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Friday, January 24

Gapers Block

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Andrew Huff / March 7, 2011 12:19 AM

I am a terrible rapper, so I'd probably stick to being a DJ or hype man. My DJ name is/would be DJ Jaded.

r / March 7, 2011 12:20 AM

DJ Foot Locker

mike-ts / March 7, 2011 12:21 AM

I'd go for Reala-T. I don't think that's claimed yet, for I didn't find one on a web search, so here it's time stamped on Gaper's Block that I hereby call dibs on Reala-T.

C-Note / March 7, 2011 6:37 AM

MX-Tra Money.

Dave Knapik / March 7, 2011 7:58 AM

Willie Nelson and Family Live in Concert

BG / March 7, 2011 11:27 AM

DJ name:

Billy G. Williams

charlie / March 7, 2011 12:12 PM


Baldeesh / March 7, 2011 12:45 PM

I've got nothing, but my sister goes by DJ Surprisey.

The RZA / March 7, 2011 4:14 PM

"Bobby! Bobby Digital!! Warum bist Du in unser Land gekommen? Warum bist Du in mein Leben gekommen? Du hast meine Frau g*fickt, meine Kinder sind verrückt nach Dir, und ich bin so glücklich. Ja. Bobby! Bobby Digital!! Wer bist Du? Wer bist Du? Du bist im Grunde ein Teufel, der in die Hölle gehört. Aber eigentlich ein Engel, der aus dem Himmel kommt. Bobby... Bobby... Bobby Digital"

Well as you can see from my above fan, in Germany ( and
Internationally), I'm known as

And right now I'm togglin the buttons on my cell-phone to call my N*gga, Tone the well known
Bubblegoose shredders made him thick as Carl Weathers
Solid chrome barettas nines stuffed inside the Wu leather
Hot shots melt through your pleather
Never ending story not from the land of Nether
We fight for our rights to the death like Mega Evers
Wu-Tang Clan Forever,
all and together now"

Dennis Fritz / March 8, 2011 10:03 AM

Yummy D.

jima / March 8, 2011 10:03 AM

Back in 1995 we were running a homebrew message board application on our company Website, and some random European posted a badly-translated message that talked about how he liked to play the "fanky trp-hop" etc. His name was "DJ Feaky D from Hungary", which I always wanted to appropriate.

DJ Feaky D from Hungary would just play cheezy Eurodisco, with some Heino and Heintje songs thrown in for good measure.

Fake-O / March 8, 2011 12:54 PM

DJ? That's a totally different pillar of hip-hop, people! Talkin' about MCs here.

If I were (still) a DJ, my name would be DJ Shoes In The Dryer, in honor of all my shitty DJ brethren.

As a rapper I would be MC Em-see.

J / March 8, 2011 3:32 PM

Vanilla Vanilla. Is that taken?

jt / March 8, 2011 3:45 PM

Hot Boz

Charles / March 8, 2011 3:52 PM

MC Chuckwaggin'

Ghostface Killah / March 8, 2011 5:23 PM

Well, they call me Dr. Tony Starks cause

My metaphors'll keep me out the projects
Rap connects'll keep me correct
Eh yo, I wrote this on Donnie roof
After his funeral, on one knee
Think'n his killa's followed me
So to my n*gga Donnie, up there
Can you please tell God that we f*cked up here
We got beer, weed, guns, AIDS
All these obstacles, it's hard to make it nowadays
Watch the Devil in it, some say it's our fault
If that's the answer, you know smokin'll cause cancer
Let me drop a bracelet, leave a chain behind
My tape stay at the begin'n cuz that's how we rewind
Y'all know how we dine, we don't eat swine, and we don't drink wine
If you don't bring me some motherf*ckin cognac, I kill you
I can't feel you
Ain't in my senses, and you ain't in my dollars
I f*ck with rockwilders, no leashes, no collars
Brolic scholars,

Leah / March 9, 2011 12:08 AM

Despite not being Russian, my rap nickname is Baby Moscow. Two MCs, Kosha Dillz and Flex Mathews, gave me the nickname after a night of running between venues in Chicago, in the middle of winter, when I was wearing a fuzzy, alpaca hat.

Sounds way more bad ass when I don't mention the fuzzy hat, right?

Hersteria / March 9, 2011 11:50 AM

MC Phat E. Tissue

Kathy M. / March 9, 2011 11:52 AM

DJ Sister Katana!

or DJ Kitty Kat, but that's probably already taken.

Bill Murrary / March 9, 2011 12:32 PM

D.J. Delirium.

I became D.J. Delirium after, I served The Gza and The Rza aka Bobby Digital, from the Wu Tang Clan, tea at a NYC coffee house and then sat down with them to talk.

They're related, and they're both trouble makers.

The Rza, a doctor who specializes in Alternative Medicine to this Planet, diagnosed me with serious delirium.

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