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Marilyn / February 12, 2007 12:17 PM

He's truly a candidate for our times. Marketed, imaged, perception over reality. If he's elected, he'll be our first virtual president.

Ben / February 12, 2007 12:41 PM

Marilyn - I'm not sure I've ever met someone who doesn't in someway market them self to the wider world.

As long as Obama's the one deciding on the image, I could care less. This country has passed the point when we can expect our politicians to be plain speaking "men/women of the people".

holden / February 12, 2007 12:44 PM

Got to see him yesterday in Ames. I like his candid demeanor and ability to hear both sides of an issue. In addition to his personality, he values the same issues I do (alternative energy, education, diplomacy over military, univ. health care, etc.) I will be pulling for him when the Iowa caucus gets here!

Oketo! / February 12, 2007 12:45 PM

Bush is plainspeaking, no? I'm ready for another smart leader. I get a kick out of his appeal to the black community when he's not even close to black.

Marilyn / February 12, 2007 12:58 PM

Ben - Obama's image is that he's going to be a break from the status quo, but I hardly think a man who endorses Todd Stroger and all the other Daley candidates and does a real estate deal with Tony Rezko can claim such an image. He's already lying to us.

Jeremy / February 12, 2007 1:01 PM

Marilyn in '08! All men will be sent to toil in the underground salt mines, and there will be peace on earth. Well, at least on its surface.

Nonetheless, I was holding out for Wes Clark to declare his intentions, but I'm jumping on the Obamawagon now. I'm still pissed about his support for the Machine last year, but in today's political climate, I've been beaten into submission. Substance or not (and I think its there), his passionate speaking style will convince the populace, making him very electable.

dan / February 12, 2007 1:31 PM

I'm cautiously optimistic in spite of myself. Like a lot of people, I was moved by the rhetoric of his 2004 convention speech. There is so much political inertia and outright conservative resistance standing in opposition to many of the truly compasionate reformist ideas he laid out in that speech that I am skeptical about his idealism. That said, I'm not jaded enough that I don't want to believe that real, positive change can still be forged by a dynamic leader.

To Marilyn's concerns over connections with corruption I would say that you would have to be able to walk on water to navigate the Chicago political scene without getting a little mud on you. I don't know how closely you watched, but Obama was reluctant to back Stroger in that race and when he did, his support was tepid.

my prediction/hope: a John Edwards/Barack Obama ticket defeats Giuliani/___? in 2008

Dan R / February 12, 2007 1:35 PM

I'm curious who of the candidates that have entered the race on the Democratic side has Marilyn excited?

Endorsing Daley candidates is just a matter of knowing which side your bread is buttered on.

I personally just hope he doesn't self destruct like Howard Dean.

Also, is Al Gore really not going to run?

Marilyn / February 12, 2007 2:06 PM

I like Kucinich enough to vote for him. I'd love it if Jim Webb ran. He's eloquent AND he's got a track record that could get us out of Iraq, keep us out of Iran, and generally stop killing a lot of people for reasons known only to a few idiots.

As to who butters your bread? Well, those folks are gonna make you eat that bread, too.

Marilyn / February 12, 2007 2:06 PM

I like Kucinich enough to vote for him. I'd love it if Jim Webb ran. He's eloquent AND he's got a track record that could get us out of Iraq, keep us out of Iran, and generally stop killing a lot of people for reasons known only to a few idiots.

As to who butters your bread? Well, those folks are gonna make you eat that bread, too.

Pedro / February 12, 2007 2:06 PM

He's done such an outstanding job as an IL Senator:

Spent a vacation in Africa and then is going to use the next two years of his term to run for president. Great, what a representative!

Seriously, Obama is like being in love because you like the idea of being in love. The guy is going to get trounced once this race actually means something.

carrie / February 12, 2007 2:39 PM

I am excited. I think he's extremely smart and him being president would be a fantastic change.

My gripe- the people who use his name against him b/c it sounds Muslim. Are you kidding me?! And these idiots are allowed to vote.

Pedro- big deal that he spent some time in Africa. How often is Bush at his ranch in Texas? (hint: all the time). When was the last time that Bush went to Africa?

jj / February 12, 2007 2:42 PM

I have Obama-mania!

I like him a lot - I think he's smart, charismatic, and shares most of my values and ideas for the future. He's not perfect, but he's the best fit for me that has a chance. I love Kucinich too, but he's never had a chance, so this time I'm going to support a candidate that actually might win.

And Marilyn you'll be happy to hear that when Jan Schakowsky VERY RELUCTANTLY gave Stroger a "shout out" from the stage yesterday (at Obama's Chicago rally), ten thousand people booed him. It was hilarious.

Marilyn / February 12, 2007 2:47 PM

Yeah, jj, I read about that. Schakowsky is my representative; sorry it came from her, but I wonder if she was pleased with the response.

Yeah, I know that Kucinich is a long shot, but I don't think Obama has that good a chance to win, actually. He's going to look like Swiss cheese once he goes on the debate circuit, gets attacked by Republicans, and comes under scrutiny by reporters who don't work for the Sun-Times.

Rebecca / February 12, 2007 3:03 PM

I heart Obama.

I am so tired of hearing people say "I like Obama but I don't think he's going to get elected."

Come on people! That kind of thinking is what got Bush into office for a second term.

Not that Kerry holds a candle to Obama, I'm just sayin'.

Pedro / February 12, 2007 3:18 PM


Obama was selected (by default, no less) by the voters of Illinois to represent them at the senate level. At his post he has done absolutley nothing beyond a couple of speeches, books, and real estate deals that have fattened his wallet.

He could have went to Africa, Asia or the Moon for all I care. My point is that Illinois is entitled to have two Senators represent the state. We now only have one because Obama is going to spend the rest of his term trying to get elected president.

Marilyn / February 12, 2007 3:19 PM

With all due respect, Rebecca, a stolen election is what put Bush in office, and a war that a lot of people wanted to give him the opportunity to finish kept him there.

Emerson Dameron / February 12, 2007 3:24 PM

First "virtual president," eh? Can you give me one "authentic" thing about Ronald Reagan?

Obama is OK as politicians go. But I think the Democrats are so determined to lose that they'll nominate Hillary Clinton regardless of who else runs.

Marilyn / February 12, 2007 3:28 PM

Emerson - Reagan was a real conservative who actually governed for a while before he became president, and worked with and against Congress at various times for legislation he wanted.

Let me revise my statement slightly. Dubya is the first virtual president. He hasn't governed a single day during his presidency.

Hillary is electable. I just would never vote for her. She's really a Republican in my eyes.

HLOnWhls / February 12, 2007 4:02 PM

Uuhhmm...Go... Green... Party??

Dan R / February 12, 2007 4:32 PM

As much as I hate it when pundits talk about "electability," supporting a candidate like Kucinich is essentially supporting a Republican candidate. Even if by some miracle he were to make it past the primaries, there is no electoral map that could elect him. I think Hillary has the same problem... she might even lose NY if it were to be a Clinton v. Guilliani race.

Also, elections are rarely about what someone has accomplished. If we were to compare the public service records of Bush and Gore, it would've been no contest. They're about charisma and a politicians ability to make us think they have a vision. So far, I think Obama is the only candidate with that ellusive "vision" quality. Hillary is very devisive, Edwards seems like a phoney, Biden comes unhinged a lot. Again, is Gore really not running?

Allan / February 12, 2007 4:36 PM

Well I am not gay but I find Obama very sexy. He is so earnest, very successful, and absolutely perfect in every imaginable way. Not to mention we are both rail thin now. It gets me a little hot in my trousers.

Allan / February 12, 2007 4:39 PM

I meant to add that I only want to apply that trouser hotness to a sexy woman.

Y A J / February 12, 2007 6:41 PM

National politics seem to be mostly about charisma and ability to really deliver a good speech. Obama's got oodles of both, so I think he's got a chance.
I've had Obama-mania since I heard him speak during his congressional run. Some of my friends got on board when Obama spoke at an anti-war rally during the Senate primary. Most folks probably didn't hear him until the convention, so things seem sudden. But it's not so sudden or surprising to those who met and heard him earlier in his career.

If exposure to national press lead to scrutiny that could stop a canidate then Bush wouldn't have won either time. Some canidates skate by, I'd love for a Dem to get a pass like that.

Schakowsky added the shout out to Todd after introducing all the constitutional officers woh were there (all but Rod btw). I don't think it was scripted and I wonder if she regretted it.

And Gore's really not running, Political Wire said he closed down his PAC.

Mikey / February 12, 2007 7:15 PM

He's going to look like Swiss cheese once he goes on the debate circuit...

You really think so? I wouldn't count on it...

Dunl / February 12, 2007 8:11 PM

I thought it was Obama-nia?

p / February 12, 2007 10:12 PM

I'm in. Let's go.

bartleby / February 12, 2007 10:34 PM


kelly / February 12, 2007 10:51 PM

from everything i've heard (about the normal level of saturation that Chicagoans have ben getting for the past few years) he is intelligent, thoughtful and fundamentally a good, balanced person who is looking to do some good more than just looking out for himself. If that makes me an "Obamaniac," so be it. It's refreshing, dammit!

michael / February 12, 2007 11:51 PM

I'm a huge fan.

Just finished "The Audacity of Hope" last night.

What I find remarkable about this man is his ability to deconstruct the BS world that is all around us, all the time: the easily packaged, sound-bite, gotcha-good, he-said-she-said, if you're not with me you're against me, two-valued orientation.

He understands what grayness is, can explain it magnanimously, patiently, and defies beligerence, without any misgivings.

His grasp of the governing and political process is humbling, even to other politicians. He is quite effective in his leveraging of the democratic process, more subtly than anyone before this post has recognized, I dare say. He plainly explains that one can't help but muck up ones own voting record, due to the nature of compromise, yet is a willing compromiser AND steadfast believer of his values, that I can't help but defer matters of deliberation to his rationale.

It's just freightening, when a being so great comes along; Reminds me of so many other greats before him: Lincoln, Kennedy, Lennon, King......

unmake / February 13, 2007 1:45 AM

The Great White Hype.

Christine / February 13, 2007 7:17 AM

I am usually pretty cynical about politics, but when I hear Obama speak I actually feel optimistic about the future of this country. I'll vote for him.

jaye / February 13, 2007 7:31 AM


marilyn - who have you ever voted for that wasnt marketed and gave you their perception of reality? i would really like to know, because it must have been way before my lifetime.

and as far as bread eatin' goes, you do it every moment that you are awake in one way or another.

oketo - what the hell is black anyway? i ask because you must be the expert to make the statement you made.

p - i'm with you. lets roll!

Mikey / February 13, 2007 8:26 AM

If he was too black, people would complain that he was un-electable...

And yet there are still others who criticize him for being too white...


Personally, I like the fact that he's descended from both blacks and whites. It seems to reinforce even more my impression that he's a unifier, and not a divider...

Marilyn / February 13, 2007 8:29 AM

Oh grow up, Jaye. I'm sorry to bring some possible downsides to Saint Obama for y'all, but you'd better think about them. The POTUS has a very important job to do, and it's best not to get carried away by emotion when choosing the person to do it.

mike-ts / February 13, 2007 8:41 AM

Obama-mania is the best thing to happen. For the Republicans. Hillary & Obama for '08!

Ding dang, those Democrats couldn't win an election if the Republicans disbanded and left them up against the Libertarians. If they couldn't beat who they called the Stupidest Man on Earth, how can they beat whatever comes next? The headline after the '04 election on that British paper shouldn't have been "how can (?) people be so dumb", it should've been "how can the Dems be so pathetic to lose to this guy?"

Really, if they couldn't beat ChimpHitler with seasoned, experienced men, how will they beat whoever comes next, for that candidate will by default be more likable, with what passes for a news anchor of a politician? They lost TWICE to the candidate least qualified for the job already. How stupid is that? It appears the Dems are so stupid, like the saying goes, they couldn't pour p**s out of a boot if the instructions were written on the bottom of the heel. Wait until they have to run against someone with some political meat on his or her bones. Who's going to be around to give Obama his gravitas?

Paul "Bear" Bryant / February 13, 2007 10:18 AM


G.P. / February 13, 2007 11:02 AM

Republican or Democrat; anyone is welcome to apply for the thankless task of cleaning up this Texas-sized mess (pun pun).

Obama may be peaking too early, he could be dried out by the end of this year. Remember that Bill Clinton came out of nowhere, and at the last minute.
That Democrats should promote such an inexperienced rookie just for being young, black and good-looking goes to show that White Liberal Guilt is still very much alive in America and it is rotting the Democratic Party from the inside the same way the Christian right has eaten away at the Republican Party from the inside.

We are still years away from a president who isn't a middle-aged white male. There is still a great shortage of progressive-minded folks in this country. In all probability, the first black president will a Republican, anyway.

At this point in this decade, anyone poised to take the White House who isn't completely incompetent is a great improvement over what we've had to endure in the past several years.

Andy / February 13, 2007 11:19 AM

@jj, Marylyn, etc: the Jan Schakowsky shout out to Strodger on Sunday, from my vantage point, looked unscripted. It appeared as though she was going to skip over him, until someone in the audience pointed him out to her. I don't think she was happy with the response. This was supposed to be a love fest for Obama, after all.

As far as Obama goes, I'm not sold yet, but so far I'm impressed. He's obviously very smart and articulate and I agree with him on most issues. I was impressed on Sunday with how well he interacted with the crowd and made what was probably a very scripted speech seem spontaneous. My biggest worry is that people are putting him so far up on a pedestal, that there will be an inevitable fall. We have a long way to go until even the primaries begin. Let's not lose our heads.

Marilyn / February 13, 2007 11:23 AM

Andy - Thanks for the info. Good to know.

I get worried when someone starts talking about their Christian faith, as Obama did several times. It seems like a cynical move to get the Christian right on his side--not to mention Rev. Meeks, whose church he joined like a good, opportunistic pol--and it makes a secular Jew like me extremely uneasy.

p / February 13, 2007 11:35 AM

obama is a member of trinity church. Rev. Meeks heads up Salem. Very different churches, in my opinion.

Martin Ferguson / February 13, 2007 11:36 AM

Hey Marilyn,
Don't you already have your own blog? this isn't a movie here, this is real life.

Rob / February 13, 2007 11:49 AM

Good point P... I also don't understand how talking about his religion is going to get the "Christian Right" on his side. He's a liberal leaning black man. Those people aren't voting for him regardless of what he says about religion.

Appleby / February 13, 2007 11:53 AM

It's possible that Obama's current campaign won't lead to his being elected president this time around. However, he can still introduce particular issues and keep the debate lively on other ones. And it may be that, with added experience, and added familiarity to voters, he could very well win the election after this next one.
At this point, I'm interested in what he'll say and do. That's more than I can say in regard to some of the other Democratic candidates.

I agree that Obama isn't perfection in human form and that he has a "fan base" that can be irritating. But remember Bill Clinton flying back to Arkansas to preside over a death sentence? Now that was crass.

Marilyn / February 13, 2007 11:58 AM

I stand corrected. Although Barack has been seen praying a Salem, he is not officially a member of the church.

It seems to me that unquestioning Obama supporters think they're in a movie. All you need is an image, right? Get a life, Marty. Why don't you link to yourself, not IMDb. Come out of hiding.

As to whether his vocalizing about being a Christian will help him with the Christian right, well, it won't hurt.

Mikey / February 13, 2007 12:11 PM

That Democrats should promote such an inexperienced rookie just for being young, black and good-looking goes to show that White Liberal Guilt is still very much alive in America...

Does anyone else tire of the phrase "white liberal guilt?" What a condescending and pessimistic view that smacks of racism in its own right...

Could it be that his Harvard education (J.D. magna cum laude, mind you) and teaching experience at the University of Chicago (Constitutional law) count for something?

Or that people share his anti-Iraq war, pro-universal healthcare and pro-alternative energy views?

Or precisely because he hasn't been groomed to be a career politician like much of the good ol' boy network currently running this country?

If the only criteria for presidential candidate were to be young, black and good-looking, then the Democrats could have just as easily selected Tiki Barber (isn't that why he retired?) or Will Smith...

skafiend / February 13, 2007 12:25 PM

I get a kick out of his appeal to the black community when he's not even close to black.

What is with these idiots who say he's not "black enough", whatever the fcuk that means? What would make him "black enough", two black parents (even though one of his parents is actually FROM AFRICA which the vast majority of African Americans couldn't claim)? What does that make, say, Will Smith, who is about the same complexion wise as Obama? What makes him "not even close to black", the way he speaks, the way he looks, he's not "street" enough, what???

Hey, how about this as a test of how black Obama is: put him in a room with Donald Rumsfeld, John McCain and "Screech" from Saved by the Bell, send in a Klansman and tell him to pick out the black guy. I'm guessing he's leaving the room with Barack.

As far as America is concerned, Obama, and anyone who looks like him is black. Not "mixed race", not "Cablinasian", black.

Dan R / February 13, 2007 1:32 PM

I get very disturbed by the assertation that he is "not black enough" or "not even close to black." It's silly. I suggest that everyone watch his interview on 60 minutes. It's on the cbs news website. It gave me a much clearer picture of what kind of person he is. He even states that he identifies as an African-American but it doesn't define him and that when you're walking down the street, not too many people would call him a white guy. To me, he seems very real. He doesn't have a lot of pretense about himself. I mean, he admitted to doing cocaine for God's sake.

Also, I think a case could be made that he personifies America. He's not a mixed bag; a mutt. The fact that he has a mixed heritage really adds to his already compelling personal story.

But then again, I live in the rational/non-Kucinich voting world.

Dan R / February 13, 2007 1:34 PM

And, Mikey... thank you for so clearly articulating what I've spent many posts unsuccessfully attempting to say.

Marilyn / February 13, 2007 1:51 PM

I DEEPLY RESENT being called irrational when all I'm hearing is conjecture about his blackness, his "personification" of America. What the f--- does that have to do with being president?

You know, I thought he was great at the Dem convention, too, a real firecracker orator. But that's not enough. I see him making deals with the Machine, talking about Christianity informing his decisions, and I get really, really nervous.

If you want to be hopeful, go ahead. I'd like to hope, too, but Obama's making some disturbing moves that you don't want to acknowledge, all you rational people, you.

p / February 13, 2007 2:06 PM

Dan R.-
at exactly what time did he claim to have engaged in "doing cocaine for God's sake?" It smacks of the rastafari faith. I once thought i was doing mushrooms for the Lord's sake, but who i thought was God was a chair and the sake turned out to be something other than a delicious japanese beverage.

Oh and attempts here to quantify and authenticate obama's blackness here are ludicrous, and a pit of a discussion most are not qualified to comment on, baited by that oketo jerkoff and are not helpful in determining his strengths/weaknesses as a candidate.

skafiend / February 13, 2007 2:30 PM

Dan R.-
at exactly what time did he claim to have engaged in "doing cocaine for God's sake?"

The Book of Scarface, 2:12 - And the Lord said unto Escobar the Elder, "Go forth and spread the fruits of the field, grind ye the plants into powder and make them into equal lines, so that they may be equally distributed among the people."

Oh and attempts here to quantify and authenticate obama's blackness here are ludicrous

I agree. Which is why my post was my attempt to end the stupid debate right then and there, not to prolong it or encourage further dissection.

spook / February 13, 2007 2:37 PM

O’bama should start his own party, the Trojan Horse Party!
And shame on him for pimping Lincoln’s name/ taking advantage of a general knowledge deficit about one of the greatest public figures of all time. Abraham Lincoln I suspect is rolling over in his grave right now. The similarities between both start /end with one characteristic, a thin body.

Lincoln didn’t flip flop before or during the civil war as O’Bama has with Iraq.
Lincoln never played footsie under the table with liberal elements of the Whig /Republican Party, while voting with the then Democratic Party as O’Bama did when he broke ranks to support the credit card/banking industry on one of the worst anti consumer bills ever!

Lincoln appointed one of the most progressive Chief Justices ever, Salmon Chase
; Obama remained silent and voted two right wing ideologues onto the court, one as the Supreme Court Justice! Lincoln placed the wise and respected William Steward as his Sec.of State. O’bama voted for and praised the odious, lying, and manipulative Condoleezza Rice for Sec. of State.

He has championed no progressive causes. As a state senator he was the apt pupil/puppet of regular democratic ward boss, city sewer inspector, and President of the IL. Senate, Emile “Evil Emile” Jones. Now he has not only endorsed Darth Daley, but has hired Daley’s most loyal and important campaign brain, the “liberal” David Alexrode who shamelessly promotes Daley at the expense of honest government all for mega bucks

It’s ironic that while a lot of Black and white progressives reject O’bama, white liberals love him, why? Because he is a safe none threatening “black man” Liberals can support O’bama and then like Jan Schakowsky turn their backs on the Holocaust raging in urban poor Black communities across America, the disparity between rich and poor, etc, etc, or better yet blame the victims while wearing a O’Bama for President button.

And speaking of Jan Schakowsky. Why do so many “Jan Fans” jump on Todd Stroger about his family, while not questioning why Jan Schakowsky never condemned her, embezzler
husband, who fleeced a none profit organization? Her response was to blame George Bush even though Bob “The Con” Creamer was indicted under Bill Clinton. Of course this being Chicago she was able to help get his sentenced reduced to probation- on a multi felony count. Today Bob "the Con" Creamer remains on Daley’s payroll as a mini brain himself. More liberal good government in Illinois folks!

Emerson Dameron / February 13, 2007 2:52 PM

Barack Obama might not be Honest Abe, and he doesn't share my hatred for Daley, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't have an apostrophe in his name.

Has anyone else noticed that the Cook County Republicans now have a chairman named "Doody"?

spook / February 13, 2007 3:17 PM

Emerson Dameron,

On the real, every time I type "O’Bama" it comes out with an apostrophe!
See I tried it again, O’Bama!

Appleby / February 13, 2007 3:19 PM

The apostrophe? Many people don't know that his full name is actually Barack Hussain Hennessy O'Bama [pronounced BARE-eck O-BAM-eh] and he is, in fact, Scotch-Irish.

And hurray for spook for having figured out the secret of Freakonomics: if it's counterintuitive, it must be true.

By the way, I myself am black enough, but I haven't been keeping track of other people.

jj / February 13, 2007 3:27 PM

Marilyn -

I don't understand why it is that you seem to think YOU are the only one who can analyze issues in complex ways (i.e. y ou're the only one who can see beyond the marketing that happens in politics) but then you simplify complex issues about faith into a blanket statement (Obama's religion freaks you out). It's arrogant and condescending and its why most of the people here are continually aggravated with you. Clearly you're an intelligent woman who cares about the world, so I hope you'll dig a little deeper into your own assumptions and biases.

That said, I will very proudly tell you that my own faith (progressive Catholic) informs my politics. In fact, I would say that my faith and moral beliefs are the number one thing that influences my political leanings. My faith tells me that war is immoral, that social justice should be the goal of communities, that we should govern our actions by love for our fellow humans, that we are stewards of the earth, that we should have compassion for others, etc. My interpretation of my faith allows me to be a Christian as well as a feminist pro-choice pro-gay tree-hugging hippie liberal, and I think it is important for people like me to reclaim faith and spirituality and God from the "Christian Right". I think Obama's references to faith are part of reclaiming that for Democrats/liberals, not pandering to the Christian Right. Even if he was pandering, the first reporter who dig five minutes of investigation would see that his church is very far from Christian Right anyway, so that wouldn't be a very effective strategy.

Marilyn / February 13, 2007 3:40 PM

jj - I believe very strongly in the separation of church and state. As a secular Jew, I am extremely worried about the continuous injection of Christianity into politics. I don't think my worry is ill-found, given the history of the Jewish people.

I have nothing against people having faith. If Obama is reclaiming Christian morality from the falsely moral rulers of this land, then I would be all right with that. If you can't acknowledge that the mere mention of Christianity after the Bush Jr. years can make people see red, then you don't know what it has been like for minority religions.

I know I sound very cocksure. That's because I feel things passionately. I have never tried to shut anyone else down. I admit you have to make some good arguments to get my attention. Telling me I don't live in the real world is not a good argument. JJ, yours are. Thanks.

marilyn go away / February 13, 2007 3:51 PM

I am a secular jew and I don't have my panties in a bundle just because Obama believes in Jesus.

Marilyn / February 13, 2007 4:05 PM

Coward. Show yourself. I bet a man who had a strong opinion wouldn't be treated the way I am.

madachode / February 13, 2007 4:07 PM

What exactly has this guy done for the people that he represents other than take a tax payer paid vacation to Africa for personel reasons? He is not electable.

Appleby / February 13, 2007 4:16 PM

"personel reasons"?

I assume you must mean "personnel reasons," madachode. And yes, it's true, most of his staff are, as others have pointed out, Democratic party hacks from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Why won't he hire Americans, dammit?

spook / February 13, 2007 4:18 PM

O’Bama is just trolling for votes with the Christianity as another one of his rakes
and has chosen his church
wisely like alot of the politicans that attend that church. Again something Lincoln never did

But Marilyn,

how do you feel about Republicratic, Sen. Joe Lieberman injecting his religion into politics?

michael / February 13, 2007 4:22 PM

Well, marilyn, you're right about that... I wasn't.

Marilyn / February 13, 2007 4:29 PM

Lieberman can kiss my ass. He's a bigot and a whore.

Appleby / February 13, 2007 4:51 PM

I thought that the opposite of religious bigotry, religious irrationality and smallmindedness was reason and rationality. In fact, of course, it is simply ranting, mudslinging, and sleazy insinuations but this time from the opposite end of the political spectrum. How foolish of me to have forgotten.

By the way, does anyone who's posted above plan to go door-to-door and campaign for someobody? Because that would probably not be a good idea.

Marilyn / February 13, 2007 4:54 PM

Y'all are right. This guy is the right guy to back. I'm too old and jaded to be a part of this discussion or the political process anymore. Everyone looks dirty to me. I wish you all well in the coming election. I don't belong on Gapers Block or any other discussion board. Sorry I've offended so many people.

Mikey / February 13, 2007 4:55 PM

What exactly has this guy done for the people that he represents other than take a tax payer paid vacation to Africa for personel reasons?

Is that really all you have to offer to the debate? You should really think through your comments before posting, and maybe even try to add something of substance. Anybody can parrot sound-bite snippets they heard on some neo-con pundit's talk show while dozing off on the couch...

k / February 13, 2007 4:56 PM

Spook - Obama voted against confirming both Roberts and Alito.

All - can we lay off Marilyn for a change. It's becoming a cliche.

printdude / February 13, 2007 5:09 PM

I'm drinking the kool-aid, and heading back for seconds - anybody need a refill while I'm up?

spook / February 13, 2007 5:15 PM

I stand corrected.I now remember, O'Bama voted against them only after tremendous preasure on him to either vote against them or filibuster. He wasn't going to do either, which was when people on Air America radion started mocking him and giving out his office phone number on air. Then he agreed to vote againt them finally
He kept saying that there was no support in the Senate to fillibuster,well, Senator a leader would have worked to build the support. I miss Paul Wellstone!

f / February 13, 2007 5:16 PM


c'mon...I thought you said you were passionate (not dramatic). don't go.

Regarding race- Obama is mixed. It's one thing to be biracial, but being bi-racial and bi-cultural is even more difficult. It forces you to look at both sides. That's just my opinion cause I'm both.
but I'm not bi-sexual.

..not that there's anything wrong with it..

sally / February 13, 2007 5:21 PM

So tired of Marilyn's drama always inflitrating this board... why can't we all just get along?

RhymeFest / February 13, 2007 5:32 PM

Maybe she was saving the drama for Obama!

jaye / February 13, 2007 5:36 PM

rodney, oh i mean sally- because its an opinion board and whereas i dont agree with anything she says, she has her right to spew.

jj / February 13, 2007 5:44 PM

Appleby raises a good point - we all should go out and volunteer for the candidate of our choice, whoever it is. I've been doing it since before I was old enough to vote, and its actually pretty fun going door to door. If you're shy, you can stuff envelopes or put up signs or lots of other things. With so much being on the internet these days, you can sign up for a campaign, email your friends reminder to vote, register to vote, fundraise, etc without changing out of your pajamas.

And I'd like to again encourage everyone to consider becoming an election judge - intelligent and energetic people are sorely needed in Cook County. You can go to to get an application. Plus you get paid!

dan r / February 13, 2007 6:30 PM

Marilyn, don't go. Come back. I'm sorry.

Let me respond to you in a way that isn't biting or calling you old.

From my perspective (granted, is part of the religious majority), Obama talking about his faith guiding him is usually in reference to his concern for the poor and the least among us. Whereas Bush's reference to Jesus is usually in the context of "Jesus told me to be Prez/go to war/cut taxes/ban abortions." I think there is a very significant difference between Obama's Christianity and Republicans who tend to evoke Jesus.

I'm sorry that you don't like Obama. He'd probably really like you. Maybe not, I don't really know anything about the guy.

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