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Thursday, February 6
I have a thing for perfect teeth.
Shoes and books -- but oddly enough, not books about shoes...
Can one have a Marshall Field's fetish?
Bald guys with glasses. Moby, David Cross, my own fella....
Smarts, and smartasses., natch.
A high A and a keen interest in 5th century Buddhist cave temples. I blame graduate school.
Shoes. Cameras. Gear - particularly bike and hiking/climbing/outdoor hi-tech synthetics.
crooked teeth. receding hairlines. electrical tape. piercing needles.
fetˇish also fetˇich ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ftsh, ftsh)
1. An object that is believed to have magical or spiritual powers, especially such an object associated with animistic or shamanistic religious practices.
2. An object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence: made a fetish of punctuality.
3. Something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification.
4. An abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment; a fixation.
Based on the definition of the word, I'd have to say I don't have any. At least not any permanent ones. I am currently experiencing a (hopefully fleeting) "fixation" on a certain sexy pink-haired fella. Crush or fetish? I dunno. He'd probably enjoy being considered a "fetish", but I'm thinking it's more of a "crush".
Men with shaved heads, boots (and perhaps shoes in general, but certainly not feet), well-read people, chokers, self-deprecation.
Crushed velvet.
Naz, you finally get a prime opportunity for a sex-related answer, and you drop the ball. Oh, wait--cameras, synthetics...never mind.
Eating feces, slash-porn, wax-torture, fisting, domination. Just kidding.
I'm really into pony-tails, nice legs, tomboys, piercings/tattoos, public sex.
Ponytails? Maybe it's all the pregnancy hormones, but reading that made me all gushy inside. That is the sweetest thing I've heard (read) all day...
Pete - I know, I know. But some festishes should remain private.
The ponytail thing reminded me of something else I really like - pigtails.
Aww...all you boys like the sweet simple things in life. Although now Naz, I'm picturing you grabbing someone by their pigtails. On second thought, you kinkster, you!
I'm glad it's not the slash-porn that made you all gushy! But yeah, pony-tails are soooo so hot.
Thanks Alex, x, x -- being "sweet" (as in "kind") is sweet (as in "excellent").
Footy pajamas.
John McEntire.
This winter, I was all about the faux-hawk. But that's sooo 2003.
White ankle socks.
Unethical Psychology Experiments.
Stanley Milgram, Little Albert and The Stanford Prison Experiment for starters. They also make great band names.
Corsetry; fringed underpinnings.
Anne - you should have seen me last year, I was rocking the faux-hawk all summer long.
Way to go, obviously-an-English-major-or-ex-English-major with the definition of fetish.
By the way, treated.
We smell our own, then we treat 'em like Spray-N-Wash to pea soup on a p-coat.
I suppose pea soup on a p-coat could itself be a fetish.
Beards and nerdy glasses.
1. Boys in button up shirts with sweaters (glasses are a plus)
2. Sleepwear/underwear
3. Cooking/food in general
Naz - and it's a big shame I'm getting my hair cut short on Tuesday!
You should see me today: I'm rocking the pigtails.
-Reminders of Ex's or resemblences to someone famous
-Nice smiles
-Long eyelashes
(Oh, and I've definitely heard the pigtail thing before...)
Short girl(s).
scarlett johannson in fishnets (ignore photoshopped tattoo).
right,so maybe not fetishes in the strictest sense of the word, i'd tend to say these are things that i REALLY REALLY like, a whole fucking lot:
1.nerdy smart boys
i've never been one to obsess about anything, i'll never get into anything enough for it to be a fetish. well,never say never.
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Be real: what is the meanest thing you've ever done?
Ramsin / March 30, 2004 11:46 AM
50s fashion. I know that's creepy. But what can I say?