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Thursday, February 6

Gapers Block

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mike-ts / August 30, 2007 11:56 PM

Mid 70's, low humidity, no rain = exterior repairs! Painting, rotten wood replacement, painting, landscaping, painting, rain gutter hanging.

The only thing better than owning a boat is having a bud who owns one, so I'll at least have a midday respite for a couple of hours on his boat one of the three days.

Brian / August 31, 2007 1:22 AM


kate / August 31, 2007 2:02 AM

Probably just drink. I need some new hobbies.

Shasta MacNasty / August 31, 2007 6:03 AM

Celebrating my birthday week! The bday isn't until Tuesday, but I figure it's never too early to start celebrating.

Jason. / August 31, 2007 7:43 AM

The usual, as far as I know:

Cubs game
Critical Mass
Evanston farmer's market

Spook / August 31, 2007 9:05 AM

Jason, perhaps you should start the official Lincoln Park ride

LePew / August 31, 2007 9:15 AM

Two chicks at the same time.

editorkid / August 31, 2007 9:27 AM

Kate? You can always drink something new. That counts as a hobby. Until you go pro, anyway.

My friends are either headed out of town or hosting folks from out of town (parents in both of those cases), so I'm all alone. Maybe I'll drink too.

Other than that, maybe a little bike riding (I know! I'll get in the way of the Critical Mass riders!), and I'll likely find something new to read, a sunny spot to read it in, and, well, something to drink.

charlie / August 31, 2007 9:34 AM

Pictures.........hopefully one or two good ones.

E-Town farmers market.

Madeski, Scholfield,Martin and Wood (tonight maybe)

Swim late at night. Bring one of the dogs and play fetch.

A beer or 5 at Hopleaf (if we can get a damn seat) Maybe around 3 pm on Saturday.

Make a home made pizza.

That should just about cover it.

Continue downloading music to my cute little i-pod. Girlfrien got it free with a new Mac Book. I tried it on the train yesterday and felt totally disconnected. That's the point right? ;-)


Carrie / August 31, 2007 9:36 AM

No worries Kate, there's plenty of drinking in my future, too.

Tonight making dinner and then going out.

Tomorrow best friend from CA is in town and we're going to a wedding. Little brother is probably coming to town to do some drinking with us. So mmhmm, drinking tomorrow.

Sunday is One Year Anniversary for me and my boyfriend! YAY!

Monday cookout at mi casa, which will involve drinking.

Lilly / August 31, 2007 10:03 AM

nothing, and loving every minute

JohnnyQ / August 31, 2007 10:03 AM

Scour the internet for another job that will certainly leave me equally, if not more, unfulfilled and wishing that I had chosen a different academic route.

Then I will ride my bike all over and forget about the trivial bs of a "career".

n / August 31, 2007 10:11 AM

I'm getting out of here at noon to go backpacking hella long way away on lake superior - yay!

debbiedowner / August 31, 2007 11:12 AM

recovering from a mid-summer coma. good times, good times.

skafiend / August 31, 2007 11:15 AM

Trying to get some...

But while that plan is doomed to failure, I envision drinking in some dark bar, watching the fucking Cubs win again while the White Sox look like crap-on-a-stick. Maybe sit in some coffee shop and try to finally finish this stupid play that looks more more pointless each time I read it. 90-something pages of ... what?

Oh, and avoiding my mother's phone calls... no, I'm not coming over... why? Cause it's my day off!

just kidding... sort of. and I don't hate the Cubs... sort of.

G.P. / August 31, 2007 11:51 AM

See the Mingus Big Band @ Petrillo Music Shell on Sunday night. Clean barbeque grill so I can get it dirty again. Visit J.W. to refurnish weed supply. Buy more plants for living room. Bicycle past laughing trendsters in Wrigleyville. Find new scraching post for cats. Drink a case of Dos Equis Amber with the wife. Bicycle past frowning hipsters in Wicker Park. Watch new DVD of Oasis concert. Cook something involving green onions, red peppers, black beans & rice and spinach. Finish downloading the Miles Davis 'Jack Johnson' boxset.

emyduck / August 31, 2007 11:52 AM

bachelorette party friday
recover saturday
wedding sunday
recover monday

vit / August 31, 2007 12:17 PM

Heading out to the burbs to hang out with the family. Meaning I'll have my nieces and nephew crawling all over me during the day and my mom and I will drink lots of wine together when they leave. I might swing by the Indiana dunes as well.

SR / August 31, 2007 12:29 PM

GB Meetup tonight.
Jazz Fest tomorrow.
African Festival of the Arts on Sunday.

Sleep/Work on Monday.

fluffy / August 31, 2007 12:43 PM

maybe stop by jazzfest, i'll probably have to stop by work for several hours at some point thanks to the biggest loser in the planet who is obviously unsatisfied with his/her life and has to f#ck with mine, finish reading 2 books, stop by some bars and drink, visit my sister & niece, sleep A LOT!

Jil / August 31, 2007 1:13 PM

Taking part in the WOOGMS parade in Lakeview!

Y A J / August 31, 2007 1:55 PM

We’re “practice” camping this weekend at a friend of a friend’s farm. We’ve never tried it with both our crazy dogs before. Ideally, we’ll spend the weekend hiking, kayaking and cooking over an open flame. If chaos reigns (like that infamous canoe outing) we’ll give up and move indoors as weekend houseguests. If all goes well we’ll graduate to actual campgrounds for future trips.

Caffeine Free / August 31, 2007 4:32 PM

Going to Madison, WI to see if maybe we want to live there.

Not that I don't love Chicago...

Meems / August 31, 2007 5:50 PM

Coming home to Chicago on my friend's frequent flier miles! Flying in tonight and going straight to my favorite bar. Lunch with friends in Andersonville Saturday and visiting friends I didn't get to see while I was there for Lolla, sailing and Download Fest on Sunday. So glad it's going to better weather this weekend. After living in San Diego for 6 months I can't take the humidity!

Carlotta / August 31, 2007 9:41 PM

1. Win $330 million MegaMillions lottery.

2. Get plastered at least twice this weekend, irrespective of Objective #1 . (50% Mission Accomplished. However, if I'm still using good grammar & spelling, I'm not REALLY shitfaced, tuhyt?)

3. Go to Midway Airport, catch an eastbound #59 Street bus & tour the neighborhoods along the route, as the last time I was on that street was in the mid-1970's with my college boyfriend at Gertie's ice cream parlor.

4. Maybe go to the Museum of Science & Industry (or Museum of Industry & Science, as we used to deride it in my college days). Notwithstanding my visit to BodyWorlds2 this past March , I haven't been there since the 1970's.

5. See:
-- "Ratatouille" at the Logan if I can get my ex-boyfriendf to go along
-- "Manufacturing Dissent" at the Siskel, the 'expose' on filmmaker Michael Moore

6. Just general cleaning up, getting ready for the last third of the year. (gulp!)

Cinnamon / September 2, 2007 12:48 AM

Brine, slow-smoke, slice, eat, and share a beef brisket. Actually, I just did that brining and the eating. But it was amazing.

mew / September 2, 2007 8:07 PM

Apparnetly I will be cancelling all my awesome party plans to lay on my deathbed all weekend, sick and bored and resenting all the people around me who are out and about having healthy fun in the sun.

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