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pat / October 21, 2004 11:23 AM

uhm... Going back a bit here... my faves are still Tank Girl and Milk & Cheese.

Favorite comicshop is Rockhead's in Kenosha. For a bit more local comic fixes, though I like Comix Revolotion or Chicago Comics.

Puma / October 21, 2004 11:34 AM

Right now I am reading Losers and Fables both published by Vertigo. I am also reading the old Preacher comics, which I think is the best comic I have ever seen. The characters are awesome and the combination of the religious angle, western angle, crime angle, makes the plot engrossing.

Andrew / October 21, 2004 11:37 AM

I'm a huge fan of Chris Ware, otherwise I still dabble a bit. I usually end up at Chicago Comics on Clark. Something Wicked in Evanston is on my way home, but I haven't been that impressed -- although I did pick up signed copies of two Sandman collected volumes.

Geoff / October 21, 2004 11:38 AM

Like Pat, most of my all-time favorites are now-finished classics: Neil Gaiman's SANDMAN, Warren Ellis' TRANSMETROPOLITAN and Jeff Smith's BONE. I'm still addicted to the creators, though, which keep me going back to Comix Revolution in Evanston every week.

For more contemporary excellence, everyone should read Craig Thompson's BLANKETS and his new little travel sketchbook, CARNET DE VOYAGE. Beautifully done, both in the art and the writing.

jennifer / October 21, 2004 11:44 AM

The Watchmen is the best comic book ever. Ever.

I also really like anything by Roman Dirge, Jhonen Vasquez and David Mack.

And Chicago Comics is by far the best comic shop in the city.

eep / October 21, 2004 11:45 AM

I haven't been reading much of anything lately, but I've been dying to pick up Y: The Last Man for quite a while.

And I'll second Comix Revolution when it comes to shops. I've always been impressed with that store.

kelly / October 21, 2004 12:43 PM

I don't even read comics, but I love Chicago Comics at 3244 Clark. They have a great selection of other published materials - art, zines, cools magazines, etc. Nudie comics, too, for all you creepy cartoon-fetishists out there.

Pete / October 21, 2004 12:46 PM

I recently read Ben Katchor's "The Jew of New York" which was fascinating--and much more of a cohesive narrative than his Julius Knipl books (which I love, as well) which have more of a compilation feel to them.

Gordon / October 21, 2004 1:13 PM

Sorry, Jennifer, but the best comic book of all time is Dave McKean's "Cages."

I love Chicago Comics, but Comix Revolution in Evanston is closer to my neighborhood, with an equally diverse (if smaller) selection, so I'm there about as often as Chicago Comics. Plus, the owner's a nice guy!

Eamon / October 21, 2004 1:26 PM

Yeah, the folks at Chicago Comics are great. Very helpful and non-smarmy.

I haven't bought anything in a while, but for adults, I can't possibly recommend Los Bros Hernandez's Love and Rockets series strongly enough. Other books I really ought to dig out and reread: Palestine, Shutterbug Follies, Dykes To Watch Out For, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (very clever and decidedly not crappy! I swear!), and Whiteout.

I'm looking forward to buying copies of Bone and the unbelievably good Clan Apis for my nephew as soon as the spud can read.

And sorry, Gordon, Jennifer's right: Watchmen is the clearly best. comic. ever. Documented proof.

paul / October 21, 2004 1:38 PM

I'm glad to see the votes for Comix Revolution. It's one of those cool stores you hope will do well so it will always be around.

robin.. / October 21, 2004 1:43 PM

all the comics i would mention have been brought up. my grand fave is "transmetropolitan," followed by "watchmen" and "the invisibles." in graphic novels, i love jeffery brown's work, and chris thompson's "blankets" is really beautiful. really, really beautiful.

Steve / October 21, 2004 1:46 PM

Not regularly -- I have two Batman graphic novels, and one called "The Golem's Swing" that I read good things about but haven't actually read yet. It's a cool field, but not one I've ever delved into.

Cinnamon / October 21, 2004 2:01 PM

I'd get my feminist card taken away if I didn't mention Hothead Paisan, Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist.

jennifer / October 21, 2004 2:48 PM

Ooh! I forgot about The Invisibles. I loved that in college.

Kris / October 21, 2004 2:48 PM

Mmm, comics. I recommend Fortune and Glory and Powers and just about everything Brian Michael Bendis does, really. Read Pedro and Me, now please. Y: The Last Man is cool too. It may not be hip to like the superheroes, but the new Astonishing X-Men series from Joss Whedon (yeah, that Joss Whedon)is kicking some serious ass.

I usually stick with Chicago Comics as it's both comprehensive and near my house. Graham Crackers is okay too. Based on all these recommendations I might check out Comix Revolution next time I'm in Evanston, though.

lacey / October 21, 2004 2:59 PM

I love comics, and the comic that really got me to love comics was David Mack's "Kabuki." I recently re-read the 9 issues that form the "Metamorphosis" series, and they are so extremely stellar I don't know where to begin.

Also just re-read "Blankets" and think it's still amazing.

I have been picking up "Tom Strong" and also "Promethea" recently. I also like "Namor," but that's the part of me that also likes pop radio, so think what you will. Let it be known that "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" the comic does not suck in the least. And Chris Ware is a genius, it goes without saying.

On a local note, the comix "The Beautiful Year" is very good. Check that out.

Die Fliege / October 21, 2004 4:16 PM

Maybe they are too mainstream, but I can't believe no one has mentioned Frank Miller's original Sin City and The Dark Knight Returns.

I used to make a point of regularly going to Tenth Planet in Oak Lawn. Great place.

Mike / October 21, 2004 4:24 PM

I read an unusually long Jughead Digest once, does that count?
Really, I never read comics, graphic novels, etc. I read Maus about five years ago and that was it.
I'd like to get into them, but to me it seems like it's getting into brewing your own beer, or buying a Vespa: cool as hell, but more money and time than I want to put into it.

Dan / October 21, 2004 4:40 PM

While there have been some great books of late, I'd have to say "The Sandman" is the greatest series of all time. Anything Neil Gaiman, or Dave McKean is solid.

Old Swamp Thing is good. Evan Dorkin, Jeffrey Brown, Adrian Tomine, Peter Bagge, and though his work is very, very sporadic, Brian Bolland. Old Chris Claremont, Los Bros Hernandez, Art Spiegelman, and Will Eisner are very re-readable.

Gotta say... I love "Kill Your Boyfriend" by Grant Morrison, and the first few "Bone" books by Jeff Smith (before he decided to get all "Tolkien-esque" and rambling).

God bless Chicago Comics and Quimby's.

jima / October 21, 2004 4:55 PM

"Milk & Cheese" rule. Also check out Evan Dorkin's other comic, "Dork!", which features an amazing amount of sight gags and cheap puns.

Chicago has some great comic artists. Chris Ware, Daniel Clowes (no longer here, but he got started in Chicago), Mitch O'Connell, Lynda Barry, Jessica Abel, Ivan Brunetti, Jake Austen, The Artist Formerly Known as King VelVeeda...

JJZ / October 21, 2004 7:08 PM

Phoenix Comics in Morton Grove has a fine selection, but may not be good for claustrophobics.

Bbebn / October 21, 2004 10:46 PM

I still think David Rees' "My New Fighting Technique is Unstoppable" is his best, and that his funniness quotient has declined inversely with his ham-fisted-of-fury politicization ("Get Your War On").

If Rees never did anything after MNFTIU, he'd be a genius.

"You're right -- when you think about it, what the f*ck kind of technique does he have -- other than turning into Karate Snoopy?"

Craig / October 21, 2004 10:52 PM

No, but I love Quimby's.

Which one(s) of you(s) is buying all the porn comix they got there?

jennifer / October 22, 2004 8:37 AM

I also like Sof'Boy by Archer Prewitt.

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