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Thursday, February 13
I.e., do you make stuff, and if so, what do you make?
I once made a wicked 'shank/shiv' at the Joliet Correctional facility Rehabilitation Program.
My double checkered chenille knit scarves ain't bad either.
Annie, so you're the girl the Beastie Boys were talking about....."
"this girl came up to me - she says she's new in town But the crew been said they seen her around
I thought they were right but I didn't wanna know
The girlie was Def and she wanted to go
I think her name is Lucy but they all call Loose
I think I thought I seen her on eighth and forty-deuce
The next think she said, "My place or yours?
Let's kick some bass behind closed doors!"
We got into the cab - the cab driver said
He recognized my girlie from the back of her head
He said a little something about tip to base
So I made him stop the cab to get out of the place
I shouldn't have looked back man I'll always regret it
Something's going on and I'll probably never get it
She was crying like a baby - stupid dumb
It's just too bad that girl's a bum
She's crafty - she's gets around
She's crafty - she's always down
She's crafty - she's got a gripe
She's crafty - and she's just my type
She's crafty"
Yep. I get it from my mom.
Well, the crochet and sewing part, anyway. The knitting part I got from a book. I make a mean pair of socks.
I also do some origami - I've found that it's stress relieving.
We're having my young cousins (10 and 7) over to Mom's house in a few weeks to do Christmas Crafts. I think Mom's going to have them design their own mini-quilts. I'm looking forward to it. Kids are chock-full of unconvential ideas.
I am an awesome craftsperson!
In my mind.
However, a bunch of oversize wood blocks, salvaged pieces of rusted iron and a few sketches are the only thing to indicate I'm even remotely crafty.
If craft-y-ness is at all genetic, then maybe there's hope for me yet. My dad gave all us kids some hand-made lamps to hang on the wall (made out of snowshoes and yes, it IS exactly like you picture in your mind). And, he just bought a (sigh) barn that he's had disassembled for re-assembly at a later time.
I predict it'll be finished sometime around mid-Neveruary.
I craft:
A tasty chocolate chip cookie recipe that will knock your socks off.
A Christmas cross-stitch every two years.
A masterful playlist for date night.
JasonB, I too made shivs. Miniature ones made of straightened paper clips wrapped in small pieces of cardboard, then wrapped in strips of duct tape. I used to deliver stuff and would spend long hours in traffic sitting in the cab of the truck making miniature prison weapons.
I've also made some mediocre end-tables and a turntable stand that housed records underneath. Oh and a lamp that looks like a fountain.
I once made bowls out of hollowed out branches and some screens that i sold to older kids at the park. They of course started on fire when smoked out of and i was promptly given wedgies and a ddt. This crafting improved greatly though- and grew to include hinkley-schmitt bongs and the like.
Some of the most questionable Crafters have to be the taggers who used to break into cars to cut out the seatbelt, then sew the ends together to make a stylish belt for themselves.
I try to be crafty, but I also like to finish things before starting something anew, so I usually wind up working on one thing for a really long time. That has now (as it always does around christmas) changed so that I can pump out some presents. I like needlework specifically, and printing.
Val - share the playlist?
cooking/baking & jewelry-making (mostly beadwork, no soldering or anything).
unfortunately i've never asked my mother how to crochet or knit - i keep it that way so i can just ask her for scarves and afghans. ;)
pretty crafty...i sew (both by machine and hand), paint, collage, make pottery, jewelry...tell me i can't make something and i'll try it anyway.
perfect timing on the topic. i'll be (hopefully) selling my crafts at the diy trunkshow tomorrow!
I'm not particularly crafy. I can cook ok, and sew on a button in a pinch, but nothing beyond that. Creating new things just doesn't seem to be my strong point.
Give me the right tools however, and I can fix anything.
I'm great at starting projects and not finishing them... embroidered pillow, several knitting projects, paintings, jewelry.
I have mad MacGyver skills that I inherited from my mom.
Oh, and I rock in the kitchen.
i am 11% crafty.
Craft as in glue, felt, sparklies - NO
Craft as in metals, torch, small sculptures, jewelry- YES.
I also weave- I sold my loom, but it was one of those big piano-sized ones.
I like ceramics, but I suck at it. I also paint and work with wood- have my own wood carving tools, too.
Just don't get me started on the whole 'craft vs fine art' discussion or I'll puke.
Very, when I have the time. It's easier to talk about materials I like to work with: yarn, thread, fabric, clay, silkscreen/ink, paper, glue, briefly linoleum... basically whatever project crosses my mind at the time. But I'm in grad school right now, so crafting is a guilty use of time when I should be writing my thesis.
I put together a desk from Ikea, if that counts...
and I put together my TV stand, but I put two pieces in backwards and couldn't get the DVD racks in place, so I left them out. I wasn't taking it apart again.
And I think I can do something with glitter and glue...
I can craft an excellent soup, and now that cold winter's here, yay for soup season. Slow cooked, from scratch, intricately hand crafted soup. I've already made a rock solid chili for around a buck in materials that fed me for two days, and look forward to lentils, northern beans, pinto soups, pea soup, etc., etc. As my gas bill rises, my food bill drops, so it all works out.
p.s.: I miss the massive wall of dry goods they had at Whole Foods off of North. When they moved it to by the produce section, they greatly reduced the selection. Anyone know if they got a nice big dry goods section in any of their other stores? Esp the newest one in South Loop? My soups have suffered from lesser quality materials lately.
I homebrew my own beer.
skee bop: It worked for me ;)
Mark Bronson - Feat. Amy Winehouse - Valerie
Jack Johnson - Bushfire Fairytales
Rufus Wainwright - Foolish Love
Oasis - Love Like a Bomb
Mark Bronson - Amy (originally a Ryan Adams song)
Regina Spektor - On The Radio
Cat Stevens - The Wind
Jack Johnson - Banana Pancakes
M. Ward - Undertaker
Nick Drake - Pink Moon
The Stands - All Years Leaving
Ryan Adams - Winding Wheel
M. Ward - Involuntary
David Grey - Mystery Of Love
Spence: Very honorable craft. I'm jealous.
i'm not crafty at all, only in the kitchen -- that's why i went to the diy show by pulaski park on saturday.
nice to meet you, andrew!
I'm crafty as fuck, but I never have any time to craft! I sneak it in as much as I can, but that mostly boils down to knitting on the train. Works for me :)
im crafty like ice is cold (just another beastie boys reference).
the problem is that laziness usually overrules my craftiness. when i was living in the suburbs it was also a lot easier to be crafty, maybe all that fresh air got to my head or something. these days, i stick to baking and small arts projects (for friends and family).
Just enough to be dangerous! Can't really "craft" much but am good at fixing things.
I'm crafty like the girl in the beastie song, that's about it.
Always I have preferred a head-on assault to combat by underhanded subterfuge. Honor in battle is a fading thing, and the principle may well die with me, but if it does, it shall be on the field with the knowledge that I looked fate full in the face and swung my ax as hard as ever.
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anne / November 16, 2007 11:30 AM
I'm one Crafty Lady!