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Monday, October 14
Picking up from the library tomorrow (they're holding them for me and everything!):
-- JPod by Douglas Coupland
-- America's Report Card: A Novel by John McNally
Adverbs by Daniel Handler -- in the process of being digested slowly, one chapter at a time, while riding the el.
Ada by Vladimir Nabokov -- I swear I'm going to finish this book this semester. I swear I'm finally going to finish this book this semester...
The Traveler by John Twelve Hawks -- in the queue, though I have no idea when I'll actually read it through. It was 50 cents at the Oak Park Friends of the Library booksale, though, and the author's slightly creepy backstory freaked me out, which meant I had to get it.
The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner. Too much gushing praise from too many friends to ignore any longer. The book that I make time to sit down and read, the one I mention when people ask me, 'So, what are you reading theses days?'
Whoops, unclosed tag.
My TO READ list spans pages, but there are a few at the top of the list. The Katrina anniversary has added two books to the top:
- Unnatural Disaster: The Nation on Hurricane Katrina
- It Takes a Nation: How Strangers Became Family
These Three Remain, the last in the Mr Darcy gentleman series by Pamela Aidan.
I’m waiting for Laurie King’s next Holmes & Russell mystery so I’m reading through her Kate Martenilli series.
*A Year at the Movies -- Kevin Murphy
*the rules to the games I'll be bringing on Friday
I've also got Unnatural Disaster on my list after having listened to the author talk about it on The Charlie Rose Show.
Dark Lover: The Life and Death of Rudolph Valentino was recommended to me. I'm a big Valentino fan, so I'll probably dig into that at some point.
I'm finishing Heat Wave right now.
I want to finish The Leopard, too.
(I start a lot of books...)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (in progress)
Microbiology, an introduction (sigh) (required)
Can't pass up this rare chance to establish my high-brow bona fides.
"How Stella Got Her Groove Back" by Terry McMillan
Yet to finish DiVinci code. I have only 40 pages left and I think I'll wait until the DVD comes out. I still don't understand all the hype.
Monster Island - David Wellington - Zombies oooh scary
Possible Side Effects - Augusten Burroughs, I don't care if he made up 1/2 of "Running with Scissors" I like his books.
Saturday - Ian McEwan
Wind-up Bird Chronicle - Haruki Murakami
Waiting for the paperback versions:
The Ruins - Scott Smith
The Historian - Elizabeth Kostova
Real Simple, Blender and the Sunday Tribune for coupons. I hate myself for reading the RedEye but yet I read it everyday. What is wrong with me?
we dont know each other but... i would pass on the murakami. i know everyone loves him but my friend and i call it the 'suck your life out chronicles'. i finish every book...and that one was a real chore. (i thought we were in the trust tree? the nest? are we not?)
but i am tearing through anthony bourdain's 'a cook's tour' and zadie smith's 'on beauty' is next.
Somewhere, I need to find a biography on Constantine, el Pope circa 5th-6th Century.
Other than that, my to-read list consists of the above-mentioned Bourdain, and the new Orson Scott Card book.
Ooo, Miss Casual, I read "On Beauty" a couple months ago and couldn't put it down. I just re-read "White Teeth" (her first book) as well.
Right now on my list are a step-by-step guide to Microsoft Access and a book on information technology for nonprofits (both for school). Plus a couple issues of Chronicle of Philanthropy and Non-Profit Times that I haven't gotten to yet. My summer "pleasure reading" adventure is over for now, since school started again. But maybe over the long weekend I'll be able to make some more progress in my Complete Calvin & Hobbes. I'm about to start vol. 2.
Oh, and two chicks at the same time.
Uncle Tom's Cabin (in progress)
The Grapes of Wrath
Housekeeping: A Novel (Marilynne Robinson)
I am also determined to one day finish Anna Karenina!
eerie thing about the da mere's book pick is that i just finished reading "the namesake" by the same author b/c its being made into a movie starring kal penn (kumar)....
up next, i just picked up some klosterman book from a friend i guess i'll tackle next... hah.
oh - and i need to buy the new murakami collection at some place other than borders (they screwed me on the kicking and screaming DVD last week, so they're on my shitlist) - any recommendations for a book store in the loop/river north?
and i wholeheartedly DISAGREE with miss casual's denouncement of murakami. wind-up bird chronicle is my favorite of his. read it read it read it!
I'm currently reading Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko. It's pretty good, and very different from the movie, which makes it even better.
I have on my "to read" list:
Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
The Dreyfus Affair by Peter Lefcourt
and Love Match by Keira Andrews, which is an ebook a friend of mine wrote.
jen -
I highly recommend "Afterwords" on Illinois just east of State for a quality bookstore.
"Lonesome Dove" by Larry McMurtry.
"Hammer of the Gods" - biography on Led Zeppelin.
"Escape from Five Shadows" by Elmore Leonard.
Finish The Historian and Guns Germs and Steel. Then it's on to the 10th Sandman book.
Oh, also, I'm under orders from my wife to read The Prestige before the movie comes out. I believe the exact quote when I said that I didn't want to read it was: "You better read that book, bitch."
The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana, Umberto Eco. Eco can take a while to get through, but this one has pictures!
On Persephone's Island, Mary Taylor Simeti. A Sicilian travelogue.
The Birds of Heaven, Peter Matthiessen. About cranes.
A couple of food-related books sent to me by publicists.
I'm pretty proud of the fact that I've finished three books this month. The above list are books I've started, but haven't finished.
As for Magazines, I get Wired, Chicago and some cooking rags, but I never seem to actually read them unless I'm stuck in an airport.
Clea — Lawrence Durrell
Ethics — Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Babylonian Captivity of the Church — Martin Luther
Invisible Cities* — Italo Calvino
The Adventures of Augie March* — Saul Bellow
stories by John Cheever, Andre Dubus
* Prowling used shops for old paperbacks
In my knapsack I carry a scroll, taken from the deserted lair of M’yrrgh the swamp hag; upon it is scrawled a message in a cryptic, foul tongue, the likes of which I have never seen. I journey now to the mountain village of Cloumont—lore tells of a local sage blessed with an eye for languages. My hope, slim though it may be, is that the wizened scholar can decipher a clue as to the whereabouts of the vile M’yrrgh, who claims to know a secret that could help defeat the Dark Lord Kayne. This truth she promised to reveal, and I aim to see that promise kept. My first approach will be to ask. My second will be the ax.
I'm reading a book about how to pour a air tight concrete sarcophagus ( without the removable lid) over Halsted from Belmont to Irving Park
I'm reading Strunk and White's The Elements of Style -- I know -- BORING! It's required for most English classes and I've read it before, but I'm an editor, and I need to brush up on such things, especially since I'm getting set in my lazy ways.
I'm finally reading Maus and I love it. I can't believe I'm just now reading it.
I recommend "So Midwest," by L.B., which I finished a few months ago.
Visit her:
I just finished reading Adam Langer's Crossing California which is set in Chicago in the late 70s-early 80s. It's a good read and chock full of Chicago + pop culture refrences from the time. Has anyone else read this?
finishing Holy Cow: An Indian Adventure
Waiting to unpack:
Kafka on the Shore
Edward the Second
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
and way too many others to list
On word that Nobel winner Naguib Mahfouz died today, I've decided to read Children of Our Alley.
Al, I read Crossing California over Christmas and really enjoyed it. I loved all the West Rogers Park references, since I live right nearby.
And Yet It Moves - experimental classic
finishing: Moby Dick
next up:
The Known World by Edward P. Jones
The Nutshell Studies of Unexplainable Death
Mostly photo essay all about Frances Glessner Lee, super criminal investigator and founder of Harvard Dept. of Legal Medicine, and the dollhouses she created to better train criminal investigators on how to assess physical evidence and crime scenes.)
I'm reading Lonesome Dove for my book club. So far, it sucks. I remain hopeful that it picks up a bit.
Erica, may I recommend reading Strunk and White Elements of Style illustrated by Myra Kalman? I got that for my birthday and it's genius... takes that somewhat dull but necessary book and turns it into a delight.
I am almost finished with Brick Lane, by Moncia Ali. It's a little slow going, but not bad. A nice view of someone elses world.
That is the last one from the pile of books I got a yard sale. Don't know what's next. Guns,Germs and Steel is lying there waiting for me, but I can't muster the needed enthusiasm.
I want the new issue of Bust to arrive to provide a brief escape from the house of unending Chicken Pox.
Finishing up: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Klay
On the horizon: a few volumes of Sandman, a few more of Transmetropolitan, 900 Days, assorted Soviet history books, Once a King Always a King, whatever I dredge up from Myopic.
I'll you what I'm gonna read, man . . . A Tail of Two Chickies, man.
Recently Finished:
The Overrated Book - Chunklet Magazine skewers every rock snob conceit. (I should probably mention that I wrote about 0.001% of it.)
Georges Perec - Species of Spaces (A series of rambles on place and organization; I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to write descriptively.)
Zoran Zivkovic - Hidden Camera (A wildly complex philosophical inquiry wrapped in a nasty little Hitchcock-style mystery.)
Jeremy Taylor - Where People Fly and Water Runs Uphill (Solid, Jungian take on dreams.)
On the list:
Nick Tosches - The Devil and Sonny Liston
Henry Hazlitt - Economics In One Lesson
resuming my Pinter kick from last winter
Miss Casual -
I am totally with you on the Murakami unrecommendation. There were certain sentences that were lovely in the book, but on the whole, a major snore. And too long. Just my two cents.
On my list right now:
1. The Life & Death of Great American Cities - been reading this for about 2 years. It is so rich and interesting I like to read a chapter, trip out on it for a few months, and then pick it up again.
2. Earlier this summer I started The Blithedale Romance but didn't get too far. I'd like to pick that one up again.
Just finished, At Canaan's Edge, non fiction
And Strivers Row, fiction
Now I'm on Team of Rivals, non fiction
and The Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, fiction
Then there is the Princeton's LSAT Review, misery
R.I.P. Brent Bookstore,- corner of Washington and Franklin-,closing a family tradition/independent book store in Chicago since WW II.
Hmm. Didn't see very many people reading Devil in the White City, GB's book club next pick. Maybe y'all have already read it? That is what is currently in my bag.
Just finished reading Her Way: Young Women Remake the Sexual Revolution by local author Paula Kamen. It's very good and academic info written at an easily digestable level. Highly recommended.
And Stories That Care Forgot is on my nightstand. It's selections from from New Orleans zinesters pre-Katrina. But I keep sobbing as I'm getting through each author's intro letter so its slow going.
1/4 of the way through Henry James' Portrait of a Lady--wish I could get Nicole Kidman's version of Isabelle out of my head, though.
I tell you what I'd read, man...two Chick tracts at the same time, man.
Contemporary Social Theory
Social Theory Today
Hisotry and Class Consciousness
Critical Theory Marxism and Modernity
The Eclipse of Reason
The Dialectic of the Enlightenment
One Dimensional Man
Eros and Civilization
Reason and Revolution
From the Prison Notebooks
The Phenomenology of the Social World
The Social Construction of Realty
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
The Birth of the Clinic
I'm currently reading In Cold Blood - Truman Capote
On the waiting to be read list...
The Omnivore's Dilemma - Michael Pollan
Haunted - Chuck Palahniuk
Holidays on Ice - David Sedaris
To be re-read: The Catcher In The Rye - J.D. Salinger
On top of the Neverending Chicago Studies Project pile: Forever Open,Clear and Free: The Struggle For Chicago's Lakefront.- Lois Wille
Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West.- William Cronon.
I also need to find a pulse pounding police procedural potboiler to lighten the mix, maybe something by Michael Connelly or John Sanford.
Cinnamon- I thought everyone had read DITWC, which makes it a nice choice, as it doesn't add to everybody's stack of books.
Lawrence- I've heard that Tail of Two Chickies can often be an unsatisfying read, never as wonderful as you'd imagine it to be. But I suppose it depends on what edition you manage to find, and your skill as a reader of course.
i think murakami is like either love it or you hate it.
mikey - your list is great. i keep wanting to read in cold blood and yet somehow have managed to miss it so far. i reread cather in the rye and franny and zooey this summer.
van moxie - i was a philosophy major and most of your list is still sitting on my shelf from a class on critical theory i took in college. good luck solider.
Re: The Omnivore's Delimma: Keep going. Hang tough through the despair the first half will inspire.
I read every issue of The Atlantic back to back. Its terrific book review section allows me to speak with authority on books I haven't yet read.
I read Devil in the White City a couple years ago, but I'm re-reading it now for the book club.
Also reading Passionate Nomad: The Life of Freya Stark by Jane Geniesse.
'The Confederacy of Dunces'
'Writing down the Bones'
It's a geek-out summer for me. I'm finishing up George R.R. Martin's A Feast for Crows. If you like fantasy novels and haven't read Martin's Songs of Fire and Ice, you need to. The whole thing is brutally political and brutally violent, and Martin isn't afraid to kill of a character that you've come to love either. After I finish up A Feast for Crows, I'm reading David Brin's Uplift Trilogies. After that? Got some William Gibson, and then who knows...
The Magic Mountain, and looking for something lite to read at the same time. Also looking forward to reading the new Murakami short story collection, Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman. Murakami is my absolute favorite, I am one of those people who loves him. Although I was not that crazy about Kafka on the Shore.
The Hearing Trumpet - Leonora Carrington,
Jesus' Son, Stories by - Denis Johnson,
random science books.
It took me FOREVER to slog through "Guns, Germs & Steel," and I LOVE non-fiction.
I started "Kafka on the Shore," but made myself stop so I could finish GG&S.
Next up: tackling all the books on the longlist for the Man Booker Prize. That's the goal, at any rate.
Wow Cinnamon
"Stories That Care Forgot" sounds great! Its now on my list to buy, thanks. And speaking of Nola pre and post Katrina, I have a signed copy of both Michael Dyson's Come Hell or High Water- about the Government's "response" to Katrina, and Fat White Vampire Blues, by Andrew Fox! And of course Confederacy of Dunes is the greatest! Long live Nola!
I'll second the compliment on "A Feast For Crows." I can't really stomach long-winded fantasy (Wheel of Time, etc), but George R. R. Martin's political intrigue yarn is amazing. When you devour 1,000 pages in a long weekend, you know you've stumbled across a great read.
I'm currently reading "A Prayer for Owen Meany"
My "To-Read" List:
- Vanity Fair's September Issue
- "The Year of Magical Thinking"
- "Female Chauvinist Pigs"
- "Mrs. Dalloway"
- "The World is Flat"
- the Harry Potter Series (one of these days. . .)
- Vogue's September Issue
Right now I'm reading House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. It's kind of a tough read, but really good. The person who recommended it has threatened pop quizzes to make sure I haven't given up, so I guess that's what I'll be doing tonight... wine and book.
I'm almost done with
Six Wives about Henry VIII's marital problems. Next up is Basilica about the politics of building St Peter's in Rome.
I'm reading silmultaneously:
1. My Life in France by Julia Child and Alex Prud'homme
2. White Teeth by Zadie Smith
3. The World's History by Howard Spodek (the text I teach from)
4. American Pageant by Thomas Bailey (another text I teach from)
5. Summerland by Michael Chabon
My list of books I'd like to read soon includes
1. The new Harry Potter (not to be released soon enough)
2. The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri
3. Marie Antoinette by Antonia Fraser
4. All the chapters after chapter 1 of Guns, Germs, and Steel
Comic books, The National Inquirer, The Weekly World News and the Collected Works of Rush Limbaugh.
Just finished rereading Summer Crossing by Steve Tesich. As a coming of age tale, this leaves Catcher in the Rye in the dust. Cherry picking through Islam Unveiled by Robert Spencer while waiting for Wild Ducks Flying Backward by Tom Robbins to come.
I think I'd like to read Summer Crossing. Tesich wrote one of my favorite films, Breaking Away.
Carrie - I read House of Leaves, and I thought it was pretty good. Unlike any book I had ever read, that's for sure.
I'm currently reading Jasper Fforde's series on Thursday Next, a character with the ability to jump in and out of classic literature. So far, they're pretty good.
The Boy Detective Fails,
I saw the play a couple months back, and I am about to start the book. I heart Joe Meno.
Also recommended to me and is next ...
Miss Misery by Andy Greenwald.
Dear miss casual, jen and Robin,
Maybe I should start with a different Murakami book? any suggestions?
and Mikey - "Haunted" was horrible
Shermann- I agree with you on Haunted. The last two Chuck Palahoweveritsspelled books I read have been struggles- not because they're hard, but because they're boring. Stranger than Fiction was the other one.
just finished devil in the white city, nearly finished with thank you for smoking, and will probably re-start a cook's tour.
Pacific and Other Stories by Mark Helprin
any body think that the A Separate Peace, by John
John Knowles
also leaves Catcher in the Rye in the dust? I think Catcher is vastly overrated.
Shermann...maybe you should start with either Sputnik Sweetheart or Norwegian Wood...S.S. is pretty straightforward with a bit of a fantasy stretch...N.W. is one of his only non-fantasy type approaches
Happy Reading!
I've heard of Reading Rainbows and Easy Readers, but Lists that can read? That's preposterous.
I commented earlier but it seems that didn't show up...anyhoo, I was telling AI that we read Crossing California for the book club and, yes, it was a great read. As are many of our other selections, so go click on the link at the top of the page if you want to find out more!
But as for my reading list, I'm [this] close to finishing the Inferno and I'm so proud of myself for being able to get through it and actually enjoy it. I'm also reading Wide Sargasso Sea, but I really want to read some Sherlock Holmes so I can go to that colloquium the Newberry Library is having. That's the short of it. My complete reading list is too massive to post here.
I've had "Marathoning for Mortals" on my reading todo list since April. I've only gotten through the first two chapters. Although I have been running a fair amount this year, I haven't been able to go further than 10 miles. It doesn't look like I am going to be doing the LaSalle Marathon this year, even though I am signed up to run it. If I don't do the marathon this year and decide to try again, I won't sign up until I finish that book.
The new Tom McGuane, the new Tom Drury, and Voodoo Heart by Scott Snyder, because of its good reviews and not because of its title.
Ah the lists - they just never end do they. The one thing I read cover to cover is ORION - a fabulous bi-monthly with intelligent writing on culture, sustainability, etc.
As for actual books, right now I'm slowly reading A Natural History of the Chicago Region by Joel Greenberg - an amazing amount of info on...the natural history of Chicago (go figure).
For fun I'm reading On The Wing by Alan Tennant - following a peregrine falcon in a two-seater plane from Texas to the Arctic. Nutty.
Positively Fith Street-James McManus
Guests of the Ayatollah-
Mark Bowden
Lincoln-Gore Vidal
If I can pull myself away from bad tv and this here interweb...I plan to finish Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro this weekend. Then I will be on to the Magician's Wife.
I just finished The Ice Queen and The Curious Incident...and liked them both a lot.
The Grapes of Wrath. It is a must read for everyone because we must learn to take care of one another.
I just finished Zadie Smith's books and The Monk by Matthew Lewis, and I'm currently reading Elsie Venner by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
On the list:
-the collected works of Sigrid Undset minus what I've already read
-The Human Stain
-more Wilkie Collins
-Secret Rendezvous--Kobo Abe (all you Murakami fans out there might like him)
-any collections of Pauline Kael reviews I can get hold of
On choosing which Murakami works to read first--I recommend starting with short stories. I started reading Murakami in 1998 with "TV People", and I've generally been more impressed with his short stories than his longer works. So...,maybe after the quake or The Elephant Vanishes?
A Hope In The Unseen - Susskind
Coffee Will Make You Black - April Sinclair
The Rough Guide to Scandinavia.
I'm going in November.
shermann -- shorter than wind up bird chronicle, i would recommend hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world.
also, after the quake - his collection of short stories based on the 1995 kobe earthquake, is a good intro and an easy/quick read as well.
Annie (and Josh)--keep slogging through the first 100 pages or so of Lonesome Dove. You won't regret it! It's *really* slow to start off (way too much info on setting up for the cattle drive) but then it really gets going. One of my favorites, and I'm not into westerns.
I'm looking for a list of 1000 + page books (epics) that are really captivating.
Other than the obvious:
Song of fire and ice series;
infinite jest;
shogun by james clavell;
if anyone has a list of 1000+ page books could you post it. thanx
Urban Ethos [26]
What is Chicago's "urban ethos"?
Cool Glass of... [16]
What're you drinking?
Supreme Decision [22]
What's your reaction to the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act?
Taking it to the Streets [20]
Chicago Street Fairs: Revolting or Awesome?
I Can Be Cruel [9]
Be real: what is the meanest thing you've ever done?
Andrew / August 30, 2006 12:59 AM
Thinking more books and magazines here , as opposed to websites.
- Everything Bad is Good for You (in progress)
- Maus I & II
No specific plans after that -- I sadly don't have enough time for pleasure reading these days.