Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
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Saturday, February 8
It really doesn't matter where or when but there's a distinct moment when a late afternoon sun, right before it sets, finds my cheeks that puts my soul to ease.
When I bring my bicycle to Boulevard Bikes, Kevin takes such good care of it, he even cleans my rims when he fixes a flat for me.
My Raleigh is my baby and I always feel like she's in excellent and skilled hands when I have to bring her in for some work.
• the love of a good woman, namely, my wife.
• labrador love
• all my million-dollar friends
• great music
• a summer day at the ol' ballpark
• a ride on a roller coaster
• chocolate chip cookies
• a good long bike ride
• the next fish I catch
• making a great meal for friends
• winning money at the track
• big bottles of beer!
• pie
• charcoaled meats!
• kite-flying
• canoeing/kayaking
• shooting golfs with good people
• lollapalooza making it's hometown my hometown
• more beer
Running along the lakefront. Hollywood and Foster Ave. Beaches. The view of the city as I drive downtown on Lake Shore Drive. Any time spent being creative. Summer. Good conversations with friends. Oxygen. Breathing. Being alive.
-My guy
-Sleeping in
-A good meal
-My cat
-My family
-My health
-Bowling well
-Knitting something new
-Days away from work
-Exchanging my winter coat for a pair of sandals
Lazy weekend mornings/days spent entirely in my pajamas(especially during the winter)...
Ahh, the possibilities for loafing are endless!!
The top two, no question:
My wife.
Dog time.
And then in no particular order: soccer, beer, coffee, sleep, Radiohead, Sherlock Holmes stories, comic books, televised sporting events and other things.
Waking up to an awesome song on the radio; cooking food that turns out to be delicious (cooking well is new for me); my two guinea pigs; visiting my family; living in this beautiful city; vodka tonics with lemon; fun music mixes; glittery eye shadow; seeing how much kids enjoy visiting 826CHI's tutoring sessions; nights out with friends; rose salve lip gloss; being in Maurine's line at the Belmont & Broadway Walgreens -- she talks to the items you buy and the money you use to pay for them, which is cute and funny; and many other things that I can't think of right now...
The pretty faces of Chicago's beautiful women
Twilight - that short period of time when day transitions to night and the sky is aglow with an unexplainable radiant shade of blue. I savor it each night I can, for I never know when it will be my last twilight.
My dog, my favorite bus driver who always puts me in a good mood just by the fact that he is, beer, cooking, music music everywhere, not working at my old job, a good haircut, a good pair of boots, the rare occasion of riding my bike without fear of being hit by every third car or bus.
My husband
Adoring looks from my dogs, especially when their faces are solemnly staring while their backs are wiggling frenetically
Chocolate. And lately a good, spicy red wine
The iridescent blue color of the sky at dawn and dusk
An old fashioned, well written novel
Planning my gardens in mid-February
Life's Little Simplicities:
-A glass of wine
-A piece of chocolate
-A picnic
-A summer breeze
-A fire
-Watching a butterfly
-Having a lover
-A good book
-A note from a friend
-Making someone smile
-A hug
-A kiss
-A nap
-Sunshine on my face
-Bits of solitude
-A cup of coffee
-my nephew's smile
-working in my darkroom
-those inexplainable moments that make you giggle
-a long walk in the spring or fall when the weather is just starting to warm up/cool off
-falling asleep and waking up in the arms of someone you love who loves you in return
Pink stuff
The Notorious Bettie Page (coming to theaters soon!)
My dog
A good thrift store score
Comfy and CUTE shoes
Punk rock (lately Hot Water Music, Against Me!, American Steel, Dillinger Four, Strike Anywhere)
When dinner's ready when I walk through the door
E! and VH1 clip shows
A good cry ... ironic as it seems
Thai food
Playing records ... on a turntable ...
My Enid dolls
Lisa Loeb. She's sickeningly cute
Lisa Lampanelli "The Queen of Mean"
El Pollo Loco
Back-yard BBQs
Guiness on tap and hot sauce on pizza
Sweet creamy coffee, a Dunkin Donut's treatza
My girlfriend dressed up in french lingerie
These are a few of my favorite things
Chicago in Summer, with clothing at minimum
Concerts at Metro, Schubas, and Empty Bottle-um
Chicago's white winters that melt into spring
These are a few of my favorite things
When the Bush lies
When the job sucks
When I'm feeling like crap
I simply remember my favorite things
and then I don't feel so bad
my sweetheart.
creating music.
listening to music.
my friends.
good beer & good food.
biking all over chicago.
- the ocean is 4 blocks away
- my friends
- elderly couples
- writing corny songs
- Burning Rivers at the Edgewater
- coffee
- red wine
- Ovaltine
- the snooze button
- painting
- strumming
- walking
- my bike (seconding jtrain)
- the Old Town School
- Lill Street
- Crooked Rain Crooked Rain
- Village Green
- Chicago sunsets
- my grandma
- I'm 33 and I can still get a crush
- showing off Chicago
- the first Sunday in April
- Blommer
- Leffe Brune
- all the music venues
- all the storefront theatres
- Fall
- the lentil soup at Taste of Lebanon
- Europe
- Foster Beach
- Books
- the fact that I could keep going with this list
*my boyfriend and his silly jokes. and his cute mouth.
*when my cat gets cat food crumbs in her cat beard.
*the first game of spring training on the radio.
*napping on the beach.
*my oustanding, wonderful, lovely, hilarious girlfriends.
the fact that I can wake up so depressed and then read these lists and actually smile.
Thanks everyone!
my sweetheart.
good cheese.
fresh fruits and vegetables.
good chocolate.
long bike rides, especially the lakefront trail.
science. finding out how things work.
fresh, ripe tomatoes.
the blommer smell.
puppies, monkeys, elephants and bats.
good music, good conversation, and good friends.
and finally, even though i quit - cigarettes.
Sweet Tarts.
Mashed potatoes.
after reading over these lists, i'm struck by how many thing i overlooked & how awesome it will be to re-read these lists when i'm unhappy.
My cat's cute little orange nose and tabby beard.
Running like a crazy person and catching the CTA train just as the doors close behind me.
* backyard grilling
* walking in the grass barefoot
* crisp autumn evenings
* wearing flip-flops during the summer
* growing up and living in Chicago
* Movies in the Park
* spending time at museums, alone
* Christmastime
* reading an engrossing book
* the smell inside of greenhouses and conservatories
* dogs, dogs, dogs
* good cheese paired with good wine
* selfless people
* the smell of bacon and coffee in the mornings
* rainy mornings, rainy days, rainy evenings, preferably in the spring and summer...
Hot Doug's
Generous people
J-in the book The White Rose, that moment before sunset is called the Aubergine Moment.
For me...
baking bread from scratch
dancing tango
celebrating shabbat
my nephew
a good shower
when a certain someone calls me--he has his own celebratory ringtone and the first few notes make me smile
• Sunlight
• The neighborhood's dogs, bookstore cats
• Organic, Fair Trade tea
• Slender arms and hands and the way she held her head while reading
• How the organist takes communion without missing a note
• Well-written fiction
• Well-written software
• Hot dreams (She took me by surprise, I woke sweating.)
• Vegan chocolate-chip cookies
• and for everything / which is natural which is infinite which is yes
• And a week in Florida (I'll be thinking about you all. Really.)
Anonymously bitching about things in the comments section of internet blogs
~ A cup of Mighty Leaf Tropical Green Tea
~ Sleeping in
~ My boyfriend's smile
~ Sharing a good laugh with a friend
~ Hugging my pooch
~ Anything with almonds in it (a double bonus if has chocolate and almonds in it!)
~ Reading a book that I can't put down
~ Singing at the top of my lungs in my car
* My parents' dog going crazy every time I visit.
* My cat climbing into my lap whenever I'm running late.
* Friends who call and play bad music to make me laugh when I'm down.
* 24-hour bad movie marathons.
* A six pack, a friend's TV, and late-night movies.
* Electric blankets.
* Candy from Canada.
* My grandma coming home from the hospital.
* Free burritos for lunch.
* Rainy afternoons on hot days.
* Big fluffy snowflakes.
* Weezer in concert.
* "Arrested Development" marathon on TV tonight.
* My nephew being silly.
* Non-permanent hair dye.
Those rare and beautiful occasions when people get exactly what they deserve. Barring that, playing with cats usually does it.
- Driving over an incline in the expressway and suddenly seeing the Chicago skyline
- Walking through art/craft/fabric stores and being overwhelmed with the possibilities
- Banana and rootbeer popsicle packs
- Discovering a new band before anyone I know does
- Sloan in concert
Pretty much everything. I'm a pretty happy guy.
*When our kids (male age 8; female 9) handle their responsibilities without being told/asked (like pick up their meal plates, wet towels/clothes off the floor,homework, brush teeth), and get to bed/sleep easily without a hassle.
*When our new puppy isn't behaving like "JAWS," sleeps through the night and behaves like he really IS housebroken!
*When our kids play nicely together and it's obvious they love and appreciate each other.
*A happy husband
*Blues music and when XRT featured Eric Clapton last week.
*My longtime buddies
*Random acts of kindness
*when I have (make?) time to spend on things like this
-Crocheting, expecially afghans
-A clean house
-Plants in general
-Breakaway bars
-Clove cigarettes
-Louie Prima
-My friends - Brenna, Chris, Ru, Val, Jorge, Robert, Jimmy, Brad, Ami, and all my Guild buddies
-My mom is pretty awesome too, so is my sister, Surprisey, 'cause she's always surprised.
-Zombie movies
The puppy in my neighborhood dry cleaner's who likes to sidle up to customers and gnaw furtively on their pants legs.
Having a second date with a cute guy I like on a Friday night.
Frosting-and-graham-cracker sandwiches.
Ceili dancing.
I'd have to wait for the anonymous happy thread to really tell you.
But here's a short list:
A walk in the woods, especially if I don't see any other humans.
A day when I don't have to do anything, but make coffee, sit in bed and read.
Biscuits 'n gravy.
Take-offs and landings.
Baldeesh -
Good call on the zombie movies; I'll mentally add that to my previous list as well...
• hearing my mom's voice
• catching my boyfriend look at me like i'm the only one for him
• watching my god son grow up
• listening to the ocean
• taking a nap with both my puppy and my cat
• making my friends smile
• reading a good book & eating cheese and crackers
• watching the season's change
something that would make me happy
• the bears winning the super bowl
I'm with Eamon--I'm pretty much happy all the time. Everyday something small and perfect happens to remind me of how lucky I am. Sometimes it's the glitter of sunshine on snow, or hearing my parents laugh, thinking forward to baseball season and the beach in summer, drinking beer with my friends, or making my boyfriend smile after a long day. I don't really want anything but those. So I'm happy.
Slowly caressing my boyfriend awake about an hour before the alarm to make love.
Having no plans for the weekend
basketball games
Stumptown coffee
Spring, right around the corner
- watching the sunset over the city.
- watching the sunrise while running along the lakefront.
- a whole day with nothing planned.
- getting a hug from one of my nieces.
- butter popcorn and cherry coke at the movie theater.
- drinking red wine while watching an arrested development marathon (so excited for tonight).
i have to second the smell of greenhouses and conservatories. that smell makes me so happy i about pass out every time.
other smells that make me stupid-happy:
baking bread
the first warm spring night
my sweetheart's neck
the top of a baby's head (i know that sounds weird, but it's a great smell)
two things i forgot on my previous list:
-sensitive plants
-watching spiders build webs
-getting an A on an exam
-crossword puzzles
-the internet
-walking around a city i've never been to before
-looking out of the window of a plane and seeing the tops of the clouds
this could seriously go on forever. i guess i'm a pretty happy person after all...
The moment each day when I come home, and as I'm putting the key in the door I hear my husband saying, "Here she comes, Mommy's home!" and then I open the door and my baby boy looks at me, his face breaks out into a huge smile, and he crawls right over, grabs my legs and stands up to get a hug...that's the best part of my day.
...and Loopiness.
Everyone is happy when dryhumping.
Waking up in the morning...drinking a delicious cup of coffee...and then taking a huge dump...then into the shower for the day. That is the perfect way to start the day.
finding shit in the alley that I have a use for
my dog when he barks (or growls) in his sleep
just being alive for the op to maybe do it a little better today.
just knowing that i always come out on top no matter what the challenge
books (any reading material for that matter)
sarcastic wit (so much fun!)
long long baths (nothing compares for the serenity it brings)
wonderful moisturizers (that put some life back into my skin after those baths)
sweet drinks (long island iced teas, chocolate martinis, anything green apple, even boones farm!!)
these are just some of the things.....
ohhh and that james blunt cd!! he alternately makes me laugh and want to cry
happiness for me is...
-that first 70 degree day of the year, when you just drive with the windows down and its fresh and wonderful
-a good, unexpected dance party
-macaroni and cheese
-my students...sometimes they make me mad, but mostly i love them
-new wave music
-drinking margaritas on a patio in the summer
-weekends in chicago during the spring and summer
-looking at art
- My mother's cooking
- The random, funny things my dad says
- The company of my friends
- Good food and booze-a-hol
- My schoogly kitty Xuxa
- A good night's sleep
- Getting fantastic oral sex
- The rare times I get to play The Sims 2 uninterrupted for a whole weekend. :-D
-lounging til noon
-sultan's market
-good sushi
-my terrific boyfriend
-walks w/ my dog
-the hilarity of elimidate
Waking up really late . . but content . . . in the full knowledge that today - your thoughts are your own, your best hours are for whatever you want . . . and with no stresses at all or ill feelings perhaps, towards your usual cube life or other shackles . . . Of course one day you may have to pay the piper for the procrastination . . . but not today!
--teaching English
--my friends
--my family
--my dogs and cats
Kinky women
Bondage Porn
Guiness Extra Stout in a bottle
Dive Bars like Cal's
and Packaged Goods
a good novel
fanny may dark chocolate creams and an ice cold diet pepsi,laughing,when i do some art that just is so cool i can't believe i did it,really really laughing, hangin' with my kids, listening to dixieland jazz, rock, and other genres of incredible music, reading a book so excellent that i wish i could really be in it, too, remembering hilarious things my dad used to do, laughing with my brother and sisters over family memories, driving and blasting my music, listening to nick d on the radio, new spring, go to home depot and laughing with john, being with my mom when she's having a good, clear day (she has alzheimer's),being with someone who makes my feet melt
Being still and observing nature, whether it's bare branches against the sky, the flurry of snowflakes falling in a vacant lot, birds flying.
my inevitable death
- Helping Old Ladies cross the street
- The recent Gimme a Break! marathon on TV One
- The first six seconds of an overdue urination
Seeing a guy's smile that just draws you in, and you can't let go.
Urban Ethos [26]
What is Chicago's "urban ethos"?
Cool Glass of... [16]
What're you drinking?
Supreme Decision [22]
What's your reaction to the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act?
Taking it to the Streets [20]
Chicago Street Fairs: Revolting or Awesome?
I Can Be Cruel [9]
Be real: what is the meanest thing you've ever done?
Steve / February 10, 2006 2:07 AM
Falling asleep next to the woman I love each night. And waking up each morning.
And, of course, sunshine on my shoulder.