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Monday, January 20
I was pretty grossed out by the flatulating horse commercial, and I'm a Gwar fan. The only one I kinda sorta liked was the McDonalds wrapper as dryer sheet.
"what the? was that her..."
I thought I had had enough of the "whassup" guys, but the guy accidentally getting a bikini wax was pretty amusing.
The Janet Jackson boob was my favorite part...
I liked the NFL commercials, particularly the one that had all the players who didn't make it to the Super Bowl singing "Tomorrow." Warren Sapp in that plaid golf vest was my favorite part.
I've seen a lot better boobs. Looks kinda squashed and stretchmarked, doesn't it? JT *should* apologize; I didn't need to see that.
I think we've all seen better boobies but ain't nothin' like half-a-second of boobie on national TV -- stretched, tassled, and saline-injected or not...
I'm just happy Janet is now performing with the new version of her brother. He's much better then the old version. Upgrades.
You know, if it was "unplanned, unscripted" etc., why was she wearing a pastie under her corset thingy?
Overall, though, I thought the ads were pretty lame. And I agree, CBS had an inordinate number of house ads.
andrew, it wasn't a pastie, it was a metal nipple shield, which was in keeping with the SM-y outfit she had on. I thought she had a huge nipple ring when I saw it last night.
I thought most of the ads sucked, but I liked the waxing one, and the donkey.
Weak, weak, weak. Everything surrounding the game was disappointing. Especially the halftime show. Songs from 4 years ago? Sounds great! Bad lip-synching? Alright. I thought the boob thing was funny, but now I'm disgusted. Intentional or not, can we get some respect as an audience? The Cadillac spots were nice, especially the speed of sound thing. Nice little touch. But, cripes, do I need to go up some floors in this building and slap around some art directors?
I think the era of the extravagant Superbowl commercial died with the dot com venture capital that funded them...
My favorite are the penile dysfunction drugs that make no mention of "penile dysfunction" or "sex" or any explicit reference to what the drugs are for. Instead, they have Chicago's favorite dysfunctional coach spouting vague induendo about "getting in the game." And, in case you still don't get it, repeated images of a football flying through a tire, over and over. How 'bout just have a train go into a tunnel, for the complete Leisure Suit Levitra touch?
Or the reversed film of a collapsing tower, as Monty Python used to utilize.
The best commercial was the Apple/Pepsi/iTunes/iPod "I Fought the Law and I Won" commercial. By far.
The ads mostly sucked this year. Seriously.
"Tomorrow" was good, as was the 7UP/basketball goal thing. I'd imagined the much-hyped wannabe clydesdale bit as being much funnier than it ended up, though.
awww, I kinda liked the little donkey that could. He was cute, all dressed up like the clydesdales. The Simpsons MasterCard ad was my favorite.
The ads totally sucked this year! I agree with Kathleen; the only one that will go in the memory bank was the one for the NFL where all the guys who didn't make it to the Super Bowl were singin about "Tomorrow."
I wonder if Cubs fans are upset that the NFL is trying to co-opt their theme song =)
Ian, are you kidding? That Apple/Pepsi one was the worst! They made it sound like those kids had been convicted of a crime. Which of course they weren't. They were never even charged. They settled when the RIAA threatened them with CIVIL, not criminal, court actions. It's total mind-washing bullshit.
"Hi, I'm one of the kids who was prosecuted for downloading music free off of the Internet." They weren't prosecuted. That's a lie. Neither were they Busted, Charged, or Incriminated, as the text-overs said. Check out this article for more info.
However, if you were being sarcastic, I apologize for being such a spastic ass.
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paul / February 1, 2004 11:49 PM
I was kind of shocked at how many self-congratulatory CBS ads there were... couldn't they find anyone to pay for those slots? And what would they have done if the game had gone into overtime? Maybe they would've been forced to air the MoveOn ad...