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Saturday, July 27

Gapers Block

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Andrew / July 18, 2006 3:07 PM

Will you vote for Todd Stroger, who's been named to replace his father on the November ballot? Will you vote at all? What does this say about Chicago politics in general?

Question suggested by Jennifer.

Roni / July 18, 2006 3:14 PM

It says that nothing's changed. I'm writing in Claypool on the ballot.

clodius / July 18, 2006 3:23 PM

Um, shouldn't the guy who came in a very close 2nd to Stroger now take his place on the ballot? Wouldn't that be a tad closer to the true wishes of the people than appointing Stroger's son to the spot?

disenchanted politico / July 18, 2006 3:28 PM

i think there should be a new primary. todd s. v. forrest claypool.

and yes i vote in every election.

KLEM / July 18, 2006 3:28 PM

I voted for Claypool in the primary and will vote for the Republican in November.

This is ridiculous!

Greg / July 18, 2006 3:30 PM

Through all this, why hasn't Claypool been flailing about, shouting, "Hey! Over here! 200,000-plus votes! Lookit!"?

Did he just not want to look as dumb as Oberweis did during the Ryan/Keyes Senate fiasco?

Dan / July 18, 2006 3:41 PM

I think I remember reading somewhere that Illinois law states that if you run in a primary and lose you cannot be named the candidate for another party on the November ballot. I might have misunderstood.

Chris / July 18, 2006 3:50 PM

As much as I'm a dyed-in-the-wool democrat, I'm going to be voting for Tony Peraica. This just stinks.

Steven / July 18, 2006 3:52 PM

After the voters of Cook County renominated an incredibly corrupt man in a coma over Claypool all I can say is "the people get the government they deserve."

Dan / July 18, 2006 3:54 PM

I think the depressing part about this is that there is that, barring a miracle, Stroger will be the president. And there's not much any of us can do about it.

Roni / July 18, 2006 3:57 PM

Dan, I remember hearing that as well. I think even the day after the primary, the media was saying that there is no way for Claypool to be on the ballot.

John / July 18, 2006 4:09 PM

As a leaning republican in a democratic town, I switched parties to attempt to elect Claypool the reformer candidate.
While that failed I truly hope Democratic voter are not too bull headed to switch parties to do the same. Enough with this crap.
It's time to start a revolution.
Remember :
A vote for Stroger JR. is a vote for the status quo (Higer taxes, patronage, no reform or accountability)

A vote for Peraica is a vote for a change (more accountability in spending, cutting useless patronage jobs)

The choice is yours:
Think globally, act Locally.

sd / July 18, 2006 4:16 PM

How is nominating Toddler even legal? Furthermore, is John even coherent enough to make a nomination at this point? Peraica gets my vote, although I voted for Claypool.

Cinnamon / July 18, 2006 4:17 PM

I'll be writing Claypool's name into the ballot. Write-ins are fun! You should try it. I've done it almost every time I've voted. In the primary I wrote my neighbor's name down for treasurer.

Typical Idiotic Cook County Voter / July 18, 2006 4:18 PM

I'll be voting for Stroger nine times. I love sky's the limit property taxes!

Dan / July 18, 2006 4:54 PM

I'm with KLEM and Chris. I'm voting for this Tony Peraica fellow. I've never missed an election and never voted for a Republican but this is absolutely disgusting and it must be done.

Who wants to start "Democrats for Peraica" with me?

BWolf / July 18, 2006 4:55 PM

As an election judge, I feel compelled to point out that unless the write-in candidate is registered as such, a write-in vote does nothing but waste everyone's time. Election judges must manually check all ballots for write-in candidates, and if it's not a valid candidate, it just gets ignored. See:

Ted / July 18, 2006 5:28 PM

I can't bring myself to vote for a Republican, but I'm not voting for Stroger, either. As we say at the track, I'm going to pass this race.

P.S. I love the nickname "Toddler."

Dutch101 / July 18, 2006 5:46 PM

I definitely think that it is a load of s$@t that they nominated Stroger. Logic would dictate that the man who actually RAN, and came a close second would be a good candidate for the job. As such, I will vote for the Republican candidate, more out of spite than ideological agreement. Past that, I guess that I don't care that much, as Steven mentioned "the people get the governement they deserve" when they voted for someone who is likely more or less a veg. How did they think that this would play out when he eventually bowed out? Patronage politics at its best.

Spence / July 18, 2006 5:49 PM

I'll be voting Republican in the fall. The way that the Board, Todd, Cook County Dem's, Daley, etc, etc have handled the whole stroke ordeal was a slap in the face to Cook County voters. Also, the blatant nepotism is a bit of a turn-off.

Spook / July 18, 2006 6:04 PM

Again typical Chicago. Is it any reason that MLK said Chicago was worse than Burninham- Bombing-ham- Alabama? And then Mayor Daley worse than Sheriff Bull O’Connor?
Is it any reason why the only reformer Mayor, Harold Washington bit the death stress bullet at his desk?

Todd Stroger, Sr. doing what’s necessary to insure his son inherits the family business at its strongest, is drawing boos and jeers from the good government Chicago liberals.
While Madigan, Hynes, Linpinski, Burke, Dart, etc, etc, etc, fails to registure with the same folk. Its funny how so many people condemn Stroger, but loves them some Boss Daley, who actually runs County Government. Stroger just made sure some black folks got some jobs. Sure I’m all for reform. And when I say revolution, I’m actually serious about it. But I’m consistent that the whole party is corrupt including self serving Clayfool-with his republican agenda and Daley financial suburban bases. And until go go liberals are actually ready for reform, then thank gawd, people like Todd Stroger will be around to make sure black folks get a few of the jobs and services they have historically been denied

spooks / July 18, 2006 6:04 PM

I mean "Gooo Gooo" liberals

shechemist / July 18, 2006 7:37 PM

I think this will be another nail in the machine's coffin. There is only so much bullshit folks can take. This along with the hiring scandal is going to topple Daley.

I'm voting for Tony Peraica.

amyc / July 18, 2006 8:37 PM

I don't know if it's even physically possible for me to vote for a Republican, but I'm sure as hell not voting for Stroger the Younger.

Vote Quimby!

vit / July 18, 2006 8:57 PM

I don't know what I'm going to do yet, but I sure as hell know it will not involve me voting for Stroger.

And yes, I vote Democrat, in most every election.

Annie / July 18, 2006 9:01 PM

I'm voting for the Republican for the first time in my life. I throw up a little in my mouth just thinking about it, but I'm disgusted by this whole situation.

Spook / July 18, 2006 10:54 PM

Well Shechemist,
it seems like you are actually discussed at the ring master Boss Daley too. Unlike the rest of the Goo Goos here, who are just so disgusted when an old colored man at deaths door does what the white men folk , that Stroger Sr. has been loyal too for years, does what they have been doing forever . so discussed that they are ready to throw up. Its not like there is any thing going on in the middle east! Or kids dying on the west and south side!

But I need to ask you a question.

Is "There really only so much bullshit folks can take"?

This is America after all, not Europe or Canada. We seem to have an infinite appetite for bullshit, especially when it’s screwing us, i.e. Reagan, Bush, Dubya, Daley, Daley, etc, etc, etc. I like thousands of Chicago Public School students, a few radical progressive teachers, low income citizens, citizens who lack affordable housing, grass roots activist, etc,etc, would love to finally dance on the grave of The Machine. But before you go voting for republicans, maybe you should look before you leap? Who got this guy,Peraica elected? Is he from the DuPage Republican Machine? I know Judy Bar is from Riverdale.
Does government efficiency mean jobs that support families being cut for contracts to republican fat cats who hire minimum wage workers with no heath care insurance, which is what Clayfool did at the park district ordered by Darth Daley? What his position with issues that effect the most vulnerable? Will Stroger Hospital become anti women’s right to choose? What’s his view on gays?
Will there be fees to use the Forest preserve? I goggled Peraica but I’m not finding a lot of info.
And Where is the liberal outrage over the Chicago Public Schools?

Oh and amyc, is/does Quimby have any thing to do with Quimby's Magazines and Books on North Ave, if so they have my vote and put me down for a fundraiser!

Ray / July 18, 2006 11:53 PM

To all of you who intend to write in Forrest Claypool, please consider that it is a long shot at best, and that if the protest vote is split, Stroger wins. As I see it, the only way to show the Dems that we are serious about cleaning up the cesspool that is Cook County government is to elect the Republican. He will make waves, but he can't do too much damage, because the board itself will still be controlled by the Dems, and it is only a three year term. If he does a lousy job, we kick him out after three, but how much worse can he be than what we have now?

This is from a hardcore liberal who will be out campaigning for Dan Seals on November 2.

Vanessa / July 18, 2006 11:58 PM

I voted for Stroger in the primary because he is pro-union. Being a Union Electrician, I know that he would not cut union jobs to trim the budget. I feel that is a good thing and I feel that he has done a good job as Cook County Board President.

Now Peraica: well, he's a slimeball asshole. I have met him on three separate occasions and every time, he was the epitome of a slimey politician. I have a friend who is a hardcore Republican (it's sad, I know) and worked on Peraica's campaign for Commissioner. And now he's voting Democrat in the Nov election. (And a little sick about it himself.)

While I don't necessarily want to vote for Todd Stroger, I really cannot stomach the idea of voting Repulican at all.

Andrew / July 19, 2006 12:20 AM

Spook, I can't speak for everyone here, but my decision -- which is not to vote for Todd Stroger -- has nothing to do with race. Until this year, I didn't even know John Stroger was black. It makes no difference to me one way or anothe what color he or any other politician is.

What bothers me about this is how transparent the back-room deal is here. I don't believe for a second that John Stroger actually named his son as his successor. He hasn't been seen in public and has been in and out of the hospital for the past several months; if he were in any condition to make important decisions like this, he would have made a public appearance to reassure voters. As it stands, I believe the months of stalling by the Stroger family have been spent in back rooms building concensus for Todd.

And had one of the Daley boys (John was mentioned for the post, was he not?) gotten the nod, I would have called foul then, too.

misterShankly / July 19, 2006 1:20 AM

From now until 07 November, there will be a constant battle of "angel" and "devil" ideas battling it out on my shoulders.

I've never, to my knowledge, voted for a Republican. And if you ever would've told me I would even be considering voting for a Republican, I would slander your name and your mother's name, as well. But damn this nonsense that makes me consider, even if it is for making a point, going against my previous habits.

I know it's a hypothetical, but let's say Lieberman is up against McCain in a presidential election. Do I vote for Joe just b/c he's a "democrat?" Or I do I vote for John just because he shoots it straight and often acts like he's against his own party? Now Joe will nominate Democrat cabinet members, judges, etc. John will in theory nominate the opposite. So wouldn't I agree to vote for someone who would hopefully translate their party's platform into their workings?

So this is the good versus evil thing from before... not that I know much or anything about how the County Board actually works, but wouldn't it be safe to say that even someone who is a Democratic spoon-fed nepotite be better than someone who is, at his core, against the things for which I stand?

Now I know nothing about Peraica, but is it possible that he could be the Bloomberg or Guiliani version of a Republican? Maybe it is high time that a highly Democratic city like Chicago usher in some new blood, even if it may be the awkwardly-leaning elephant.

I hate the fact that I even have to think about this.

Steven / July 19, 2006 2:21 AM

I have a friend who is a hardcore Republican (it's sad, I know) and worked on Peraica's campaign for Commissioner. And now he's voting Democrat in the Nov election. (And a little sick about it himself.)

You have a "hardcore Republican" friend who is going to vote for Stroger Jr. ? I call B.S.

Slick / July 19, 2006 6:49 AM

Spook - before you go 'dancing on the grave of the Machine' realize this - the Machine is the only thing holding this city together.

My guess is a lot of the posters here did not live in Chicago in the late 1960s. The riots, the looting...the west side was burned to the ground...And Lakeview...not a very nice place to go, let alone live.

The corruption & bureaucracy are a small price to pay for the city not being burned to the ground every few years. I'll gladly pay for it.

matt / July 19, 2006 7:49 AM

The corruption & bureaucracy are a small price to pay for the city not being burned to the ground every few years. I'll gladly pay for it.
To compare the political climate of the 1960s to that of the present is specious on its face and such an absurd line of reasoning, I can't even believe someone is using it to justify his/her vote. At this point, the economic interests of property owners alone would "hold this city together."

Certainly "the Machine" has been effective in getting stuff done in the past -- no argument there, esp. as it muscled all other players out; whether the ends justify the means, possibly more debatable -- but recent events have repeatedly exposed how corrupt bureaucracy cripples governmental efficiency, and this very discussion illuminates how "business as usual" disillusions the public and makes a sham of the democratic process.

Spook / July 19, 2006 8:27 AM


I take you at you’re word and of course it also seems from your post dealing with structure as oppose to a vehement rant about one man. And yes the back room deal should bother you. But don’t forget the human element that the months of stalling by the Stroger family was also about dealing and grieving with a very sick father. And understand this is about Daley's reelection more than any thing. The only reason John Daley didn’t get the "nod" was because his brother “Dirty Little Richie” already controls the board, so to have daley running the county and publicly running the board, my just be too much.
And if you don’t understand the extreme racism in Chicago, you can look at the Goo Goos who swim in the benevolent swamp of racism or you can look at the more numerous people like Slick- who wallow in the mud, who posted that “My guess is a lot of the posters here did not live in Chicago in the late 1960s. The riots, the looting...the west side was burned to the ground...And Lakeview...not a very nice place to go, let alone live.”
Slick fails to mentioning that the reason the Westside burned to the ground was because then white supremacist Mayor Daley, forced so many desperately poor black people in one small area with out rights or resources. It was only a matter of time that it went up in flames, which it did when King (who counted his time in Chicago as a lose”) was killed in Memphis. And of course noticed that the resources are only now being brought to that community now that it’s gentrifying. You might also wonder why so many elected officials on the Westside and south side are such clowns oblivious to the suffering of their own people? Well that’s because Daley controls who gets elected in the Black community and the hispanic community for the most part. yes yall It still one big plantation, but the Goo Goos have no problem with this unless some on like John Stroger tries to get an extra neck bone for his son

p.s in case any one is interested where this mayor’s name “Dirty Little Richie”came from. He was christen with it from the Goo Goo mother of all liberals Dawn Clack Netch,who of course after being a small thorn in the side of Harold Washington untill his death, switched over to Daley and to this day praises him/endorses him as a “reformer” and she backed Clayfool as well. Yes it’s a sick place we live in. Lets admit it

Andrew / July 19, 2006 8:50 AM

Spook, I hold no illusions about racism in this city. But to paint everyone who is against Stroger as racist "Goo Goos" is ignorant and prejudicial in its own way. Politics are rarely black and white (to use a loaded metaphor), even if people of disparate viewpoints reach the same conclusion.

Phineas / July 19, 2006 8:53 AM

Seeing as we live in a country on its second president named Bush, and a city on its second mayor named Daley, it's obvious that dynastic succession is the wave of the future.

We should just be happy they let us still go through the motions of having the elections.

Chris / July 19, 2006 9:39 AM

I suppose I do have to look into Peraica more before saying I'll vote for him in protest, but Toddler (I love that nickname, too) hasn't done or said anything to impress me so far.

Spook, you mention Madigan, Hynes and Lipinski as examples of why it's wrong that people are upset about Toddler, and I know several members of the board and council have raised that as well, but I don't think that's fair. To my knowledge, all those kids actually ran in primaries under their own names, admittedly with the huge political benefit of name recognition, but that's not the same thing as being appointed to take your father's spot on the ballot.

NSH / July 19, 2006 10:05 AM

This is what is known as a public relations cluster fuck. Aren't you supposed be on your best behavior with the media if you wish to get elected? Where is Todd Stroger? Will he do an interview? What is his stance on a 7% property tax cap?

I have never voted republican in a local election. But I am not voting blind for a democrat that has no agenda.

gate / July 19, 2006 10:20 AM

How much colder can Canada really be in the winter? I vote for moving there. They actually count their ballots and think of all of the hot French Canadian babes. Yeehaw!

Mikey / July 19, 2006 10:20 AM

To my knowledge, all those kids actually ran in primaries under their own names, admittedly with the huge political benefit of name recognition, but that's not the same thing as being appointed to take your father's spot on the ballot.

Exactly. I've been waiting for somebody to make this point...

I voted for Claypool in the primary, and am now seriously considering Peraica (yes, I too am throwing up in my mouth a little bit even thinking about voting Republican). The Toddler has seemed like a smug little prick in every television interview in which I've seen him...

mike / July 19, 2006 10:23 AM

Slick, it's the people who have lived in Chicago their whole lives who have the limited perspective. My Dad's side of the family are native south siders but, as a Navy brat, I grew up all over the place. As an adult, I have lived in three large American cities. All had riots in the 60s. All were shitty and crime-ridden in the 80s. All were lifted in the 90s by the economic boom. The best thing that can happen for the city and the county would be if people stopped voting for these crooks. When I hear a candidate say "Cheecawgo born and raised" and "I graduated from Lane Tech," I am instantly wary. One of the things I learned when I moved here was that a Chicago or Cook County Democrat is not a real Democrat. Daley is no different ideologically than Bloomberg ... but with Daley you get the corruption, arrogance and status quo as a free bonus.

the bulldog / July 19, 2006 10:27 AM

Did anyone see this?


Placko (voice over): We asked the alderman's chief of staff about the letter. She told us she can't answer campaign questions, because she's a city employee.

Placko (to the chief of staff): You don't know whether there's any campaign work done out of here?

Chief of Staff: I doubt it. (or I don't)

Placko (voice over) Still inside the office, I called the number at the bottom of the fundraising invitation. And seconds later, the chief of staff's phone began to ring.

Sound effect: Ringing desk phone

Chief of Staff: (answering phone, unintelligible muttering)

Placko (to the Chief of Staff, talking to her from across the room): Oh, it's just me again. I'm just double-checking the number.

Chief of Staff: Hold on! Brenda!

More at

printdude / July 19, 2006 10:30 AM

Why don't we form a GapersBlock Voting Block?
Apparently there are enough people here who are registered voters and interested enough to even know what other choices there are.

A group as small as 20 can make a big, big noise.

Let's form a write-in campaign, or even a push to get Forrest to run as an independent.

All we need now is an orgainizer. And a money Sponsor.

and nineteen more people.

NSH / July 19, 2006 10:36 AM

Forest is keeping his mouth shut about all of this. If he were a man worthy of being president he should stand up and demand answers. instead, crickets...

Printdude, why don't you wait for the spineless claypool to make a move like deciding for himself to run as an independent.

And what makes you think claypool is even a good candidate? He was beaten by a man in a coma.

Unluckyatlas / July 19, 2006 10:37 AM

It is funny how far out of the way people will go to avoid democracy. I voted for Claypool because I wanted a change and even after a narrow defeat I thought he was gracious. Write in indeed. This isn't a monarchy.

bam / July 19, 2006 10:46 AM

Vote for Tony!!! Scriblling Claypool's name on the ballot will amount to nothing but a likely win for the machine. Party affiliation be damned, i'm with Peraica!

NSH / July 19, 2006 10:51 AM

Now I see why Blue Island wanted to seced from the county!

Spence / July 19, 2006 10:58 AM

Slick fails to mentioning that the reason the Westside burned to the ground was because then white supremacist Mayor Daley, forced so many desperately poor black people in one small area with out rights or resources.

The thing that Spook has failed to mention is that John Stroger has been a fierce Daley supporter from Richard J to Richard M. In fact, John Stroger campaigned for Richard M. Daley in the 1982 Mayoral election against Harold Washington, lost most of his credibility in doing so, and had it not been for Richard M Daley, he would have never got the job as Cook County President. So, really, supporting Stroger and supporting Daley are one in the same. To be honest Spook, I have no idea what you're trying to say in your tedious political rantings besides calling us all racists for not supporting Todd Stroger because he's black. Which is what you do in every political thread I've read on GB and Chicagoist. I'll gladly support a black candidate, but I'm not going to support a candidate be it black, white, red, or purple who is forced on voters through political back-dooring. Yeah, I'm sure half of Chicago was built of back door politics-blah blah blah. This whole ordeal was very public and it showed me for the first time how much my vote really counts in Cook County.

TR / July 19, 2006 11:07 AM

All the people bragging about never voting Republican - I used to BE a registered Republican, only for the fact that you can vote against the most dangerous candidates in primaries. The John McCain example above is a good one. I could see myself voting for McCain. Especially if he's running against Jebby. Primaries are where it's at.

As for November, I say screw Junior. Peraiaca might be a slimeball but he's a slimeball with a plan, not just a powerful daddy.

Spook / July 19, 2006 11:49 AM

1st comment

Its funny how so many people condemn Stroger, but loves them some Boss Daley, who actually runs County Government.

2nd comment
"The only reason John Daley didn’t get the "nod" was because his brother “Dirty Little Richie” already controls the board, so to have daley running the county and publicly running the board, my just be too much."

Go screw spence, typical go go liberal. Do I need to spell it out for you? Of Course Stroger supports Daley( hence the above posts) or he wouldn't be were he is now, neither would his son. Again how do you think Daley runs the county board?

Go vote republican and feel better about yourself

Kevin / July 19, 2006 11:54 AM

Everyone who's planning on writing Claypool in should remember that in this case, a write in vote for Claypool is basically a vote for Stroger. Peracia is going to need every crossover vote he can get.

I still think that Forrest Claypool should have recruited Les Claypool to campaign for him. What voter would be able to resist Sailing the seas of cheese?

Anonymous / July 19, 2006 11:56 AM

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

NSH / July 19, 2006 11:57 AM

spook has rebutted his own argument (again)

Spook / July 19, 2006 11:58 AM

Oh and spence like a typical lame liberal who tosses around the race card when it suites them. I'm a progressive. The only time I voted for Stroger was against Clayfool. The last two times I voted against him Stroger. I Voted for the Green Party guy over O'bama, Voted a republican over Jesse(yessie) White. Voted for Dawn Clark Netch( who I can't stand over) Roland Burris. I'm sure the only black person you ever voted for is O'Bama because you dig his conservative values and his "blackness", again go screw

p.s and I'd vote for any body but Lieberman

Spence / July 19, 2006 11:58 AM

And Spook, I question your concern about jobs and services for minorities. If Daley has no real concern for minority needs as you suggest and assuming Todd Stroger, like his Dad, are a pawn of Daley...what's really being accomplished/changed for minorities in the City of Chicago. You sound rather content with Chicago minorities current situation if you're pro-Stroger. And saying that John was out there looking out for minority interest is bull sh*t. Remember, the man campaigned for a "white supremist Mayor Daley" against a legitimate minority candidate in Harold Washington. It's all about power and has nothing to do with race.

Spook / July 19, 2006 12:02 PM

No NSH issues of race and class in this country are the most complex and opaque
What seems contradictory to you is more about nuance and shades of gray. I could recommend several books about the intersection of the above in Chicago, but I’m sure you don’t read

amyc / July 19, 2006 12:03 PM

Do I need to spell it out for you?

Oh, if only you could. Seriously, dude -- proof before you post.

spence / July 19, 2006 12:04 PM

Go screw spence, typical go go liberal. Do I need to spell it out for you? Of Course Stroger supports Daley( hence the above posts) or he wouldn't be were he is now, neither would his son. Again how do you think Daley runs the county board?

Still I don't get the point of your posts. Your anti-Daley, anti-Stroger, but if we don't vote for Stroger we're all racists because we're hypocrites? If anyone is playing the race card, it's you, the typical goo goo hypocrite liberal.

spence / July 19, 2006 12:07 PM

Oh and spence like a typical lame liberal who tosses around the race card when it suites them. I'm a progressive. The only time I voted for Stroger was against Clayfool. The last two times I voted against him Stroger. I Voted for the Green Party guy over O'bama, Voted a republican over Jesse(yessie) White. Voted for Dawn Clark Netch( who I can't stand over) Roland Burris. I'm sure the only black person you ever voted for is O'Bama because you dig his conservative values and his "blackness", again go screw

p.s and I'd vote for any body but Lieberman

And now we're going to have a pissing contest over who votes for more black candidates? Now that's lame.

Mikey / July 19, 2006 12:08 PM

Please don't blame the Spook for his poor spelling skills. Most of his posts are Guinness-fueled...

Spence / July 19, 2006 12:09 PM

Please don't blame the Spook for his poor spelling skills. Most of his posts are Guinness-fueled...

I think she was refering to me.

Spook / July 19, 2006 12:12 PM

"what's really being accomplished/changed for minorities in the City of Chicago"

Not much, spence, not much

and the only thing I am is pro drastic bottom up change

and again my point is in a very fucked up system( that no one Acknowledges) at least with Stroger a few people get some crumbs, but that’s it. Should we deny them that, when we cannot do any thing for them?

By recognizing the endemic of the problem, (bigger than stroger) maybe it will change. by just focusing on Stroger, it wont

Spence / July 19, 2006 12:16 PM

and the only thing I am is pro drastic bottom up change

and again my point is in a very fucked up system( that no one Acknowledges) at least with Stroger a few people get some crumbs, but that’s it. Should we deny them that, when we cannot do any thing for them?

By recognizing the endemic of the problem, (bigger than stroger) maybe it will change. by just focusing on Stroger, it wont

See, I can appreciate this point of view. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes you have a funny way of getting around to it.

NSH / July 19, 2006 12:20 PM

Spook i probably wrote half the books you read.

Slick / July 19, 2006 12:25 PM

Matt said:

At this point, the economic interests of property owners alone would "hold this city together."

Just like it did in the boom years of the 1950s.

Remember the late 1960s to the mid 1980s? The term was 'white flight'.

mark / July 19, 2006 12:32 PM

truly embarrassing, but then we deserve the government(machine) we support, vote for, or apathetically ignore

Bill V / July 19, 2006 12:53 PM

I met Claypool once back when he was working with the parks, seemed like a nice enough guy and I think he'd be good for this post. Obviously the entire Stroger camp is f***ed up to carry this thing out as long as they did.

lakefront liberal / July 19, 2006 1:22 PM

What's really going on here is the continued dominance of the South Side Irish-African American political alliance that dates back at least to the 1950s, when Bronzeville's own Bill Dawson delivered the mayoralty to Daley the first.

As noted above, Stroger supported Daley over Harold Washington in 1983 (while many lakefront goo goos supported Washington), and his installation as board president is largely seen as quid pro quo. I know it's accepted wisdom that John Daley actually calls the shots, but it's a moot point, because Stroger's Eighth Ward gets a huge chunk of patronage jobs from the county and the city.

Ask black West Siders--who watched two able candidates of their own, Bobbie Steele and Danny Davis, get knocked down by the South Side dems for junior Stroger, and you'll likely hear something similar to what those hated goo goos are saying. Try telling them that racism against fellow African-Americans is their real motive.

I think a lot of the people who are now mulling whether to vote for Peraica (count me out, he's just as slippery as Stroger and an arch-conservative) would have gladly voted for Steele or Davis.

I think what has more people outraged this time is the fact that the Stroger family lied about his condition before the election, on the arrogant assumption that it was better to run someone unfit for office in the primary and have the regular Dems pick who they wanted afterwards than come clean with Dem voters. Even South Side Irish family legacies like Danny Hynes and Richie Daley had to run in open primaries, where they occasionally lost.

The Stroger camp assertion that racism is behind the nepotism criticisms--and the Claypool campaign--is beyond hilarious. The South Side African-American bloc of the regular dem machine, remember, are the ones who made Daley I possible, and who have reliably supported Daley II since the early 1990s. What they're really saying to the rest of us, including independent voters and West and North Side regular dems, is that it's their turn now to do whatever they want.

bria / July 19, 2006 1:41 PM

"Periaca might be a slimeball but he's a slimeball with a plan, not just a powerful daddy."
Peraica is part of the West Suburban Republican guard, places like Cicero, Berwyn Maywood, Stone Park, LaGrange will be sitting pretty if they get him in. Nothing will change except the racial makup of jobs from primarily black to primarily latino and polish.

mike / July 19, 2006 2:55 PM

Looks like some of the machine's stooges are hitting the board. I can't wait to laugh in the face of the goons outside my polling place and tell them I'm voting for the other guy.

slb / July 19, 2006 3:23 PM

so what do we do?

i've never voted for a republican and it makes me throw up *a lot* to think about doing so. i can't vote for Toddler but I don't think I can vote for Periaca. So if I can't write in Claypool, what do I do?

Cook County Politics = YUCK

ps McCain isn't as different ideologically from the other republicans as you think. I recommend you read David Foster Wallace's essay about being on the McCain campaign bus if you would like to know more about him before switching party lines to vote for him, y'all... he might be more honorable, but that doesn't make him any less conservative.

Marilyn / July 19, 2006 3:50 PM

In his neverending attempts to carry on his father's work of making Chicago a "world-class city," Richie has only succeeded in furthering his father's legacy of keeping our burg a pathetic frontier town that deserves to be the laughing stock of the country. It's no honor to have our political process stink to high heaven and for our citizens to take pride in the fact that we are more open about it than other corrupt cities. What we actually have is a city that is so thoroughly corrupt that there isn't a single public figure, Republican or Democrat, capable of governing honestly and in the best interests of all Chicagoans.

Stop tolerating this state of affairs! This city doesn't work at all!

Mikey / July 19, 2006 4:16 PM

Richie has only succeeded in furthering his father's legacy of keeping our burg a pathetic frontier town that deserves to be the laughing stock of the country. obviously don't travel much, do you?

Marilyn / July 19, 2006 4:33 PM

It looks cosmo, but Chicago is Hicksville the way it runs itself. I am a world traveler, btw.

NSH / July 19, 2006 4:40 PM

Marilyn in your world travels have you ever been to New Orleans?

Marilyn / July 19, 2006 4:46 PM

Yup. Your point?

Dan / July 19, 2006 4:50 PM

Marylin, have you been to any city? Name a city without a political machine of some sort? Granted, Chicago is much more up front about it's machine, but I'm inclined to believe most cities have something like it. I mean, look at our national government! I don't think those people got their solely of their own merits. It's all about who you know and I think that's kind of how the world works.

I don't think this makes Chicago a pathetic frontier town. And I think that statement is actually pretty ignorant to the spirit in which Chicago was built. What this does say is that was have a tight circle of people running the city and county government-- a corrupt, secretive group of people.

spence / July 19, 2006 4:52 PM

Chicago is Hicksville the way it runs itself.

I grew up in Hicksville and it was staunchly conservative with emphasis on moral values (by their religious interpretation). The total opposite of Chicago.

NSH / July 19, 2006 4:55 PM

You think Cook County is run worse than Orleans County?

Marilyn / July 19, 2006 4:58 PM

I'm not trying to argue which is run worse. I'm sure we can agree these two counties and many more stink of corruption and incompetence. I'm angry that so many Chicagoans are proud of the corruption, like it's some kind of macho thing. If that isn't laughable, I don't know what is.

Spook / July 19, 2006 5:02 PM

Good comments! Good comments!
But not so fast Lake Front Liberal, you know darn well it’s not about the continued dominance of the “South Side Irish-African American political alliance”. But White ethnic dominance of most white Irish and a few other white ethnic committeemen, even on the south side. Lets fact check here. Balcher-11, Olivio-13, Hynes-19 Burke- 14, (who represents a majority Hispanic ward) Pope in the 10h ward, (another majority Hispanic Ward) Theodore Murphy 18(who runs a majority Black Ward) hold dominance. The Machine does what it always does is elect figure head African-Americans who won’t buck the system, i.e. plantation politics. These Black Jr. ward bosses represent the regular Democratic Party as oppose to the people in their ward and they don’t get nearly the clout as their white counter parts. The only two black Machine Wards are that get any thing are The 8th and 7th ward. The rest get nothing. How many jobs do you think Shirley Coleman 16 ward Englewood gets? She is happy with 500 hams for her church at Christmas!
Where I will side with you is that Progressive Black Leadership shares in the blame here too. Jesse (I am Somebody Rich!) Jackson has been brought off by Dirty Little Richie, and come on, Now Bobbie Steele is all about the Women? Why didn’t she take on Daley on about the poor condition of the Cook County Domestic Violence Court, Where was she when kids were being pitted against each other at the Cook County Juvenile Center? Now when a spot opens up, she is ready for action. She needs to retire. Let’s not forget part of her family works for the county the other part for the city
And Danny Davis, he is now a sad joke now and needs to retire. His district has the most hospitals and is one of the wealthiest, yet the Westside is still the Wild Wild West that is steadily being gentrified of all poor people, who can’t get heath care. He gives a great speech, but little else, certainly no follow up. See it’s a lot more complicated than that. Yes the 8th gets a lot, but I can guarantee, they don’t get the most. People like Dick Mell get more jobs and the contacts and he doesn’t even support Stroger. Mike Madigan gets more. And remember while Stroger approves the budget he doesn’t control all the departments.
And go wash you’re mouth out with soap, Lake Front. Many Goo Goos, Lake Front liberals, etc didn’t support Harold, which is why he was so disappointed during his 1st and especially his election to a second term
I think it was something like 7% percent and then 11% percent, which I will never forget, even though yer spook was a toddler himself
fyi Mexicans went with the Machine and Puerto Ricans went with Harold

Spook / July 19, 2006 5:10 PM

slb said:

"so what do we do?"

Good question, but I guess the first step is to know what's going on as lame as it sounds

Ramisn / July 19, 2006 6:14 PM

Spook actually made a few good points randomly in that last post. Although:

It's "Balcer" not "Balcher" and the 10th is a majority-nobody ward, although a plurality is Latino. Also, there's no such person as Theodore Murphy, presumably you're confusing Theodore "Ted" Thomas (15th) with Thomas Murphy (18th). Murphy is one of the most popular aldermen in the city with his constituents. Also, "Hynes" is not the Alderman of the 19ths, that's Ginny Rugai. Tommy Hynes is the Committeeman (the rest of your list was aldermen).

It's true that "Latinos" didn't go for or against Harold; Puerto Ricans split pro-Harold and Mexican-Americans pro-Daley (and Byrne).

Spook / July 19, 2006 7:16 PM

Actually Ramisn....I said Committeemen( not Alderman), although the above mostly hold both positions with the exception of Hynes, Madigan, etc. I'm sure you know committeemen control the political aspect of government.

My bad on the 15th and 18 confusion, yea I don't think Murphy isn't bad considering the rest of the southside-and westside- Aldercreatures like Beavers, Tillman, Coleman, etc, etc. But the fact that he runs ghosts candidates when he has a tough election makes me sick. But I understand he is retiring on Daley's orders because the ward needs a "Black" Alderman. Gotta love our colored blind mayor ha ha and I bet his choice will be a total lacky
p.s I think Bloomberg is a much better Mayor than Daley, I think Bloomberg think, reads and cares and he isn't a dictator. I also think he tries to make the city better for all classes and races. I also like how personally he is invested in the arts. We could also take a page from his recent housing policies and current efforts with the homeless. Finally just because there are “worse” places than Chicago, So what? How many kids have been killed in Engelwood?
Given our resources we should be a world class city. I agree with Marilyn on this

Vanessa / July 20, 2006 2:44 AM

You have a "hardcore Republican" friend who is going to vote for Stroger Jr. ? I call B.S.

Actually, Steven, I talked to him tiday and he's not voting for either of them. However, he did say if push came to shove, he'd vote for Stroger, Jr. Peraica's that much of a sleaze.

NSH / July 20, 2006 9:26 AM

"How many jobs do you think Shirley Coleman 16 ward Englewood gets?"

Gee spook please tell us, I thought she could get as many as she wanted for kissingStroger & Daley's collective ass? Or did that statement only work for your first comment.

Put down the bong and go the areas that you continue to use as fuel for your arguments, have you been to 63rd and Halsted, ever?? then and only then will you be taken seriously.

And don't wear that trucker hat and the shirt that says "spook" on the back when you do go either, they won't understand your sarcasm.

spook / July 20, 2006 10:42 AM

"have you been to 63rd and Halsted, ever?? then and only then will you be taken seriously."

Not that it should matter,NHS but I recall a few community development projects I may have a hand in Englewood. But I'd hate to be "unveiled" on Gapers Block. I think its perfectly legit. for those who want to remain professionally anonymous to do so. As oppose to you, who volunteered that you wrote half the books I read in one of you're post. I take such comments serious as I understand the work that goes into writing a book and I would think only a complete fool would claim such an honor publicly, but I didn't call YOU on it, because I wasn't trying to bang up against you're cage, figured, I'd let your comment get buried in the flotsam and jetsam. But as you call me out about my experience, care to let us know about the books you claimed have authored? "Fire on the Prairie" about Washington's historic election here? Or was it American Pharaoh about the first Daley? Maybe it was "Strange Fruit" about the Machine in the Black community?
You see my cyber friend, It’s the anti intellectualism you wear as a badge that defines us as a city
And sorry I put down the bong long time ago, maybe you should consider like wise abandoning those corner bars in Cicero you live in obtaining you're nourishment and source of "knowledge". Hang in there big guy and not that it matters to you, but my point about the 16th ward Alderman is that while she is a Daley/Machine Loyalist, she gets nothing in return for her community.

Mazal Tov

NSH / July 20, 2006 10:51 AM

Spook start here if you need more info on develpment in englewood.

BTW I'm not trying to rattle your cage dude, just put down the rags and experience life instead of quoting Cohen all damn day.

MariaTheresa / July 20, 2006 10:55 AM

Does anyone here think that there is a candidate who is, for example, most likely to improve conditions at the county hospital (health code violations, long waiting times at the pharmacy, etc.), the county jail (prisoner mistreatment, poorly-trained staff, etc.), and so on?

My question is, whoever you might vote for, do you think that your vote could actually make a difference in some area that matters?

italy74 / November 6, 2006 8:32 PM

I dont know who I am voting for. I def. not voting for anyone who backed the smoking ban. I can assure that 100%. I am a smoker, and I want my civil rights back. I can live without smoking in a resturant, but come car?, a bar?...outdoors???? Let's get realistic here. And screw Chi towns smoking ban...I stopped going to the city the second they put it in efeext. Chicago will live without my revenue!

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