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Thursday, February 13

Gapers Block

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Mr. D. Plus / October 10, 2008 4:26 AM

AOAP. Edelman, Schneider, Intuit.

oldgirlpress / October 10, 2008 8:42 AM

We have a lovely gallery, Vespine in the Pilsen Arts District. 1907 S. Halsted. Party for the artist every second Friday. Tonight we'll have grilled chicken and art by the collective.

Gaigen / October 10, 2008 8:58 AM

Whenever they have an opening with free booze. Actually, some of the art is pretty good, but the free booze and food...

But if I had to pick one, its the one on Clark street in Andersonville a couple of doors down from the Screenz place. Everytime I go by they have something interesting in the window.

kate / October 10, 2008 8:41 PM

Swimming Pool Project Space is fun and weird and interesting and wonderful... neslted into an unexpected location.

Alex / October 11, 2008 8:40 AM

Mars Gallery. Totally and without a doubt.

jon / October 11, 2008 9:46 AM

The Renaissance Society in Hyde Park is technically a museum but its one of the best places in the city to see contemporary art

charlie / October 12, 2008 5:10 AM


But if I had to pick one, its the one on Clark street in Andersonville a couple of doors down from the Screenz place. Everytime I go by they have something interesting in the window.

Los MAnos is the one......great gallery and wonderful owner who is also a very good artist.

Vespine, Flatfile, Edelman are some of my favs.

martha c. / October 13, 2008 10:40 AM

I would like to go to art galleries more than I do. I like Carl Hammer, Western Exhibitions, Heaven, Roots and Culture Contemporary Art Center, among others.

Jasmine / October 13, 2008 2:46 PM

I don't, but a friend organized a gallery walk this summer so I got to check out places like Carrie Secrist and Monique Meloche. Very friendly and low-key vibe at both.

freepy shwirtel / October 13, 2008 10:48 PM

You can sniff around all over the world and never find a better place to go than Corbett vs Dempsey. Amazing stuff every time, nice folks, music sometimes, and a free book if you want. Beat that if you can.
If I have time I also like Intuit. Makes me feel even more primitive.

lv / October 14, 2008 1:46 AM

I try to get to the West Loop galleries at least once every 4-8 weeks. I greatly prefer it to the River North district. I need to spend more time checking out other areas, though, including Pilsen and some of the cool spaces mentioned by other folks here.

spudart / October 14, 2008 10:23 AM

lv, if you want to check out pilsen's art scene, now is the time. With Chicago Artists Month happening now, the Pilsen neighborhood is doing open studios this weekend.

18th St: Pilsen Open Studios
October 18 & 19, Noon-8pm
Start at Colibri Studio/Gallery
2032 W. 18th Street

Andrew, to answer your question about galleries... I used to go all the time when River North had more galleries in the late 90s. Now i'm more of a museum man. And a Renegade Craft Fair man. The art at renegade is much more relateable than the stuff in the galleries.

fluffy / October 14, 2008 2:38 PM

antenna (used to be polvo)and Dubhe Carreno's gallery in Pilsen; haven't been to Corbett v Dempsey in a while, but they're good.Also like Carl Hammer and Carrie Secrist.

I don't go to galleries/openings like I used to. Sometimes they're too snooty or the social scene is more important than the art. And sometimes the art just sucks. I'm also not big on conceptual art, sorry.

lv / October 15, 2008 12:43 PM

Thanks for the tip, spudart.

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