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Saturday, July 27

Gapers Block

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nbert / September 19, 2007 12:07 PM

I hate it. The old design was so much cleaner and easier to navigate.

carrie / September 19, 2007 12:11 PM

Homepage is too cluttered
Movie section still manages to suck
Too much blank space-- either space things out so it's not so cluttered, or sell the blank space

not a fan, I guess that's why I hardly ever used the site to begin with

charlie / September 19, 2007 12:14 PM

I just flipped through it.....

Way too slick for my taste, but then again I have no use for Metromix. I had not been on it in about 6 months prior to a few minutes ago.

It's a bit of a visual train wreck.

No thanks.

skafiend / September 19, 2007 12:51 PM

I LOVE it! It makes it SOOO much easier to find the places I won't be going, the things I won't be doing and the people I won't be hanging with this weekend! Way to go Metromix!

mike / September 19, 2007 1:00 PM

It looks a lot like every other city lifestyle website on the internet. And that's fine with me, as long as the content is helpful.

mike-ts / September 19, 2007 1:03 PM

The "guts" seem to be the same. They just re-skinned the site. The "print view" part looks ok, I just wish the black banner wasn't there. But I usually copy/paste stuff to Notepad to print anyway, so who cares.

I got used to the Reader (print version) redesign, so I'll adapt to this. Now if they ever redesigned Craigslist and made it all bannered and CSS'd, I'd poop my pants.

p.s.: Gapers Block, you're a sexy minx just the way you are. If you're thinking of redesigning, don't change.

fluffy / September 19, 2007 1:29 PM

WOW! I don't care.

Spook / September 19, 2007 1:31 PM

Well I LOVE it! It makes it SOOO much easier to find the places I won't be going, the things I won't be doing and the people I won't be hanging with this weekend! Way to go Metromix!

Oh.....and on a side note
I think the plagiarism charges leveled against Glenn Poshard are totally false!

charges against
Glen Poshard

sara / September 19, 2007 2:17 PM

i hate it! i used to use metromix every week to make a list of all the movies playing that week. it was the only place where i could get a clean simple list of all the movie theaters in chicago and then click to get showtimes. now it seems you can't do this anymore! (ps i don't use the reader because they don't update until friday mornings. i need this information earlier. i have my reasons...)

i never really used it for anything else, so i don't know otherwise. the tribune makeover has been terrible, though, so i'll be pessimistic about the rest of metromix.

illnoise / September 19, 2007 3:18 PM

Metromix is a site? I just thought it was some sort of virus that made it impossible to find a restaurant or club's *real*URL in Google.

Would it kill the Trib to *link* to things? It's 2007. Even the NY Times is finally figuring out the internet.

Dave / September 19, 2007 3:54 PM

I'm with Sara. Whenever I was interested in checking out movies, I'd just blaze through their complete list of theaters. Alas, there's no simple list anymore (and their new categories, other than neighborhood, don't make much sense).

Additionally, most information seems further buried than before and is displayed with too much white space.

It wasn't that great of a site in the first place, but it's even worse now.

sky / September 19, 2007 4:01 PM

I hate it. Some features are missing...i.e. you can no longer search for BYOB restaurants by simply clicking a box.

skafiend / September 19, 2007 4:35 PM

Spook... lol

Glenn Poshard and Milburn Drysdale... separated at birth?

Allan / September 19, 2007 9:48 PM

What is Metromix?

Spook / September 20, 2007 9:48 AM


Its a version of online Red Eye for yuppies and suburbanites to be entertained, drink, and spawn more vapid mindless cogs in the wheel to futher over burden Mother Earth.

But tell us who is your arbiter of taste? In other words, who/what do you turn to to learn what's "in"?

spookfrienemy / September 20, 2007 10:23 AM

i like spook better then the new metromix. just when i think he's a jackass, he smacks me in the face with something phenominal to wrap my mind around. spook is the new arbiter of taste.

Vince JOse / September 20, 2007 10:30 AM

Someone should get fired. All the Trib online stuff is bloated and slicked out to the point of being tacky and dated even on launch. I mean what's with all the silly fades? And speaking of plagiarism I'm surprised the metromix re-designer isn't being sued for blatantly copying the apple site. Take a look, not at the apple splash page but any of the others and it's like a direct clone.

Josh / September 20, 2007 10:41 AM

I don't have a laptop to take into the bathroom with me. Is it still OK to get lifestyle and entertainment info from the Reader?

Jill / September 20, 2007 11:03 AM

I'm still scrolling through the front page. Does it ever end?

And why do media outlets think video is THE way to relate information? I go to Metromix to look up an address, not to watch a lame 2:30 piece on a bar I probably won't go to.

steven / September 20, 2007 11:04 AM

Not a big fan.

paul / September 20, 2007 11:18 AM

Rounded corners - check
Glossy gradients - check javascript library - check

But where's the ajax?

I give it a Web 1.8

With multiple style points removed for the numerous inline styles and inline onclick events.

Maybe it's me but it's sluggish and full of 503's (server 'can't handle it' errors) but there's no denying the numerous uncaught exceptions and the need for clearIntervals and other scripting fixes.

Nevermind, the content is frequently wrong, (Shenannigan's has 176 beers on tap?), are weirdly categorized (Tavern on Rush is a brewpub?) and often the reviews and descriptions are copied straight off the press releases or websites.

And yea, it's 2007, don't be afraid to link.

Allan / September 20, 2007 1:29 PM


Arbiter of taste, I really don't have one And if I did I could not afford to follow suit, so to speak. Since I lost my job I have taken to wearing the same thing everyday. I heard Einstein did that so I guess it is Einstein. Except for the being real smart, the crazy hair, the international fame and respect, and the going down as one of the greatest men in history I guess I am a lot like Einstein except with a much bigger dingle. 'Cause I's got a massive one.

Joseph J. Finn / September 20, 2007 5:37 PM

Just s crummy and unnavigatable as before. It takes far too many clicks to get anywhere. Most of the redesign, as noted, is copied from other (far better sites). Way too much Flash (I shoudl not see a Komodo Dragon crawling across your home screen.) And the killer - Flash ads.

Tobermory / September 21, 2007 8:48 AM

I hate it. I only ever used the movie section and I liked that it was easy to pick either a movie and see which theaters it was playing at or a theater to see which movies were there. Either they've done away with that function or hidden it so I can't find it. Grrrrrr.

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