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Sunday, January 19

Gapers Block

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Naz / May 12, 2004 4:14 PM

I'm still trying to get through 101 Reykjavik. Though I'm now feeling inclined that the movie might be a better deal.

Up next is Irvine Welsh's Porno.

And I'm currently re-reading's, The Slate Diaries - really good stuff.

To buy and read:
Chris Ware's sketchbook diary thing.
Jonathan Ames' My Less Than Secret Life: A Diary, Fiction, Essays.

And! McSweeney's no. 13: The comics edition.

Steve / May 12, 2004 4:53 PM

I've got a massive backlog to get through this summer, from Fortress of Solitude to Richard Russo's The Straight Man. Plus Richard Clarke's book, maybe the new Michael Moore, the Clinton autobio. Still haven't gotten around to cracking the above-mentioned Porno or Welsh's book before that, Glue.

Stupid job and life, always getting in the way of reading....

Andrew / May 12, 2004 5:01 PM

At some point, I will start reading "Tale of Genji," and probably "Fast Food Nation" (I know, I'm way behind on that one).

Eliza / May 12, 2004 5:03 PM

Oh my. Do you know how many books I read in a week? My reading list for the weekend includes Autobiography of a Fat Bride, by Laurie Notaro, Bleachy Haired Honky Bitch, by Hollis Gillespie, and Eats Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss. I really should start a booklog someday.

lacey / May 12, 2004 5:33 PM

I'm heading to Florida soon and I'm taking "You Shall Know Our Velocity" with me. If anyone's interested, a book that I finished recently that was really good is "Everything is Illuminated" by Jonathan Safran Foer. Really funny, really good story. Oh yeah, and "Devil in the White City" will come soon.

amyc / May 12, 2004 6:17 PM

I'm reading Richard Russo's short-story collection, "The Whore's Child," right now -- first pleasure reading I've done in months! I've got a four-week break from grad school, and I'm gonna pack as much cool reading in as I can. Also in the stack: "Eats, Shoots & Leaves," Stepin Fatsis' "Word Freak," and probably "Bel Canto," which I borrowed from my mom about a year ago and never got to.

Emily / May 13, 2004 8:04 AM

'Pagan Holiday', 'Eyewitness: Rome' (both from last year, *before* the hype), 'Vanity Fair', the 'Aenid', the newest Thursday Next book 'The Well of Lost Plots', and some sort of biography.

I just finished 'Eats, Shoots & Leaves' and can't recommend it highly enough. Everyone should read this book.

'That Ian' / May 13, 2004 8:07 AM

The Chronicles of Amber

Peter / May 13, 2004 9:04 AM

Bikini tags

j3s / May 13, 2004 9:31 AM

All books that I already own but haven't had time to read yet:

Guns, Germs, and Steel - Jared Diamond
Hope Dies Last - Studs Terkel
Kant and the Platypus - Umberto Eco
Opened Ground - Selected poems of Seamus Heaney

Ok, I think that list needs a good novel...

Roni / May 13, 2004 10:40 AM

Don't fret about being behind, Andrew. On my list is to finish up Shrub and buy Harry Potter Book 5. After that, whatever grabs my attention from the library of roni.

sandor / May 13, 2004 11:15 AM

I'm looking forward to cracking open the new Steven Johnson book, Mind Wide Open.

Also on the list: Rudy Rucker's White Light.

Shylo / May 13, 2004 1:10 PM

Hrm. I'm slogging through the truly awful "Crimson Petal and the White." Who would have thought Victorian prostitution would be so f-ing trite?

Looking forward, The Hotel Eden by Ron Carlson, the two Augusten Burroughs, more Haruki Murakami.

jon / May 13, 2004 3:14 PM

i'm midway through Reefer Madness by E. Schlosser. After that, I'll probably tackle The Confusion by N. Stephenson, and after that, likely How To Be Alone by J. Franzen.

bran / May 14, 2004 8:30 AM

Okay, oka: don't give me grief over these two: The Time Traveller's Wife and The Stepford Wives. (Notice a wifely trend, here?). Also: When Words Collide and Man's Search for Meaning.

Jessa / May 14, 2004 9:05 AM

All I want to read this summer are comics. But the stack also contains Boris Akunin's two books, book group books like Hopscotch and What a Carve Up!, and the book I've been waiting to come out in paperback, What Was She Thinking by Zoe Trope.

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