because I'm making less ($12K/yr) than when I was a public servant (in CA) before grad school...but maybe that's not right.

anon / January 5, 2007 2:06 PM

$40,010. as an academic librarian, with a masters degree, and 5 years professional experience.

that last $10 pushed me into the next bracket as far as insurance goes, so that extra $10 per year costs me about $30/month in increased health insurance premiums. but oh, no, I'm not bitter.

Anonandonandon / January 5, 2007 3:48 PM

$57K as a public sector attorney.

Crippling student loans render that figure somewhat illusory, though.

secretanony / January 5, 2007 3:51 PM

I think this is a most interesting topic.
I just took a new job as a receptionist and make $34,000. I had been making $30,000 in 2006 as an administrative assistant but my boss was a complete clod. He was totally explossive and stressed me out. So now I make $4,000 more and I get to surf the internet and play on Flickr all day without worry or shame. Sure, I lost a little status, but who cares? Oh yea, I also get tuition reimbursement. Also, the office that I work at is for a really good cause. (I don't want to say because I want to remain anonymous).

accountonomy / January 5, 2007 4:49 PM

I work in number-crunching and I make about 50K/year + bonus. The job has good benefits (401k, heath/dental insurance, cafeteria plan).

I make an additional 3K/year (about) pet sitting

I also receive about $20K/year from stock dividends and another 24K/year from a business buyout agreement (this will go on for about another 10 or so years).

My husband is in the building trades and he usually makes about $20K/year - I'm his sugar momma!

suggestion / January 5, 2007 5:34 PM

I'd be interested in an anonymous thread about how much debt people are in, how much they have in emergency fund, and how much they have saved for retirement. I think that those figures are more telling than salary.

Ann Ony Mous / January 5, 2007 8:18 PM

Male, 36, self-employed, married, wildly varying income.

Household figures
Debt = $265K (mortgage)
Emergency fund = 15 grand
Retirement savings = 20 grand

Ron Mexico / February 17, 2007 5:34 PM

Male, 31, single, work in finance, so bonus varies widely, but between $200K and $450K per annum

House Debt - $185K
Savings - $95K
Investments - $185K
401K - $175K

Danielle / March 8, 2007 11:49 PM

I'm 23 and just graduated from college & am working in a job setting up a disability resource center and i get about 32k a year.

If I have to live on anything close to this for much longer, I'll be depressed. It's not really enough for anything & it makes me wish I had studied business instead of literature. I never seem to have money for anything extra or even to pay off my credit cards, but I guess that's the city life. How on earth do people do it? My parents are both wealthy and consider me a financial failure.

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