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Andrew / December 4, 2006 2:05 AM

I buy gifts for my family, of course, but also for a number of friends.

On my mom's side of the family, we've started doing a gift exchange; we pick a name from the hat, and get that person an extra-nice gift.

Caffeine Free / December 4, 2006 7:59 AM

Besides my immediate family, it's been extended to my boyfriend's family as well.

We have a gift exchange too, on my dad's side of the family. My cousin draws names out of a hat and we send our person a "wish list". The limit is $100.

I also buy for select cousins and one of their kids.

It really varies on my budget and my circle of friends at the time, which seems to change more often than not.

I used to buy for my boss and co-workers, but this year is a little different since I'm in an new office with a lot more people.

Shasta MacNasty / December 4, 2006 8:15 AM

No one. If I want to give a gift to someone, I don't wait for Christmas or any other special occasion. I just do it.

jasmine / December 4, 2006 8:36 AM

i only celebrate with my dad's family, and we do a $50 grab bag. this year we're buying gift cards, tossing them in a hat and then everyone picks a card. easy. my parents both have december birthdays, so i usually just buy them each one large-ish gift. i buy for my best guy friend, a few girlfriends and my godchildren. oh, and my 17 year old cousin. i think she's getting a chastity belt this year...

mary / December 4, 2006 8:46 AM

for the past few years one or more of my siblings and myself have been in college so we have picked names out of a hat... i think we'll do that again this year. and then ill get a present for my mom and 4 or 5 of my closest friends. everyone else gets a card

im really bad at buying gifts for people...

kelly / December 4, 2006 10:18 AM

my mom, my dad, my brother, his wife, their kids, my two best friends, my grandma, assorted small gifts for coworkers and employees, and tips for my cleaner, my UPS guy, building maintenance, hairdresser, and trainer.
It is the one time of year I really try not to have a boyfriend.
But I totally clean up becuase my birthday is the week between christmas and new years.

eep / December 4, 2006 11:21 AM

Parents, sister, brother-in-law, two nephews, grandma, two uncles, my cousin's children (4 total), 3 friends from high school that I still talk to regularly (plus one spouse), boyfriend, and something small for his parents. I'd like to get more for people, but I'm strapped for cash as it is. Gift giving is expensive.

Nicole / December 4, 2006 11:36 AM

Only my parents, my brother and my best friend. The number have people have whittled down over the years, which makes it easy for me.

Veronica / December 4, 2006 12:25 PM

I'm a Scrooge anyway, so I always tell friends not to get me anything because I don't want to get into the sort of pattern where we feel like we have to get each other something every year. I only buy for my immediate fam (and I ask them what they want or give a gift card) and this year I'll probably get something small for the few people I work with everyday.

It's not so much than I'm anti-giving as it that I really dislike getting useless presents. I don't need perfume or jewelry or knick-knacks. Save your money. Or donate what you would have spent to a charity and let me know. I don't want someone to waste their money on a gift I'll never use just because they feel like they have get me something.

taj / December 4, 2006 12:29 PM

my "surrogat" american family, some friends. lately we've been dontaing money to different causes insted of getting whole bunch of mostly uselless stuff. i did this with some friends too and they really liked it. also love the white elephant gift exchanges. great way to get rid of things or get some hilarious stuff.

Bill V / December 4, 2006 1:02 PM

Mom and Dad, and all of the kids in the family. Sometimes we'll do a Secret Santa, so then I'll have to buy one other adult something.

fluffy / December 4, 2006 1:07 PM

I'm like Veronica- I hate getting little generic crap gifts from people just because they feel obligated to get me something. I will, however, take banana/pumpkin/zuchini bread and/or cookies. Or a homemade holiday card.

I buy gifts for the nephew and nieces, but try to make something for the siblings and Mom.

tmnpjct / December 4, 2006 1:29 PM

Jesus. It's his birthday. Last year I gave him a bag of fresh soil...but it turned out he wanted "peace on earth", not a "piece of earth".

my bad, Jesus. Put it in writing this year.

d. / December 4, 2006 4:22 PM

hi everybody, happy holidays!

well...i found a really good idea this year. normally i just get gifts for immediate family and my closest friends.

this year i'm going to handmake chocolate truffles. i haven't decided yet, there are different types i can make -- meyer lemon and thyme, ancho chile and cinnamon (that was an original idea from me, though i'm sure it's been done before), etc. bags of these will be given to friends and coworkers as a holiday gift.

sure, my friends are gonna make fun of me for not having more manly hobbies, but after a bite it'll be worth the trouble.

sky / December 4, 2006 5:44 PM

My parents, my sister, her son, (I'm skipping on her husband because he is poo walking), and my grandma. We have a white elephant at work and I generally get my boss something small. Other than that, I usually have a holiday party at my apartment and that is my gift to my friends...providing the booze.

Leelah / December 4, 2006 6:02 PM

The number of gift purchases has shrunk in the past few years... it's down to about 5 of my girls, my parents and my sister.

jaye / December 4, 2006 8:10 PM

usually my mom, sweetie and kids...i also try to get little trinkets for some of my clients and their employees

Meems / December 5, 2006 8:41 AM

I get everybody on my Mom's side which is about 8 people plus my boyfriend and a few friends. Every year I worry about money and every year it turns out OK.

carrie / December 5, 2006 9:13 AM

Siblings (sister and I tend to overdo it for each other and then we give cash to the younger ones), mom, dad, boyfriend and best friend. Amazingly I am done with the boyfriend, know what I'm getting the sister and have a good idea for best friend. I am never done shopping this early. I prefer to wait until the week before.

Spook / December 5, 2006 11:01 AM

So how much longer is this going to go on?

spook / December 5, 2006 11:04 AM

p.s of course we could always use some Allan to break the redundancy
of, girl friend, brother, father, sister, best friend, clever land shark

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