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Sunday, February 9
I love the whole city, except for winter. If only we could skip the weather we have to deal with from November to March...
I love the Lake Shore Path. I just wish it were wider. We all know the area that it needs the extra lane-- between Belmont and Grand. It could be so much better to bike it!
I love the Hopleaf, I just wish it wasn't mobbed with hipsters all the time. I miss the days when it was a neighborhood bar. Or maybe the neighborhood has changed just that mch.
I love living in Chicago, period, but would change the parking back to the old way!
I left the north side to get away from all the hip people and cool people, but they keep appearing everywhere.
No more white guys with big sideburns, no more white girls with granny glasses and tattoos. No more of these people.
I would like a North-South Express way that doesn't require a trip downtown.
Midway to Ohare via Cicero would be all right with me.
I would like fewer big box stores and more local businesses. Like that borders on Lawrence at Broadway, why did our taxes, via TIF, pay for that?
I would like better streets and transportation options to get east/west. Lakeshore, 90/94, El work great for north/south, bit no good way to get from bucktown to the lake.
I adore having the lake right here, but it would be nice to have just a few hills in and around the city. Maybe even a mountain nearby.
I could not be happier that the old brickyard mall was torn down and the new stuff put in, but I would love it so much more if they would have put sidewalks in and a playground or green space in the center. It is still a block of cement in the middle of neighborhoods with no easy way around on foot or bike.
1. Political corruption and ineptitude.
2. Winter
Sorry I had to list two. Give me an inch and I'll take a mile.
Did the Chicago Time-Out piece, related to this same subject, seem a bit bitchy to anyone else?
I like living in Humboldt Park because of the diversity and that it's not as crowded as some other neighborhoods. But leave the guns at home, people.
I love that we have bike lanes but I wish for more, I also wish the drivers had more respect for bikers.
Cubs uniforms...especially the home one's.
The "gym coach" look needs to go.
Hello Ricketts family?
I second the vote for a new North-South expressway on the west side. O'Hare to Midway sounds perfect. This way going to Toyota Park for Chicago Fire matches wouldn't take forever.
Other than the weather, it would be nice to have national park type mountains within a 2-3 hour drive. Also, it would be nice if the stoplights on Ashland weren't fixed to stop traffic every 300 feet.
i love walking around this very walkable city, and wish the asshole cyclists on the sidewalks would get on the streets where they belong.
I like Chicago a lot, and this is not a small change, but there are no jobs for so many people in so many neighborhoods. Period.
If you don't want people killing each other every day then give them good, long term jobs.
i love chicago so much, but i've got a growing list of things that could be remedied.
the sketchy characters that are slowly taking over my neighborhood, yelling things like "get the fuck out of my way, bitch!" when walking down the sidewalk... a faster way to get from east to west on public transit... no more winter...
I love Chicago and its friendly people and impressive architecture and gritty, nonpretentious ways...but why no happy hour??!! wtf??
I love Chicago's diversity and I even understand why some fair-minded people still prefer to live in segregated neighborhoods, but I wish we could at least stop being afraid of each other. Tribalism is so 20th century!
love how the city is getting with the green attitude, now how about a city wide recycling program that freaking works?
I love walking around the city in nicer weather. I hate when I'm walking around the city and get that strong whiff of stale urine.
I love that Chicago is reasonably friendly to bikers with bike lanes, the bike path, etc, however, I wish that bikers would return the favor by actually wearing helmets and putting lights/reflectors on their bikes. Also, for the love of god, please stop riding around one handed while talking on your cell phones!
Urban Ethos [26]
What is Chicago's "urban ethos"?
Cool Glass of... [16]
What're you drinking?
Supreme Decision [22]
What's your reaction to the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act?
Taking it to the Streets [20]
Chicago Street Fairs: Revolting or Awesome?
I Can Be Cruel [9]
Be real: what is the meanest thing you've ever done?
Cheryl / November 8, 2009 2:37 PM
I love public transit. I love not owning a car and still able to get around town. I wish it really was clean, courteous, safe and on time.