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Friday, February 14
Toads on a Boat! TOADS! on a motherscratching BOAT!
pirates of the caribbean and superman!
Bringing Up Baby
in Grant Park, Natch.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest is the only one I'm absolutely certain I'll see in theaters. Though the idea of Superman Returns on the 3D Imax is certainly appealing, but that will depend on reviews.
I'll probably want to see Cars but won't ever make it to the theater. And as much as I love Kevin Smith, paying $9.25 to see Clerks 2 will completely depend on the reviews. The same goes for X3.
Summer? Summer's coming? Because I swear I saw my mothertrucking breath this morning.
Will definitely see the new Pirates of the Carribean. Beyond that, maybe The Celestine Prophecy...
X3 and Nacho Libreeeee!!!
While it isn't necessarily a "blockbuster", I'm super looking forward to "A Prairie Home Companion"
An Inconvenient Truth.
I've given up on going to see movies at the theater. Too pricey, too noisy, too much of a hassle. I'd rather just wait six months and enjoy watching in the comfort of my living room.
snakes on a plane. duh!
snakes on a plane. you either want to see it or you don't.
Porn of the Dead of course
Zombies plus porn equals one &^%$ good time!
Every shitty remake of every movie I hated as a kid.
My husband probably moreso, but I'm pretty excited about Superman. I think it's gonna be the quintessential summer blockbuster.
Also looking forward to X Men III. I love mind candy movies.
X3, probably Superman too.
Crap, I forgot Strangers With Candy... not really a blockbuster though.
Nacho Libre, Goal (cute soccer players), maybe A Prairie Home Companion, and maybe/maybe not Lady in the Water.
I'm still excited about finally getting a dvd player and getting Netflix- I'm catching up on all the stuff I've missed and also renting some good classics.
There should be a documentary made about my cat. It would be called "MEOW! In yo face!"
Clerks 2!
Now it's coming out in July 21 instead of in August! *happy dance*
X3 & possibly Superman
X-Men: The Last Stand.
Superman Returns.
The Da Vinci Code.
Want to see but might not be considered blockbusters:
Over the Hedge.
Art School Confidential.
Super Ex-Girlfriend.
A Scanner Darkly.
The Ant Bully.
Rob Zombie's The Twisted Tales of El Superbeasto. in production, out sometime in 2006.
I seem to have a thing for animated movies.
peaceful warrior
Nobody has mentioned "Miami Vice". I'm pretty pumped about it. I don't care much for Colin Farell, and Jamie Fox does alright... but it's directed by Michael Mann. Director of "Heat". Reason enough to get excited.
Mission Impossible 3
Wasn't Michael Mann the original producer/director/writer of the tv series "Miami Vice"?
I've been reading that too, but according to IMDB he was just an executive producer for the original show.
Oh it looks like he wrote an episode or two also.
Snakes on a Submarine
Pirates of the Adriatic
Truck Driving School Confidential
The Da Vinci Caper
Miami Price
A Meadow Home Preposition
Good Times - The Movie: Dynomite!
Alien and Predator vs. King Kong and Gozilla
The Bridges of Cook County
Somebody stop me, please!
Do people really want to go see Snakes on a Plane? Really? I get the ironic hype & excitement, but would you really wanna sit 2 hours through a film about Snakes! On an m-f'in Plane! I can think of better ways of wasting $10. Like lighting it on fire.
I think that I will probably see the DaVinci Code, just to piss off the Catholic Church. And Pirates of the Crribean, because the first one was really damn good.
Also, want to see:
-Art School Confidential
-The Al Gore "You're All Going to Die" film. (Inconvienient Truth)
I think that S.O.A.P. is the product of ridiculous ammounts of hyperbole, though I do like the forthrightness inherent in the name.
I know less about movies than anyone... I have seen one movie this year and I don't rent anything... I have no idea what is out now, let alone what is coming out.
All the talk of "Snakes on a Plane" sent me to IMDB... and I must say that I think I'd go see it based on the concept alone... Snakes! on a PLANE! Awesome!
I usually don't pay attention to the big woop-de-doo about upcoming movie seasons, I'm content to let films show up when they do.
That said, just to contribute to this thread, I'll venture:
--"A Scanner Darkly" --Richard Linklater does Phillip K. Dick.
--"The Break Up" -- I saw "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" last year, easily the worst film of 2005 as far as I was concerned. I'd see this for equal opportunity dumbness.
Hey, anyone know when the documentary on the McLibel trial is going to arrive? -- where McDonald's sued a couple of piss-poor activists in London and they ended up embarassing the crap of MickeyD's.
little miss sunshine!
Boy, the first Pirates of the Caribbean was good.
If the second even approaches that, it's a must-see.
/I, like at least one other poster, wait until they come out on DVD. I like to see them in the privacy of my own home on my giant screen, which is as big as the old Water Tower Theatre screens anyway (proportionately)
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Be real: what is the meanest thing you've ever done?
Big Purp Sippa / May 12, 2006 10:12 AM
Choices 3 and the Lakai video