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Monday, February 10
B.F.A. in Visual Communication.
Think about it almost all the time...but after years of not having homework...
about to finish my first semester of my ph.d. program. finished a master's program a year ago. while I knew that a ph.d. would be challenging, I didn't really (and couldn't) understand just how hard it is.
note to my department: I got it.
only nine more days...
I have put myself into situation of having enough credits for a double major as well as several minors provided I aquire 3 or 4 more courses. I put this on the backburner for a few and up until recently have only begun to see the necessity for the piece of framed parchment, thus I am now planning to complete my BS or BFA and the minors in Art History, World History, Anthropology and one in Communications (can I have 4?) with the idea of moving forward with a Masters and teaching. Or I could continue painting, photographing, designing, writing, pontificating, smoking the herbs of enlightenment, playing music, playing trivia games and not making any money.
I've got a BS in Anthropology. I dream of going back. I was all gung-ho for a bit, but now that I've been stuck in the cube farm for 4 years, it's getting harder to imagine going back. I do have pictures hanging in my cube of me on my digs to remind me of what I should be doing instead.
I have a BS and have never thought about grad school long enough to look into the GRE/GMAT, etc.
A recent pipedream during a sucky day at work was about going to pastry school. I decided I disliked people in general, and brides in particular, too much to bother.
I'm a BJ (bachelor's in journalism -- the irony of the acronym is not lost on me), with a certificate in medical writing and editing.
Every so often, I think about getting an MBA, but in the short term I'll probably just take a business accounting class.
i have a masters in architecture and i constantly daydream about school. i never think critically about design any more...
grad school is the best. my last semester i kept trying to figure out a way to stay in school but a phd in architecture is pretty useless. so i taught the freshmen for a while. i need to get back to that.
BS in microbiology. MS in microbiology.
Too many years in a lab, and now I'm in an office job. In science.
I have a BFA and it has gotten a lot bigger in the past few weeks as I have been drinking more than usual the last few weeks and it barely fits in the allotted CTA seat space anymore. I have also been working on a BFS that is so big that it now hangs over the top button on my pants. I just noticed in the shower this morning that I can hardly see my BFD because it has gotten so bloated. I guess college has not helped me as much as I had hoped so I probably would not go back unless I win the lottery as I am still paying of my student loans.
I had my B.A., was out for 10 years, and then did decide to go back... now I'm a year-and-a-half from my J.D.
Dropped out for good, after intermittently attending high school for three years in CPS. Got a GED, which was approximately as challenging as brushing my teeth. Spent two stints at Harold Washington, and managed admittance to UIC. Then had to drop out for lack of money.
Every day at work, I talk with highly paid dullards who can't string two sentences together without repeatedly injecting "Like", "Oh my god", "totally..." and/or "you know" as padding to their inane chatter. Almost without exception, they benefitted from the spoils of middle, upper middle or upper class upbringings and attended good, even great universities. Many have advanced degrees.
Every day I console myself with the knowledge that I'm finally at a point where I can go back to school as an avenue to doing something meaningful with my life. I also wonder on occasion if the advanced degrees wielded by most haven't come via Cracker Jack U. Were there more supports in place for those of us who had to struggle constantly just to survive childhood, a lot of the arrogant, self entitled gits who populate professional circles would be as jobless as they are empty and clueless.
I have an MLIS, Masters of Library & Information Science. It's kind of a bullshit degree. I'd like to go back for another MS in computer science or something of that nature.
talk about bull shit - i have a double major in political science and public administration.
sometimes i think about going back for law school or my masters. it's a lot of money, though.
BA in Art from a solid, liberal arts college.
Toyed around with the idea in a Master in Semiotics focusing on the visual. It's pretty much what I do for a living. I am a good self-learner. No one has had a problem with my lack of degrees. Ergo, no more school for me.
BFA with a minor in German. I don't love school but I love to learn, so I have always signed up for different art classes, music lessons, computer classes, and courses I need to take @ work to maintain my license.
I don't care about degrees, certificates, or letters after my name - I'd like to learn Japanese, more about wood carving, study and research microbiology, learn how to sew/use a sewing machine. I'd also like to learn auto repair, how to cut hair, and how to stop being such a nerd.
I just (seriously, yesterday) finished my master's in nonprofit administration after 3-1/2 years of school. Commencement is Friday night, and then I'll suddenly have 10-15 hours per week of my life back.
I went all the way!
With Kelly, Susan and Dina. Kathleen, Mary and Denise, too!
I got as far as third base with Muffy (how ironic) and Kristy.
I made it second base with another score of young ladies.
First base was a greeting for me, back in the day.
And hell yeah, I'd go back, them girls never get older!
I maded it through 4 years of college, but I'm one of those that believes going back to school would put me far behind those who are working (at least in my industry).
I spend large amounts of time keeping up with the tools and technologies used in my job and just started teaching them. There's no school I know of (except the one I teach at) that can keep up to date. Certifications are a different story, and I'll be doing a few of those next year.
Now if win the lottery or someone gives me a grant, I'd love to stop working and go back to school doing something interesting but low-intensive like art photography or pottery.
I have a B.S. (ha...) in Management. I would go to graduate school if I knew what I wanted to do with the degree once I had it. I like pedigree. I'd like to say I have a Masters, but if I'm not doing anything with it, what's the point? I'm still trying to figure out what life well-lived means to me, much less what degree to get and, for the love of all that's good, how to pay for it.
have a BFA. would like to work in the not-for-profit field and would love to go to graduate school. just don't have a clue what for. i mean, it's a lot of money and i'd like to be confident in the major i choose. and i've been in this state of indecision for 2 or so years…
I have a BA in print journalism. It has taken me where I wanted it to, and where it didnt't take me, I made happen on my own. I basically started a magazine from the ground up as a side project. I'm having a helluva good time with it, but I'm also thinking about building a publishing company with other non-periodical sideprojects like books -- stuff that don't require the type of management and overhead you need for a magazine.
I would like to take some art, creative writing, photography, graphic design and music classes in the future, but not as a program.
But who really knows. I can't say where I'll be in the next 10 years.
I have a B.S. in Communication and a Certificate in Women's Studies from Northwestern (Women's Studues wasn't an accredited major back then - not sure if it is now or not....). Although I enjoyed school while I was in it, I've only recently stopped having the very vivid dream where I haven't been to class all quarter and the finals are coming up and it's too late to drop the class and the bookstore is out of the book (now I'll probably have this dream tonight...). Since I'd rather not have this dream cycle start back up I guess returning to school would be a bad idea.
I have a BA in theater and communications and an MA in journalism and mass communications. I took a lot of classes in critical media studies in grad school and loved it .
I want to go back to school and get a PhD. every. damn. day. so I can actually get paid to blather about media studies every day, as opposed to boring my friends with it.
BFA in graphic design
I would definitely go back to school in a heartbeat. I loved school. If I won the lotto, I would become a professional student. But, then I'd be able to take whatever I wanted! ;)
Got a BA in English and a BS in Biology. Worked in the biotech industry for a year, decided to leave science but needed time to figure out what I wanted to do, worked in real estate for 2 of the worst years of my life, then went back to school to get my masters in creative writing with more enthusiasm and conviction than I ever could have had I gone straight from college. I'm still in grad school, about to start my thesis and already thinking about going on to get my MFA (MFA's in creative nonfiction aren't so ubiquitious as for fiction, so I'm getting an MA now). I may change my mind by the time I'm done with my thesis, but honestly, I love being in school, especially in an arts program. Sometimes I dream of going back to science, but my field was so technology-based that I'd probably have to go back to undergrad level it's probably changed so much in the years I've been away.
I dropped out of Biomedical Engineering at Boston University after my first semester Junior Year. You couldn't pay me to go back.
Got a BA in English, then a BFA in Studio Art/Photography. After an almost-20 year break, I started a Masters in Literature at NU, which I should finish this summer, if all goes to plan. I was trying to decide between this and a MS Computer Information Systems, as some professional credentials would be nice at this stage in my career. I opted for Lit because a) it was more fun and b) I figured that I would have a better shot at figuring out that whole work/school/home balance with that. Once I'm done, I start on the MS-CIS, also at NU. And after that, culinary school.
I'll die in school, it seems.
I received an undergrad degree in Creative Writing, and even with the enjoyable assignment of writing - creatively! - I barely rolled across the finish line in a heap of black robes and mortarboard tassels. Paying for higher education would be a waste for me - the best advancements I've made have always been through meeting the right people at the right time, and convincing them that I'm a pleasant person who doesn't have his head up his ass. Often, this turns out to be true!
Got my JD five years ago. The cost of that endeavor a prosecutor's salary pretty much guarantee that I will never be going back to school for anything.
BA in Poli Sci, Masters Degree in Public Policy, from George Washington University.
I would definitely go back. I ain't done till I gets my Phd.
I received a BA and a BS a few years back. Currently, I'm studying for the GRE but I need to make up my fickle mind as to the grad program I want to pursue.
I also have wild dreams of traveling around the world for a year. Can you get a MA or MS in world travel?
Clearly, a quarter toss is called for.
I also have an MLIS, which I considered a kind of professional hazing. It actually led to a career in higher ed fundraising, which has been an education in itself. It pays so much better than a library gig--who knew? Next fall, 18 years after my BA and 12 after my MLIS, I'll be going back for a PhD.
Perfect timing on this question. Today I received the word that I have achieved National Board Certification!!!
I have a Masters in Education and a B.A. in English. I'm more proud of National Board certification than anything I've done. It's hard as hell, has a low passing rate, and I achieved on my first try. It's a damn good day!
I am still in school. Still chasing whatever degree it takes in the field I currently work in.
I love school and hope to never be forced to stop going.
Also perfect timing for me - I put my first grad school application in the mail yesterday, the rest will go at the end of the month. I'm applying for MEM (Masters of Environmental Management) and MPP programs now, ideally I'd like to do an MEM/MBA joint degree. The prospect of starting a new round of applications is not pleasant, though. I'll probably end up applying to the B-school at one particular school if I get in for the MEM.
I can't wait to go back to school. I miss combining critical thinking with creativity. My job is more interesting than most but I'd like the chance to think about the same issues under less immediate pressure for results, so that I have time to develop better solutions. Is that vague enough for business school?
B.A. in Business Management from a small liberal arts school.
4 years working at an insurance cube farm before I had my life changing decision to quit and move to chicago and find my true calling. worked for the YMCA for a couple years here and completely loved every second of it. decided to become a teacher. looked all over at alternative certification programs but the best, fastest, least restrictive one was back at my alma mater, so here i am, back in iowa.
finished the coursework in 1 year (while working FT back at the insurance sweatshop) and will commence student teaching in january. i have a new lease on life.
Congrats! That is a great achievement and a ton of work! My x-gf got her NBCT while we were together and it is a big time/effort commitment. But at least there are nice financial rewards to be reaped now!
B.S. in print journalism and M.S. in advertising. I actually kind of use both of them in my job, which I love, so I won't be going back to school anytime soon.
I got a BA from NYU's Gallatin School of Individualized Study, with a concentration in Ideology & Cultural Studies (because my program was so flexible, I also got to takes some visual art and writing classes, and do arts admin internships). I got a fellowship to go to the University of Chicago, in their Master's of Humanities program, but I was completely miserable there so I only finished a couple of quarters of coursework, although I was there for nearly a year. I toyed with the idea of applying to art school, since that was something that I sort of gave up when I made the choice to go to a liberal arts institution, but I'm not willing to take on that financial committment. Earlier this year, I got a job working as a web designer and programmer so I've started taking classes again, this time at a place in the west loop called Digital Bootcamp. One beef that I had with the U of C was that a lot of the stuff I was studying was so abstract that it wasn't really relevant to real life, and sometimes not even to the pertinent field of academics. These practical classes that I'm taking now are more my speed.
BA and MA in English, currently in the middle of a PhD in the same.
I'll be going back to school every year for the rest of my working life. It's going to be great!
Thanks Holden! it IS a hell of a lot of work... proudest moment of my life...
I have a BFA in GFA, general fine arts or "generally fucking around" as some called it. I think about going back to school for a masters in sculpture or photography every so often, most times just after the deadline for application.
"Teaching means different things in different places, but seven lessons are universally taught from Harlem to Hollywood Hills. They constitute a national curriculum you pay for in more ways than you can imagine, so you might as well know what it is. . . . 1. Confusion. 2. Class Position. 3. Indifference. 4. Emotional Dependency. 5. Intellectual Dependency. 6. Provisional Self-Esteem. 7. One Can't Hide. . . . It is the great triumph of compulsory government monopoly mass-schooling that among even the best of my fellow teachers, and among even the best of my students' parents, only a small number can imagine a different way to do things."
John Taylor Gatto, speech on accepting 1991 New York State teacher of the year award, reprinted in Gatto's Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1992), pages 1-12.
At this point, I have a master's and then some. I'm working towards a Ph.D. It's going to be a while...
Oh, and congratulations, amye!
i have my b.s in art education then went back for my LBS 1 endorsment to teach LD/BD special education. Eventually I will get my masters in education. I still take art classes at random places from time to time. I'm a school junkie.
ive got a BA in television writing and production.
getting a masters would do zero for my career, but being at school and taking the classes would help me foster more connections, which would be good. as long as youre not a complete mongoloid and are at least a little talented, film and tv have a place for you somewhere...provided you know the people that can say 'yes.'
"I have tasted a life wasted, I ain't never going back again"
- Pearl Jam
left a four year university after my freshman year. have been playing around in community colleges for about 10 years now. still undecided on a major. my dream is to finally find what i'm passionate about and get a degree or two.
I have a B.A. in history with a teaching certificate and endorsements to teach US and World History, Economics, and Anthropology. I, like Leelah, found out yesterday that I "achieved" national board certification on my first attempt, and I couldn't be prouder. I'd like to go back and get an MA or a PhD in some historical field dealing with cultural studies OR go to culinary school, but I have no interest in going to school while teaching, and I think it would be financially difficult to go back full time. I need a sugar daddy to finance my nerd dreams.
I left grad school more than a decade ago needing only to pass my comprehensive exams to earn an M.A. (Managed to flunk them once by goofing off out west when I should've been studying.)
Never gave much thought to going back and taking them once I left the old college town.
Now, getting the degree would require me to transfer to a new uni and take a number of classes -- I'm well past the alloted time to complete the degree from my former institution.
I've never felt that the lack of an M.A. in English from a mediocre state school has held me back. I learneds what I learneds and knows what I knows, and no piece of paper would change that. Now, it's up to my 'lil sis to become the first in our family to earn an advanced degree....
I have a bachelors but I'm definitely going back at some point. The problem is, for what, and how to afford it. I think some kind of business-y course would be most practical, even if I stay outisde of corporate world, because everyone should have some basic business skills that can help you in whatever field you go into. I only wish I had realized that while in college and taken a few straight up business classes... although it seems most liberal arts programs aren't set up so that you can do that, which is a shame.
JJ -- it'll be easier for you to pick up business than it is for the business-trained to demonstrate the skills and 411 you acquired through the liberal arts. I've never taken a business course in my life, and I make my livelihood by ghostwriting business articles and papers for a few consulting firms simply because their people have troubles thinking past PowerPoint!
I finished six years of school with four degrees: BA Music, BS Computer Science, MS Computer Science, MA Social Sciences. Took a couple of years off before taking the plunge for a PhD in Ethnomusicology. I'm halfway through my second year now and I wouldn't change a thing. It helps that they're paying me this time around. Getting paid to study and teach what I love is pretty damn amazing and feels like such a coup.
Got a BS in Computer Science years back. Finally got myself to start on some more schooling, doing the MS-CIS at NU.
Sometimes I think I should be doing something entirely different, like being a baker (minus early hours) , a chef, or something else that sounds more fun than the current gig.
You can always re-take a class.
But you can NEVER re-live a party!
Trevor - I agree with your 2nd paragraph 100%.
Most people that I've met and work with who have a degree are morons. They're educated, but most of them came from corn stalks and suburbs, so they lack everyday common sense.
I can't count the number of female executives under 30 whose daily mode of operation is fear-masquerading-as-aggression. They're too pre-occupied with maintaining an image of competence to notice that nobody takes them seriously.
I have a BA in English. I chose that major primarily because I like to write but also because the journalism people at my school were kind of irritating. Once, a few years ago, I applied to a bunch of schools to get an MFA in creative writing, but didn't get in. Apparently lots of people apply to creative writing programs, which is baffling, as it's hardly the most useful degree out there. Ah well... now I just take classes here and there, and I'm quite happy with that. If I ever go back to school, full time, it will probably be for photography or something else entirely. @JJ- find me some good business classes!
Andy, yeah, lots of people apply for creative writing programs, and yeah, it's nearly a useless degree. But it gets you contacts and lets you teach. Plus it's a fun degree. It lets you sort of indulge in the writing life for a little while, even if you think you might not be able to ever be a professional writer. If you're still interested, check out Northwestern's SCS writing program(MA). It's pretty new, just over 3 years old, and still evolving, but I like it, and it has a creative nonfiction concentration.
your statement, "They're educated, but most of them came from corn stalks and suburbs, so they lack everyday common sense" is a complete load of sh!t and reflects an ignorant, incorrect opinion. I've met plenty of people lacking in common sense and it makes no difference if they are from the streets of the city or rural cornfields.
I am a third year PhD student (English). I picked up my MA (same field) along the way. I love what I do; that being said, I wouldn't be here if I weren't being paid for it.
B.S. in Computer Science... I've been thinking of going back (part time) to get a Masters in Telecommunication while work will still pay for it!
Most of the people I know (myself included, hoo hoo)who "came from corn stalks" are very common-sensical. And please, don't lump us together with suburbanites!
A note to those who are considering becoming a chef/baker... A friend of mine who paid a lot of money for pastry school and had a lot of fancy internships over the years has told me repeatedly that pastry school is a waste of time. She said that you can learn just as much by being an apprentice under an established baker.
It's something to consider since pastry school can cost up to $25K per year!
2 years of on-campus undecided undergraduate, ending in 1998 - basically wasted taking random LA courses; three years ago I started taking summer courses, and just finished my first non-summer, evening class. Strictly math and science this time.
I've got a JD. I came from the suburbs, but the blue-collar variety, not an especially privileged place. I’m still the only one in my family who finished college, let alone grad school.
I enjoy school generally, though law school was pretty unbearable and I usually caution folks against it. Like Michael, I’ve got a lot of debt for a government lawyer. I think about going back or just taking random classes in subjects that interest me like Russian lit or Irish history but I work too many hours and travel too much to seriously consider it. I compensate by being a voracious reader.
BA in business... even though i was told it would be the "best way to go" i feel the thing is useless to me. i aspire to go back to get a different degree in something more fine arts related.
In 1981, I spent a year at the UW-Madison, where I majored in “many bong hits upon awakening at noon.” To be fair to my 18 year old self, I had instantly become disenchanted with the depressingly regimented soul grinding diploma mill that was the UW’s undergrad department and was just marking time for a year to satisfy my parents.
About 15 years later I enrolled in DePaul’s adult degree Program, called the School For New Learning, and graduated in 2000. SNL offers an alternative “design your own degree” program (seriously, they make you come up with your own name for it) with an emphasis on writing and critical thinking, so it’s a broad based Liberal Arts BA with my own personal twist (I guess). Having the freedom to study what I thought was important was truly a joyous experience, although it caused me to dive in so deeply that I burnt out a bit at the very end (chasing the 4.0 can fry you up).
I’d love to back to SNL to get a Masters (I could build the Degree project around my tour guide biz and other endeavors), but I’m still not ready. I thought I was a few years ago, but realized that I really just wanted to not have to pay Student Loans for awhile (and get some more dough to play with).
There’s nothing like the experience of being in a good school, where you can just immerse yourself in the world of ideas and not have to be totally concerned with day to day subsistence. There are a billion other programs/degrees I’d love to take/get but they remain a dream until I earn some more bank or that recalcitrant MacArthur Foundation comes across;-)
After seven years of on-and-off college attendance, I went to the graduation ceremony and decided that, whether or not I was certified, I was never going back. A month later, I got a large cardboard tube in the mail with my diploma in it.
I'll probably keep my word. Probably. In every way, college is the most overrated part of bourgeois American life. I made good friends and had good times, but most of what I actually learned in class was obsolete by the time I graduated.
But I'll consider going back if my bachelor's in journalism keeps deflating. The only white-collar jobs I manage to land now are proofreading jobs, which I've never particularly enjoyed.
Andrew - Mizzou? I was pre-j my freshman year until administration felt it was best I continue my higher education elsewhere. Whoops. My "fig" made shirts that said "just here for a BJ". We were one witty bunch, I tell ya.
BS in Journalism, advertising specialization. No dreams/hopes/aspirations/thoughts of more school. Ever.
Only finished my freshman year, then dropped out. That was in 1997. I'll be attending DePaul this summer.
Strangely enough, I had an grad school version of the "actor's nightmare" just last night. I had apparently enrolled in some graduate program at Northwestern (my alma mater, for what it's worth) and moved from somewhere else to start it. However, I was wandering the campus looking for the registration office, which I could never find, and I wasn't even sure what program I was supposed to be in.
Very disconcerting, and very vivid. Reinforces my decision not to ever actually go to grad school (applied for PhD in English; that would have been a huge mistake for me, I think).
More DePaul Love. Came home to it after a big-10 univ. (selected w/ suspect judgement) told me to leave. I need to go back for the master's pretty soon so people quit calling me "temp boy". I want to make the trains run on time. Oh I also have an Associate's (in SCIENCES muthersuckah)- attained under the cloud of shame which hangs over those back in your parent's attic after a school tells you to leave.
Earned a BA in philosophy & music composition, spent a couple of years as a visiting student at Oxford doing more of the same, more or less, currently halfway through a JD. I'm not feeling going back to school after I get done with this one. I have to second YAJ on the "unbearable" nature of law school, and not just because it's finals time. For me, there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but that can't be true for everybody.
Urban Ethos [26]
What is Chicago's "urban ethos"?
Cool Glass of... [16]
What're you drinking?
Supreme Decision [22]
What's your reaction to the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act?
Taking it to the Streets [20]
Chicago Street Fairs: Revolting or Awesome?
I Can Be Cruel [9]
Be real: what is the meanest thing you've ever done?
jennifer / December 13, 2006 11:00 AM
If I were to go back and finish, I'd probably be a sophmore in college. It took going to two community colleges, one art school, and two universities (not in that order) and dropping out (or flunking out) of all of them after one or two semesters to realize that traditional school might not be for me.
I more interested these days in taking classes available at all sorts on non-college environments like Lill Street, Old Town School of Folk Music, etc.etc.