Gapers Block has ceased publication.

Gapers Block published from April 22, 2003 to Jan. 1, 2016. The site will remain up in archive form. Please visit Third Coast Review, a new site by several GB alumni.
 Thank you for your readership and contributions. 


Sunday, January 19

Gapers Block

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randy / October 9, 2003 4:36 PM

I was hoping to get laid. Did'na happen.

Andrew / October 9, 2003 4:56 PM

No vacation for me.

miss ellen / October 9, 2003 5:09 PM

didn't go to a white sox game; bummer. go cubbies ;)

Cinnamon / October 9, 2003 5:15 PM

Didn't go to a Cubs game. Go Sox! Oh, yeah, um Go Cubbies!

Alice / October 9, 2003 5:42 PM

No vacation for me either. But, I did finish grad school, start a great new job, and move into a lovely new apartment. Phew. Now when can I get that vacation?

amyc / October 10, 2003 5:53 AM

I didn't get a job, but I did start grad school.

jima / October 10, 2003 8:34 AM

Did some stuff, didn't do other stuff. Did have a vacation, which turned out to be quite nice. Didn't go to a Sox or Cubs game. Go away, Sox! Go away, Cubbies!

christian / October 10, 2003 9:03 AM

I was going to finish rebuilding my dj-5c dispatch vehicle. Commonly called a postal jeep. It’s still in its coma.

heather / October 10, 2003 9:09 AM

fell in love. made some art. got a job. you know, the usual.

Niki / October 10, 2003 9:29 AM

Accomplishments: Drunken debauchery
Regrets: Drunken debauchery

shechemist / October 10, 2003 10:24 AM

regret: dating a pretty, and pretty fucking disturbed, head case for 6 weeks, 3 weeks too long.

got done: debauched trip to the UK. kayak'd around on the chicago river. applied to return to school. boarded the love train with someone that is sane and sexy. started a horror short story.

pj chmiel / October 10, 2003 11:12 AM

Great: Fell in love with dream girl.

Not-so-great: Didn't really go to the lake once, or to any of the free movies in the parks, two of Chicago's main selling points.

Ruth / October 10, 2003 2:32 PM

I regret not spending more time in the lake, not seeing the sun enough, and not falling in love.

Alex / October 10, 2003 4:05 PM

Dude - what if you live in a world where your accomplishments and regrets are THE SAME THING?

Naz / October 10, 2003 4:21 PM

There's an interesting conundrum there. I'm curious, do tell Alex.

Onid / October 10, 2003 6:49 PM

Regret: Didn't go on vacation anywhere this year.

Accomplishment: I am FINALLY in a place where I can seriously look into buying a condo.

Marc / October 11, 2003 3:28 PM

Went to England to see my family. Went to Northern Ontario to spend even more time with them. Took up skateboarding again (bought my first new deck since '86). Rode my bike a fair bit. Drank far too much. Stumbled around trying to start a company - didn't do very well. Spent not enough time worrying about money and just the right amount of time in the sun, with friends, drinking, laughing.

Shylo / October 13, 2003 10:43 AM

Accomplishments: I cooked a ton, did the porch thing, found a job, an apartment, a new special friend.

Regrets: Never once sleeping in.

lacey / October 13, 2003 1:32 PM

Accomplished lots of art stuff, went outside a lot, took a million pictures. I can't think of any regrets.

d4v3 / October 13, 2003 5:01 PM

accomplishments: sunburn, several scars, flew a kite

regrets: no benders

paul / October 14, 2003 9:42 AM

Accomplishments: ditto on the sunburn, became self-employed.

Regrets: not posting enough on Gapers Block

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