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r / August 5, 2007 10:59 PM

"Right on" and "fo' shizzle."

Rebecca / August 5, 2007 11:14 PM

"It is what it is"

Doyle / August 6, 2007 7:46 AM

"Slippery slope"

mike / August 6, 2007 8:16 AM


bean / August 6, 2007 8:18 AM

From my recent fascination with reality TV:

"I want this so bad."


"I'm not ready to go home yet."

Pedro / August 6, 2007 8:32 AM

the use of "said" to refer to a previously mentioned topic or item.

kelly / August 6, 2007 9:06 AM

Make No Mistake

avant/chizzle / August 6, 2007 9:09 AM

"Stay the course"
"That's what she said"
"True dat"

n / August 6, 2007 9:23 AM

you go, girl.

p / August 6, 2007 9:25 AM

"going forward..."

"more info after the jump"


"bitch", "bitches", "my bitch", "your bitch", etc.


Carrie / August 6, 2007 9:27 AM

I hate that I use these sometimes... trying to ban them from my vocabulary--

"let's get the ball rollin' on this"
"just to keep you in the loop"

DebO / August 6, 2007 9:39 AM

"At the end of the day..."
"Let's discuss this off line."

"Socialize" as a verb meaning introduce others to the idea and get them to accept it--e.g., "The new deadline is June 2008, but I haven't socialized this with the team yet."

Sol / August 6, 2007 9:44 AM

Omg! Lol!

Oketo! / August 6, 2007 9:48 AM

The overuse of the word "like" as in "to say."

He was like, "I'm sick of people asking me of they can ax me a question."

Spook / August 6, 2007 9:49 AM

as in "I'm stocked for it!"


As in "I make yummy sandwiches!"

"Hands down"

As in

"That was the best movie hands down!"

taJ / August 6, 2007 9:51 AM

-take it offline
-brand this, brand that...
- acronyms of all sort

k / August 6, 2007 9:58 AM

"Utilize" - come on people, the word you're looking for is "use".

"Nosh" - I don't think I can actually justify my dislike of this one. It just is what it is. Oh, just kidding Rebecca.

I really try not to use "FYI" when I'm sending a quick e-mail at work but sometimes I get lazy and hate myself for it.

I keep thinking of more of these as I'm typing....

"In a post 9/11 world" - I thought this one had tapered off but I heard it used (or shall I say, utilized) a couple times last week. It's just such an intellectually lazy phrase.

eric / August 6, 2007 10:02 AM

"it's not the heat, it's the humidity"

k / August 6, 2007 10:06 AM

DebO - wow! I've never heard socialize used that way. Your company must really be "ahead of the curve" in bullshit bingo. I'm kind of looking forward to seeing how long it takes to show up in my office. We're still using, "do we have 'buy in' on that?" So 2006.

K2 / August 6, 2007 10:08 AM

No-Brainer. Everyone seems to be saying it, even my family.

I hate it so much, it grates on me like nails on a chalkboard.

skee bop / August 6, 2007 10:12 AM

The use of any type of reference to "phone tag"...."tag, your it."

Oh and "conversate"

It makes me want to say, "you mean converse?"

tk / August 6, 2007 10:24 AM

most business cliches, particularly "go deep," "dive deep," and "circle back"... gack - i'm feeling ill already

Kay / August 6, 2007 10:26 AM


If everything now termed "amazing" actually was, we'd all live in a perpetually slack-jawed state.

mike-ts / August 6, 2007 10:26 AM

Using the word "myself" instead of "me" to sound more formal. It is just incorrect and stupid. "The conversation was between Steve and myself."

Sweet, and gnarly. None of us are skate punks, so forget it.

From time to time I used to overhear someone say "deck", as in "that new iPhone is so deck." Cool, sweet, and gnarly at least had a good sound, and generate interesting connotations. Deck just sucks.

And extreme. Extreme is to the 2000's what turbo was to the 80's - the advertising punch word of the day. It can try as hard as it could, but my flavored water will never become "extreme." Nor my razor.

mike-ts / August 6, 2007 10:29 AM

Oh, oh, thanks tk - the business cliche that grinds on me is "think outside of the box."

kd / August 6, 2007 10:29 AM

In my worklife:

'key' and/or 'robust', e.g., "We identify the key issues using robust data analysis".

In my personal life:

Responding to someone's comment or observation with "I know, right?" Drives me nutz!

John / August 6, 2007 10:33 AM

It's all good.

We loves us some ....

Peace out.

mike / August 6, 2007 10:39 AM

Another one that I ran across again this weekend (in the latest TimeOut): using "gourmand" instead of "gourmet" to refer to an epicure. However, the etymology clearly shows that a gourmand is a glutton.

n / August 6, 2007 10:41 AM

getting "push back" on something

editorkid / August 6, 2007 10:45 AM

Anything from that miserable stinking corrupt lout Richard M. Daley.

(Starting with "2016 Olympics.")

And "standing on line." Just because 8 million Noo Yawkahs have no idea what the correct pronoun is, America, you don't have to follow them.

Goofus / August 6, 2007 10:58 AM

Good times, good times.
[written]: Ummmm? Helllo???
Not so much
It is what it is.
Back in the day.
Throwing someone under the bus.

Elizabeth / August 6, 2007 11:23 AM

In the vein of reality shows, I have not yet seen one where they don't use some variation on:
"Step it up."
"Kick it up a notch."

or "Bring it"

Maybe it's because I really only watch the competitve ones. But it doesn't make it any less annoying.

Also annoying:
(echoing Rebecca here) "It is what it is" , the response that actually says absolutely nothing at all. ARRGGG!

skafiend / August 6, 2007 11:24 AM


"so" as a modifer for an adverb (I think that's how it's used), as in "I am SO gonna eat that sandwich."

Getting "anything" on ("I'm about to get my drink on"


"I feel ya"

"Let's do this!"


My nigga... said by ANYBODY

downlow (what, no men ever had secret gay sex in the 1600s or something? they act like this is something new that they had to give a name to)

"the community" as a euphamism for black neighborhoods. If it's black just say "black"

"ghetto" as a state of being as in "don't make me go ghetto on you" or "that's so ghetto"

maybe I'm done....

Spook / August 6, 2007 11:38 AM

Those who use the term "foodie"
should go first in line to the firing squad. "Foodie" means pompously stupid

Those who say "Baby Momma" and "baby Daddy"
should be forced to join all baby mommas, baby daddies and they babies in
progressive reeducation camps!

Josh / August 6, 2007 11:40 AM

"My bad" - Your bad what? Speak in complete sentences.

"Act a fool."

"Don't go there."

"...the best I've ever [seen / heard / tasted / tried / had]." Really? Why don't you let it sink in for an hour or two before making such a declaration.

I'm also tired of the word "nigga" used in affirmation by anyone.

CC / August 6, 2007 11:56 AM

Kd, I was going to post just to express my annoyance with "I know, right?" but you beat me to it!

Other business-speak that drives me nuts:
Moving forward
circle back
up to speed
keep me posted

And one bonus, political one: We have to fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here. Is there a more illogical, pervasive justification for this stupid war? I don't think so.

p / August 6, 2007 12:00 PM

i think this is great (not an overused phrase- i'm really loving this list)

NOT tired of the following phrases:

"who's your chinaman?" = "who do you know there"

"smells like wolf pussy" = foul odor description. replacing "smells like hot garbage"

"i'm efforting that as we speak"

quack / August 6, 2007 12:01 PM

80 billion fucking years later, we're still seeing permutations of "show me the money." Seriously, do it again and I'll show you the cock-punch.

JasonB / August 6, 2007 12:04 PM




"Stay the course"

...all when used by a certain American president.

fluffy / August 6, 2007 12:07 PM

-greetings like "hey, bro"
the dumbasses at my office use the following all the time:
-yummy, 'at the end of the day', 'robust' and ' I'll be in meetings all day so I'll be out of pocket' - out of pocket means an expense paid by you, not 'being unavailable'.
-when someone asks 'what's it like outside" or "is it hot out there?" - WTF! The weather is hot- get it through your head, and stop asking the obvious.
-when people say 'downtown' to mean the city of Chicago, and not just the downtown area. I've noticed it's usually people from the suburbs who say that.

Shasta / August 6, 2007 12:26 PM

ditto Oketo! The overuse of "like" drives me nuts.

"So, like, where do you guys wanna go for lunch? Like, to that place, like, over there? Seriously? I like, so can't stand that place! Like, they, like don't even give you napkins! That's like sooooo ghetto!"

I hear this hot, steaming pile of garbage every day and I just want to crack 'em upside the forehead one time.

skafiend / August 6, 2007 12:42 PM

More I thought of...
Awesome ("Man, that t-shirt is awesome!" Yeah, that t-shirt and, I dunno, splitting the atom are both equal in awesomeness)

Anything that "rocks" (You rock, That rocks, he, she or it rocks)

the phrase "political rockstar"


indie (what the fuck does that even mean anymore? half the shit that's "indie" is put out by a company that's owned by a major studio)

green (I'm all for ecology, but stop with the green stuff: He's a green politician. We're going green. How green is this proposal? We're trying to live green.)


reality show (nothing about any of them has ever been close to reality)

and not really a word or phrase, but equally tired of it: fist bumping. Stop it. Stop it now.

d. / August 6, 2007 12:44 PM

man, this is a good topic.

i don't like:

"My bad"
"Off the Hook"
"Off the Chart" (stupid variation of "Off the Hook")
"Peace Out"
"It's all Good"
"Think outside the box"

I really HATE when guys dressed in striped shirts call me "Chief." I hate hate hate. It's almost always the same kind of douchebag who says it too. Kinda smarmy, probably lives in LP, and always secretly wants to pop his collar especially if he's wearing a polo shirt.

Shasta / August 6, 2007 12:50 PM

OH. One more phrase that is tap dancing on my last nerve:

"ay bay bay"

soup / August 6, 2007 12:58 PM

It pains me when people pass judgment with the phrase "it was interesting". It seems to me that they aren't articulate enough to express their discomfort on the topic, or perhaps too whimpy, so they clump their reaction into the 'interesting' category. Sorry, but that is boring conversation, not the least bit interesting.

Kristin / August 6, 2007 1:07 PM

not your mama's [fill in the blank]

Clarke / August 6, 2007 1:34 PM

#1: Someone answering a question by first referencing that question in their response, for example:

"Does it annoy me when people speak like this? Yes it does. Do I want to ask that people just answer the f-ing question? Good lordy yes!"

I know what I am asking you, I don't have to have it repeated back to me! Cripes!

Jill / August 6, 2007 1:39 PM

Excellent topic!

Since I'm stuck at work, I have all of those lame business phrases going through my head. I especially hate:

--synergy (noun or verb form)

--rock star (because I'm not, seeing as how rock stars probably don't do what I do)

--on my plate (as in "I have too many requests on my plate." Is that how I got so fucking fat?)

--wearing "different hats" for different job activities

--"magic time" (maybe this is only at my office, but magic time = your private time; suck it up)

a / August 6, 2007 1:39 PM

i second "not so much." it is snide.

Hal / August 6, 2007 1:49 PM

Oh, I can't believe in 40-odd posts on one's gone here yet:

"I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."

As if it was funny 20 years ago...

The only, only upside is that I have gotten pretty good at suppressing the unconscious sympathy semi-chuckle that just encourages that and and "responding" with a stony silence. Fuck, that phrase annoys me.

mrs. / August 6, 2007 2:00 PM


Kelly / August 6, 2007 2:03 PM

That's what she said.

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I recognize that it is funny when Steve Carrell says it on The Office, but that's it. everyone else should stop!

Doyle / August 6, 2007 2:04 PM

How about pre-recorded apologies? I'm delayed (daily) on the UP West Metra because of "freight train interference" and a pre-recorded message pipes in apologizing to me for the inconvenience. I'm supposed to be satisfied that a disembodied robot just thanked me for my patience?

While I'm at it, is there a pre-recorded Metra message that says "...delay due to suicide interference"?

Mateus / August 6, 2007 2:09 PM

I never want to hear the word "proactive" again. Some try to claim it is the opposite of "reactive." Others say that it means to act in anticipation of future needs or problems - but doesn't this just mean "not being stupid?" So then, I fail to be impressed when some d-bag at work will talk about their "proactive approach," meaning their approach is to consider what the future holds. Big deal! Don't we all do this? Do I have a proactive approach to bike riding because if I see a car stop and park on the curb ahead of me, I ride a bit wide of it anticipating a thoughtless door to open in front of me?

CC / August 6, 2007 2:14 PM

How about all the really infantile names for a certain part of the female anatomy? Every time I hear someone, male or female, say the words "va-jay-jay" or "cooter," I want to hurl.

emdub / August 6, 2007 2:17 PM

Leverage/ leveraging

Giving you a heads up

Brain Dump (ewww!)

Manage expectations

Value Added

The 'Burbs

Tonic / August 6, 2007 2:19 PM

"The boyfriend" or "the girlfriend". Usually used in blogs. It's not a cute little literary shorthand anymore. Mike Royko used to make reference in his columns to "The Wife" but that was a long time ago. It makes them sound like an inanimate object like the lamp or the shoetree. Whenever I read that, I secretly hope the couple has a violent breakup.

pum / August 6, 2007 2:26 PM

"manage up"

used by the bosses at work to refer to the "supposed" responsibility that we, the peons, have in order to get them to do their job. it is bullshit and a cop-out. i call it "professional nagging."

also, using "grow" as a transitive verb especially in business-speak
"grow the economy"
"grow the business"


Mateus / August 6, 2007 2:27 PM

One more...

" terms of..."

This phrase leads to verbose sentences. It can almost always be eliminated.


"I am feeling good in terms of the candidates for the job"

..instead of "I am feeling good about the candidates for the job."

Let's drop it, I know it's hard and pervasive, but I never think better of someone in terms of their intelligence when they use this phrase.

Spook / August 6, 2007 2:35 PM

O.K, here’s one for the books....

“Support Our Troops!”

I wish I had a ray gun to evaporate every car with that F*cking yellow magnet made in China on it.

First of all most people who display that magnet use it to support the war while using the "troops" as moral cover!

And as far as I'm concerned, I say what about responsibility to say No to an unjust war?

Like Yeats said "it takes more courage to dig deep in the dark soul of one’s own heart than it does for a soldier to fight on the battlefield” as a soldier is just taking orders

P-man / August 6, 2007 2:39 PM

I like to use the phrase "out of pocket" when I'm at work and I am about to go take a dump. That's about it.

Overused that drives me up a wall?

Jason / August 6, 2007 2:52 PM

"this administration"

Inarticulate crutch used forblanket blaming all things bad in the world.

Kay / August 6, 2007 2:56 PM

"Prototypical." It doesn't mean the same thing as "typical." Really.

Nuxrs / August 6, 2007 3:07 PM

"literally" used to mean "figuratively"

jen / August 6, 2007 3:15 PM

Josh, god bless. "my bad" drives me bonkers.

And the "I know, right?" was something I'd never heard until I moved here in 2004. Where the shit did that one come from? Ugh.

I had a friend that used to say "you'll have that" and despite him being one of my favorite people on earth, when he said that, I wanted to smack him. I'll have that what? Shitty life event I was just talking about? Grr.

Next can we please please please have the "what phrases are not used nearly enough?" question? because I have at least three answers right now...

tim / August 6, 2007 3:20 PM

"Meh" is overused a little too much for my liking.

shea / August 6, 2007 3:36 PM

My boss uses "brain science" constantly. "Rocket surgery" can't be too far behind.

kellyg / August 6, 2007 3:44 PM

"That's random"

fluffy / August 6, 2007 3:53 PM

I just got off the phone with a co-worker who told me to call one of our VP's for a brain dump over XYZ product. I can't believe it. or maybe I can.

I'd literally like to circle back and give everyone at my job/the administration a value-added round-tabled and robust kick in the nads.

peta / August 6, 2007 3:56 PM

Anything "-gate".


kd / August 6, 2007 3:59 PM

jen -

I believe that "I know, right?" started up shortly after the movie "Mean Girls" was released in, yes, 2004.

Spook / August 6, 2007 4:09 PM

"Freedom aint Free"

jen / August 6, 2007 4:23 PM

oh, and how did i forget:


i say it only to mock those who use the word for real. i think it's atrocious.

tk / August 6, 2007 4:30 PM

Kay -- YES! That's right next to 'penultimate' on my List

mrs. / August 6, 2007 4:30 PM

oh, and bling, too.

mrs. / August 6, 2007 4:30 PM

oh, and bling, too.

Allan / August 6, 2007 4:38 PM

" Gump'm down for that" or " Jam that right ducking" Those are hands down the worst. I have had an earful of said phrases but just to keep you in the loop, it only really happens at Popeyes chicken. I love when us white girls call each other girlfriend but when every sitcom doughboy was feigning superficial blackness by insiting that one or the other was "Da man" See below:

Doughboy One: You da man!
Doughboy Two: No you da man!
Doughboy One: Nooo youuu da man!
Allan : (sitting on his couch watching TV) Shit this suck! Are you kidding me. People get paid to write this.

peta / August 6, 2007 4:39 PM

Have a blessed day.

skafiend / August 6, 2007 4:44 PM

Tipping point... not used so much in regular conversation but the boneheads on the news shows use it a little too much and I think they're using it wrong most of the time.

brain dump (someone said this already but I second)


I'm sick of "hipsters" ordering this crap beer because, well, it's hip. At least call it Pabst once in a while so I won't get bored hearing you order it.

And, yes, I used the word "hipster" which, for me, is always short for "hipster doofus". I'll use it until it stops being immediately relevant.

Spook / August 6, 2007 5:07 PM

People who use to term "Soul Mate"
should be gutted with dull spoons.

And I've noticed people who use the term are shallow types, which means they won't have far to searh

Judy / August 6, 2007 5:14 PM

"Out of the box"


"I and Tony really liked that movie."

The improper use of "I" makes me nutty. My boyfriend does this and I hate it.

He also spells, "your" when he should be spelling, "you're"

"Your toilet is overflowing."

Jill / August 6, 2007 5:19 PM


Don't forget "its" when it should be "it's" (and the reverse). That too drives me up the wall.

Greg / August 6, 2007 5:21 PM

an album "dropping"

bump, baby bump

"[adjective] porn" describing anything not actually intended to get a person off -- food porn, torture porn, etc.

my bad

and most of all, "Twins Lose." I'd rather not hear that the rest of the season.

cleo / August 6, 2007 5:21 PM

Shea, is your boss my old boss? She used to say brain science all the time, and I just couldn't get over how stupid she sounded. Particularly because it was always in some smug pronouncement about how stupid someone someone else supposedly was: "I can't believe she can't figure that out. I mean, it's not brain science!" That's not the right cliche! Idiot! Ack!

Also, I hate most of the phrases on this list, but say most of them myself. It's hard when their so pervasive! Ah well, it is what it is.

Justin / August 6, 2007 6:12 PM


JM / August 6, 2007 6:26 PM

When did adult persons start referring to peers, and -- even worse -- love interests, as boys and girls? If you are neither a pederast nor pathetic Peter Pan, do stop.

Some guidelines:

Little boys/girls: birth to age 4.

Boys/girls: ages 5 to 12.

Teenager seguing to young man/woman: ages 13 - 21.

Man/woman: age 22 (or upon college graduation or FT employment, should either previously occur) and uniformly thereafter.

Body of a man/woman: death.

SG / August 6, 2007 6:27 PM

I'm guilty of this one:


I want to stop. really I do.

Dee / August 6, 2007 6:29 PM

"This [whatever] is made of awesome!!"

FTW! (meaning "for the win")

Sabrosa / August 6, 2007 7:35 PM


M. Emily / August 6, 2007 8:20 PM

kd said:
"I believe that "I know, right?" started up shortly after the movie "Mean Girls" was released in, yes, 2004."

kd, this current catchphrase may have had a resurgence in popularity after "Mean Girls," but I remember hearing it much earlier than that. I'm reminded of the Vandals song, "I Know, Huh?" from...1998.

As for the overused words/phrases I hate: "proactive" definitely tops that list. And "moving forward." Idiotic business jargon makes me crazy.

laprof / August 6, 2007 8:22 PM

Drop the ball

Huddle (as used to describe a meeting in an office)

obiewan / August 6, 2007 8:36 PM

I have to say- carbon footprint. I understand that it refers to something very important about how my living affects the world around me but there has to be a better catchphrase for it than freakin carbon footprint. ugh.

Flips / August 6, 2007 10:09 PM

"Call out"
I work with someone who uses this term all the time for any situation, and it's rarely used correctly. "That signage needs a better call out." Ugh


Flips / August 6, 2007 10:11 PM

Oh, and "True dat."


annie / August 6, 2007 10:15 PM


"circle back" (don't...I hate you.)

LOL (seriously, are you? b/c that's pathetic)

yummy (it's not cute to say that, it's just not)

Team (I'm at work, this isn't fun)

And lastly, Back To School Sale. It just can't be time for that.

Olive / August 7, 2007 12:50 AM

Mixing up the subject and object for "I" and "me' - for example:

1a) "Say hi to Linda from Edison and I" wrong
1b) "Say hi to Linda from Edison and me." correct
2a) "Sally drove my father and I to the store." wrong
2b) "Sally drove my father and me to the store." right

You would never say "Sally drove I to the store," then you should never make the subject an object in the other situations mentioned above.

I am not a grammarian, but whenever I hear this very common grammatical error, I cringe and wince inside. I even hear highly educated speakers make this mistake in their presentations.

charlie / August 7, 2007 7:10 AM


As in.....Dude that new belt is SWEEEEET. (seriously, I heard that conversation) That new belt is sweet?

Still ok to use at to describe cake/wine/beer other foods etc.

Linda Ziemer / August 7, 2007 7:39 AM

"My bad" tops my personal list of annoying phrases, but as this topic has veered into grammar and spelling errors, I have to share 2 mistakes I found in the WSJ yesterday (in the same article!): "borders" for "boarders," i.e., someone who lives at a boarding house, and "rang up bills" for medical expenses, etc. I guess Rupert has gotten rid of the copy editors and proofreaders already?

Hugh G Rection / August 7, 2007 8:38 AM

"Rockin'" Hey Carson, I see you're rockin' those Pumas again.

"Lawyer up"

"Ghetto" when what you really mean is black but you're too afraid to come out and say that you think all black people are from the ghetto.

Any hyphenation of a person's name. "A-Ram, D-Ro, K-Fed...."

Any shortening of a name with "ie, or ey" tacked on the end. "Jones-ie, Chellie (Chris Chelios)..."

Any reference to a professional sports team as "us" or "we." Unless you are on the payroll, it's "them" or "the Cubs."

Any fake disgust by "hipsters" over language they find annoying but are in fact responsible for disseminating. A year from now these same people will be decrying the spread of high-profile, colored bike rims and tight jeans (on men). Please. (Oh, and "please." I hate when people say please with a heavy sarcasm inflection).

sparky / August 7, 2007 8:39 AM

"Gotcha" when someone understands a concept or what I have just explained. Repeating that word over and over to emphasize that the person understood the concept.

Synergy. Unless you are discussing the biological concept of synergy, the word shouldn't be used.

"Give it up"...when someone has their hand up waiting for a high-five.

People attempting to speak ebonics when they do not know how to.

"Like"...can make the most intelligent person sound like an idiot.

"Cool", or worse yet, "kewl". When did "kewl" come into play? My older brother sends e-mails and uses the word cool, and then writes "or as the kids say these days, 'kewl'". Huh?

WTF. Funny at first, but time to get over it. It's like BFD of 2007.

"Tragedy", "nightmare", and "horror". When the blue line train derailed last year, I believe the Red Eye's headline was "Nightmare on the Blue Line". That same day, 200+ people in Bombay died or were injured in a terrorist attack on a train. The word "nightmare" just sensationalized what happened on the L, and made us look insensitive what what happened on the other side of the world.

The word "hero" also pisses me off. What does that word mean anymore?

peanut / August 7, 2007 9:22 AM

Driving me crazy since 1993, when I first interacted w/people from northern IL, is the phrase "come/go with." I.e., "I'm heading to Kmart. Want to come with?" Come with WHOM?? Please do not end your sentences with prepositions.

Many of the aforementioned catchphrases are indicative of ubiquitous sarcasm. Everyone's sarcastic these days, even in advertising. Is it supposed to be funny? I blame America's extended adolescence.

patso / August 7, 2007 9:53 AM

I agree with conversate. It didn't used to be a word, and now I can find it in dictionaries because idiots have been using it too much.

BT / August 7, 2007 10:53 AM

- "It is what it is"
- "Amazing". How can everything you do be amazing?
- "You know what I'm sayin"
- "So". As in: "I SO blame the entire cast of "Friends" for this dumb use.
- "Like".
- "Tell us how you really feel" when reacting to someone who passionately recounts something. That MAY have been funny the first time someone used it. It's been plain stupid ever since.

Negative Me / August 7, 2007 10:59 AM

"war on terror"

bucky / August 7, 2007 11:03 AM

'chi-town' (if you use it, you're not from here)

'price point' ( just say price, dammit!)

'hip' and 'trendy' (if you have to use these terms to describe something, it ain't either)

i had a boss once who would constantly use the term 'to touch base' - i.e. 'i wanted to touch base with you regarding' was annoying and all, but not big deal until i saw how he spelled it: 'touch basis'.' oh lordy.

CB / August 7, 2007 11:16 AM

"Let's take this off line" I heard this way too many times one day to make it annoying for a lifetime.

"Whatnot" One of my friends recently started using this all of the time, and now I can't get away from it, it's everywhere.

Andrew / August 7, 2007 11:26 AM

Peanut: "Please do not end your sentences with prepositions."

Not to derail, but that rule has never been hard and fast, and in modern times is pretty much out the window. Stop listening to the overbearing school marm in your head and get over it.

“This is the sort of English up with which I will not put.” --Winston Churchill*

p / August 7, 2007 11:28 AM

"it works on so many levels"

yes on the aforementioned "me and the boy..." (you've got a kid, girl?)





And "come with/go with" is a perfectly reasonable thing to say. "I'll come with" = yes. "I'll come with you"= sounds crazy unless you are the grim reaper or a robot.

carrie / August 7, 2007 11:31 AM


"how are you today?"

"well, it's Monday!"

I didn't ask what day it was, I asked how you are.

D, were you referring to this article:

Spook / August 7, 2007 11:33 AM

Politically Correct.

which is just a term created by “Rush Limbaughites”to silence and castigate oppressed groups/ classes, who speak up for inclusion,
accesses, and greater civic participation

“NASCAR Dads”,

Lets call them what they are, white, racist, sexist, and homophobic males who think they are discriminated against, but are actually overly catered too
in the public square

skafiend / August 7, 2007 11:40 AM


No, saying "Wanna come with?" is not perfectly reasonable. It's an incomplete thought. I've been hearing that since grammer school (nevermind how long it's been) and it never made sense. Wanna come with WHO? Wanna come with WHAT? Wanna come with my brother, who will be taking a later bus? Wanna come with some extra hot dogs, because we may need them at the picnic later? Sentences like that need a subject. "Wanna come with?" has none, and, no, it's not readily implied. At least to anyone who's learned English. And how does "I'll come with you" sound crazy? Saying "I'll come with" could just as easily mean "I'll come with John on the later bus." Big difference from "I'll come with YOU."

God, I've been hating that phrase since grammer school.

But I'll agree with you on Cubbies. That is a sign of someone who only started watching the team since the arrival of Harry Carey or Ryne Sandberg or later.

and finally ... junk as a euphemism for penis.

NASCAR Dad / August 7, 2007 11:58 AM

So, how would you say "Shut the fuck up"?

Somebody, please cater to me!!

Jill / August 7, 2007 12:00 PM

If Spook's throwing in NASCAR Dads, I'm going to have to agree and also add Alpha Moms, the obnoxious replacement to the irritating Soccer Mom.

And, I've gotta shamefully admit that I've picked up some bad lingo from the office. At the grocery once, I told my husband that something was in the "shelf-stable juice" aisle. He yelled at me that "nobody talks like that!" Sad, but true.

jen / August 7, 2007 12:09 PM

"God, I've been hating that phrase since grammer school."

... tell me that was on purpose...

the pet / August 7, 2007 12:11 PM

"Irregardless" makes my ears bleed. It's not a word. Stop it.

"Myself" gets on my nerves, too. Usually when it's used as a picture caption - "Tim and myself at a Cub's game." "Myself and Jenna at Halloween." "Myself in a suit."

I haven't looked it up as to whether it's right or not, but damn, it drives me nuts!

sugar / August 7, 2007 12:11 PM

"organic dehydrated cane juice"

Spook / August 7, 2007 12:12 PM

I would add "Man Up" to this offensive list, but NASCAR Dad might come after me with a baseball bat because I'm sure he uses the term often when "his boy" starts crying after being screamed at by the "old man" when he makes mistakes during little league games

But can we toss in "Da" as in Da Bears, "Da" Bulls, "Da" Cubs?

Spook / August 7, 2007 12:21 PM

And not to pick on NASCAR dads, cause frat boys do it too- alot-, but how bout an end to males calling other males “Pus*ies” or “Pus*y”?

what’s up with that? I could kinda understand a gay male calling another that?
But as straight males, why do we? I mean who do like it right? So lets end the disrespect!

eric / August 7, 2007 12:31 PM

"I'm not for sure..."

skafiend / August 7, 2007 12:35 PM


LOL.. yeah, sorta on purpose. As I was typing I realized it, was going to go back and change it to elementary school, but decided to leave "grammer" in for the ironic value.

gotta agree on the phrase "politically incorrect". A buzz word primarily used by people mad that they can't make blatant stereotypes or use arcane language anymore without being called out on it.

"Ah, those people on welfare don't want to work. Oh, sorry for being politically incorrect (usually followed by air quotes and said in a weird voice somewhere between over-the-top sarcasm and something sorta feminine and soft and what they perceive to be liberal-sounding)."

"He's a/n colored/Oriental fella. Oh, sorry for being politically incorrect"

And I was waiting for the flack on the NASCAR comment...

Winston Smith / August 7, 2007 12:37 PM would be a great totalitarian...ever think of working for the Thought Police?

Veronica / August 7, 2007 12:43 PM

Impact used as a synonym for affect instead of effect. "That movie really impacted me." Did it? Was that painful? Also, saying something is "impactful" is not a stronger way of saying, "effective," if you use it all the time, adverstisers.

I also hate proactive. Either you're active or you're not. It's not the same as "preventative."

Erica / August 7, 2007 12:52 PM

I don't like "Delish" anymore now that it's on a Rachel Ray Dunkin' Donuts poster ad. Maybe she always says it, but seeing it in print next to her face makes me hate it.

Culinary as in Q-lin-ary. I say CULL-in-ary. It might be wrong, but it doesn's sound so stuck up.

Tonic / August 7, 2007 12:55 PM

"Happy Friday!"

Fuck you...what about people that have to work on Saturday, Sunday, etc.? Why should Friday be happy for them just because you get the next two days off? Trash this phrase.

Also, McAnything. McJob, etc. McBrainwashed (in the SunTimes today).

the pet / August 7, 2007 1:18 PM

Ooh! I forgot "ATM machine" and "PIN number!"

Emerson Dameron / August 7, 2007 1:26 PM

"That said"
"Random" - no, it isn't
"Hipster" - someone I suspect of having more fun than I am
"Red state/Blue state"
"Slow zones"
Almost anything "-play"
"Buddy" - I am a giant asshole who can't remember your name

If you know of an operation that will remove "like" and "awesome" from my vocabulary, holla atcha boy, bay bay.

Cheryl / August 7, 2007 1:35 PM

Granular used in any way that doesn't mean something that has grains, like salt or sand. They use it at work all the time ("that report isn't very granular") and I have no idea what they're talking about.

Also, wordsmith. Don't they really mean they're writing something?

leah / August 7, 2007 1:36 PM

I die a grillion times when someone is "just gonna go ahead & shoot (me) that in an email."

I pay top dollar to anyone who can rid my personal vocabulary of:

Jake / August 7, 2007 1:48 PM

"Literally" is almost always used incorrectly.

I say "like" way, way too much. Which is why I prefer email.

skee bop / August 7, 2007 1:54 PM

One more from me too....


What is this - f***ing stalin's russia?

d. / August 7, 2007 1:59 PM

hi carrie!

no, i wasn't referring to that article on purpose, but i do remember seeing it before. it just keeps happening to me.

fuck that shit!

anon / August 7, 2007 2:04 PM

I'm going to have to stick by the phrase "it is what it is."

When I lost my business because one of the co-owners screwed over some customers, and I basically lost about $200,000, the phrase "it is what it is" is what kept me from jumping off the roof of a tall building. Or doing something equally as stupid.

So anyone who hasn't experienced losing a business, nearly losing their home, and losing their life savings in one go can just deal with it.

skee bop / August 7, 2007 2:07 PM

Also, Liberry, as in library. Maybe thats more common on the east coast, but most people know they are saying it wrong, and do it anyway.

Also, I have to admit that I hate it when people say "I have a taste for..." anything . As in, "i have a taste for some lentil soup." Can't you just say "I'm in the mood for"?

p / August 7, 2007 2:09 PM

hey skapones,
man what's all this jive about hotdog picnics on the bus w/ your brother? I ain't comin' with. Maybe i'll call you later tho and ask you "where you at?" Really i would have to try pretty hard to rid these phrases from my speech and i don't really care to. I don't necessarilly roll around saying "cool beans" on the job but i'm fairly relaxed w/ my speech.

irregardless is the worst, and even worse is those who say it say it all the time.

and as far as "p*ssy" is concerned, although i don't get that gay angle, many of those you would consider to be "p*ssies" simply have Asberger's Syndrome, research has found, so that's just insensitive- cut it out. girls calling people pussies however should never go out of style as it is tough and sexy. i wouldn't tell the mexican community to stop using the word "puto" though cuz whole neighborhoods would go silent and the economy would slow down.

wordsmith and wordsmithery are fine with me. i used to know an old guy named "kenny the cocksmith" no joke. he always claimed to be "a bad man's threat and a Hoor's pet."

Mac / August 7, 2007 2:19 PM

The N-word and "the N-word."
Really, pretty much all racial slurs.

And I second Rebecca! (ALLLLL the way up there at the top).

carrie / August 7, 2007 2:46 PM

oh man, I didn't realize that that actually happens. I was going to say "sorry, Chief" as a joke, but I can't, I just can't. :)

RMH / August 7, 2007 2:51 PM

I'm tired of:

deceptively simple

stay the course


Doyle / August 7, 2007 3:06 PM

To all you folks writing in with irritating office-speak, you've made me instantly love my current job (because of the absence of it here). You all deserve medals...or tasers to use on co-workers/bosses, maybe both.

JasonB / August 7, 2007 3:24 PM

This thread has all but depleted what was left of my already poor vocabulary.

Shamefully, I use a lot of these phrases and words.

PLEASE start a new one before I am reduced to communicating through hand gestures and beating sticks on the ground.

Thank you.

Spook / August 7, 2007 3:54 PM

"Right on"

generally said in a "sing songy" voice by hippie hipster women, ages 26 and under with vegan leanings, who stress "peace"
with out linking it to justice

I mean do they practice that....."right on"???

And “thought police”,

generally used by those with a NASCAR inclinations as if the “thought police like" terminology is linked with socratic thought, instead of
deeply pervasive corporate/ market mentality which limits and constricts "free" thought

and "Joe Six Pack"....see NASCAR dad

Spook / August 7, 2007 3:56 PM

p.s before this thread ends, I'd like to add how much I'm enjoying this!

"Big upps" to whom ever suggested it!

Winston Smith / August 7, 2007 4:04 PM

I agree 100%, Spook. this is a great fuel question.

No doubt youwould be great at overseeing the Thought Police, Spooky.

Telling people what to think, taking them away when they think on their own or outside the box, pointing out what everyone should be thinking, pointing out what they should NOT be thinking.

Yes, you have what it takes to do that very job!

Andrew / August 7, 2007 4:28 PM

You're welcome, Spook & Winston.

New thread tomorrow morning, I promise, Jason.

C-Note / August 7, 2007 4:53 PM

Wow - there sure are a lot of phrases I wouldn't have thought of... but maybe that's why I became a semi-recluse - so as not to be forced to suffer all the stupid things people say.

I agree that "uber-" is overused, and has been ever since the first time it was used by an english speaker - you know, because we already have a word - "super" - that means THE SAME FUCKING THING. Usually when we use foreign words it's because we don't have a word for it in English, but that doesn't stop the "uber-" people.

leah / August 7, 2007 5:16 PM

When people suggest that we "talk about this offline" it makes me commit homocide.

Mikey / August 7, 2007 5:35 PM

So we're all still good with dropping a deuce then, right?

madachode / August 7, 2007 9:40 PM

suburbinites who claim to be from Chicago (the city) when they are traveling and asked where they came from
stay in your land beyond O'hare

Spook / August 7, 2007 11:39 PM

"Love it or leave it"

"These colors don't run"

Andrew is there a record for most comments?

Hobbsie / August 8, 2007 12:23 AM

To Die For

As in, "this thread and that triple chocolate cake for dessert is TO DIE FOR"

So...if you don't get that cake can you just die now?

Brian / August 8, 2007 3:54 AM

kd said:
"I believe that "I know, right?" started up shortly after the movie "Mean Girls" was released in, yes, 2004."

I remember “I know, right?” much earlier than that here in Chicago. I remember it from the early-to-mid ‘80s.

“Just to keep you in the loop...” I know this phrase migrated here from somewhere else, but really, it means you want to keep me downtown. Please don’t.

Suburbanites and transplants saying they're from Chicago. No, you're not. You're from Des Plaines. Or Des Moines. But you're not from Chicago.

People who complain about traffic in the city. Umm, why are you even bothering to drive in the city?

“How are you?” Let's skip the niceties, shall we? You don't really want me to answer that with anything other than “Fine, and you?” If I told you how I really am at this moment, there would be a really long, awkward pause, and you'd walk away silently unable to cope with the answer.

People who intentionally use 'brainy' words to sound intelligent, but end up using them incorrectly and just end up sounding like a moron. Stop it.

peanut / August 8, 2007 9:58 AM


The overbearing school marm in my head has not yet whipped me into submission, although that's a fantasy I often entertain. Prepositions frequently end my sentences; it's really just that one phrase that annoys the heck out of me. So don't worry, I'm already "over it," but thanks for keeping me updated on these "modern times."

Judy / August 8, 2007 10:07 AM

I can't believe no one has mentioned, "get your ... on"

Or maybe it has been mentioned and I just didn't see the post. There is no such thing as "get your ride on" or "get your work on."

And JM, your comment about calling grown women and men girl or boy is so true. A friend of mine often refers to women at work (oddly, not the men. They are 'guys')

I have asked him how old this "girl" is. "Oh, around 40 probably. "

wlp / August 8, 2007 10:45 AM

"what (in) the sam hell"

"slicker than snot on a doorknob"



Anon Admin / August 8, 2007 11:36 AM

my officemate talks to herself all day. yes, asks & answers and from herself. and has 'cute' little phrases such as:

-oh the tangled webs we weave
-too much like right
-comfortive (no, that's not a real work)

i hear each one of these roughly 20x/day.

Anon Admin / August 8, 2007 11:37 AM

my officemate talks to herself all day. yes, asks & answers and from herself. and has 'cute' little phrases such as:

-oh the tangled webs we weave
-too much like right
-comfortive (no, that's not a real word and yes, i've asked if it was 'comforted'. no, it's not)

i hear each one of these roughly 20x/day.

Judy / August 8, 2007 11:55 AM

just overheard:

"I'm funna..."

instead of "I am going to..."


ace / August 8, 2007 3:22 PM

"at the end of the day" makes me shudder.

"he gone" is the reason I won't watch White Sox games.

Judy / August 8, 2007 9:21 PM

"ping me off line"

"Ping" is not a synonym for "contact me" or "let's chat".

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