Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
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Sunday, February 9
in the kitchen, cooking and drinking wine with Annie and yelling at the dogs to stay out of my way.
Meandering the streets of Chicago with my camera during the gloaming with no Point B to get to.
florence, italy and reminiscing about it
Sarah-Ji - wish I had thought of that. That's perfect! I also love to roam around with camera in hand/around neck, especially before/after a big storm.
manny's deli in chicago, corned beef sandwich piled high and potato pancake.
1). Porch swing at my house in Logan Square.
2). Skatin' round and round the track at UIC!
I suppose it depends on the time, day, mood.
Chillin on the couch with my man or my kitties
Walking around the neighborhood alone with my thoughts
Cooking after a bad day - especially the prepping and chopping. It's so therapeutic
A bottle of wine
Most recently, yoga
A warm tropical sea at 100 ft deep( off a cliff wall) with 200 ft visibility infront. No words can explain it
The backyard of my uncles' house in Palm Springs, CA. It's so warm and peaceful.
My bed.
Quiet old-man bars in the late afternoon.
My shower.
Eating a big breakfast on the porch on summer mornings.
Sunday afternoons in my living room, napping in the sunshine with the cats.
Mom's kitchen. Mom's gardens (she's got one hell of a green thumb. And some terrifyingly huge chives).
The quiet lounge in that hostel I visited in Edinburgh.
My bed is also a really awesome place. Flannel sheets, down comforter. And on some mornings, the kitten is unbearably cute.
My happy place would have to be Sunday mornings making breakfast at home with the family, listening to Sunday Papers with Rick Kogan.
* Anyplace where I'm looking at my son.
* In my car when I'm driving alone with appropriate music to compliment the weather.
* In the shower when I'm shaving my face and listening to a stand-up comedy CD.
* Laying in bed with the wife at the end of the day and watching bad television.
In the arms of the people I love.
my bed, sleeping or reading; walking all over Chicago, with camera in hand (like others have posted); watching a great band live, mesmerized and in my own world;
at an unpopular bar with a stiff drink in hand; in the arms of my ex; on a long road trip with great music or a mystery book on tape/dvd; at my art studio lost in my work; and of course, anywhere with Mr. M.
The library, specifically the Harold Washington Library. I fervently believe that nothing bad can happen to you in a library.
Oh, and the Hopleaf. Preferably on Sunday, when James, the most awesome bartender in the world, is bar tending. He makes the best bloody mary's. And they get the New York Times.
Sitting with a good book, covered up with a blanket I put in the dryer. Toasty!
my bed. my london vacation last summer. sioux city iowa - cooking out with my fam. anytime i have my headphones on, playing the soundtrack to my day.
James is a good guy. The Hopleaf on Sunday afternoon is like a warm coffee shop, but with beer istead of coffee.
The White Palace Grill at 5:00 am on a sunday morning... waiting for the Maxwell Street vendors to start unpacking.
Once every year when the weather is bad, I try to hit the Garfield Park Conservatory -- spent a good part of the afternoon there today, and it was very happy.
Home, I really love being at home. I have the ones I love there (bf and 2 cats), it's comfy and there's always food around.
Also, being someplace with people I love makes me happy... a bar, their house, vacation... whatever, as long as the company is good, I'm good.
Jamaica! Or anywhere I can swim in very warm water.
Urban Ethos [26]
What is Chicago's "urban ethos"?
Cool Glass of... [16]
What're you drinking?
Supreme Decision [22]
What's your reaction to the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act?
Taking it to the Streets [20]
Chicago Street Fairs: Revolting or Awesome?
I Can Be Cruel [9]
Be real: what is the meanest thing you've ever done?
printdude / March 6, 2009 8:55 AM
the Golf Course.
a Baseball game with a dog and a brew
in my kitchen, with my friends waiting at the table.