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Wednesday, January 15
Modern Dating: I study it much like I studied American History in high school. We need to fix it. I am working on it and I have some ideas.
on the nerdier end of the spectrum, i just got real nerdy about dr. who this past year.
i am also an organization nerd: by color, by name, by season, by number. it doesn't matter, i love to organize and freak out when i see things that help me do it an aesthetic way.
I know everything there is to know about the film, The Crow. I even own all the trading cards that came out with the movie. And I have a tattoo. I'm a dork.
Typewriters, Lynda Barry's comics, roller derby, Fats Waller, the Nicholas Brothers, 78s, Winsor McKay, and, of course, vintage sex-ed/marriage advice manuals.
God, I sound like I'm in my 80s. Let's just add Antiques Roadshow to the mix and be done with it.
I'm a total type nerd. When I was little my dad would bring home catalogs of type (Letraset maybe?) and I would study them intensely. I own the special edition DVD of "Helvetica." And just today I said to someone, "This is not our report, we would NEVER use Comic Sans."
My husband and I both DJed so we have a ton of vinyl. 80s, hip hop, drum n bass, techno, you name it. If it's got a beat, we'll buy it.
I'm listening to 90s hip hop on Pandora right now, mentally bookmarking songs I need in my collection.
Chicago history. For a city that really hasn't been around very long, there's a lot of it.
the west wing. as in the tv show. i have all seasons on DVD, and i've watched them too many times to count. i could probably recite a few of the episodes by heart. i blame my college dorm neighbor, who got me hooked.
and don't get me started on the parallels between the final two seasons and the 2008 presidential elections. i'll bore you to tears.
I must own every Hellblazer comic book known to man. So far, I have about half of the complete series including mini-series with secondary characters.
'80s music. Not the American hair band stuff, but "New Wave" and the Second Invasion stuff, from the poppy crap to the obscure stuff that really changed the landscape of music. It is a maligned musical era, but if you dig below the surface, it was pretty significant, moreso than the '90s. Anyway, I still listen to that stuff, which I guess is normal. We tend to gravitate back to the music of our "formative years" as we get (ahem) older.
Recycling. I joke that I'm a recycling nerd.
dr. mario. i downloaded for the wii and can't stop. i see blue, red and yellow pills in my dreams.
The Beatles, Catholic kitsch, and grammar. Oh, how I love proper grammar!
Based on my ability to ramble on about it ad nauseam... Eastern Box Turtle Husbandry.
Budget travel logistics. I spend much time planning vacations I will likely never take, and as such I learn how to get to these places, who offers the flight/bus/boat to that place, where you have to switch, how often the transport departs, the risks of flying to a city and connecting with a flight ona nother airline that is not a codeshare flight, etc. I like nothing more than if someone aske me about that. I am now helping a friend here get cheap flights from Mexico City to Chicago without paying the exorbitant fares. Couldn't be happier.
How do you do it (if you have a day to spend traveling)? Take a shuttle bus from one of several places in the city to the Toluca airport about an hour outside of the city. Then take Mexican low-cost carrier Volaris to Oakland, San José or LAX. From there, pick up a flight on Southwest to Midway, or with a legacy carrier if they happen to have a sale. Doing this is going to save my homeboy $150.
Words & vocabulary. Just call me a "word nerd!"
Crossword puzzles.
It might be easier to say what I don't nerd out over.
Craft, feminism, food, particularly related to cast-iron cooking, New Orleans, and whatever feels whim-like at the moment.
smartwool socks. i went smartwool 9 years ago and now they are only socks i wear even though they are more expensive than a premium 12 pack. i even went so far as applying for a job at the denver HQ. whatev.
oh, and that GD skymall.
one more. using the saying "jimminy crystals". it was "jimminy christmas" until i wore that out.
Knitting, Dune, Scotland.
And I live with a comic book nerd, so who knows what I'm going to get into once we finally unpack!
Doctor Who (classic and current) and vintage Apple Macintosh computers. I think I could only get more nerdy if I threw Space 1999 and vintage commodores in there.
Beer, craft brewed/microbrewpubs. I know several other friends who are also, but if I'm at work out socially it eventually kinda comes spilling out. Coors Light? Uh no thanks I drink enough water.
The X-Files. I've seen every episode - most more than once, even the bad latter seasons - and have an extensive collection of ridiculous memorabilia that's never going to have much monetary value. However, I did almost cry when I broke my TRUST NO ONE logo mug earlier this week.
The Golden Girls. I have epic knowledge of every single Golden Girls episode. Epic. Undefeated champion of Golden Girls everything.
Food; making it, eating it, reading about it/chefs/recipes.
I like the West Wing too. But my big one is that every time after I see a movie, I look to see what Roger Ebert wrote about it. This includes movies on TV or modern movies. I like to see how our opinions compare, and just really enjoy reading his reviews.
Infrastructure, I'm a sucker for it.
This is very embarrassing to admit, but I'm a nerd about coupons. I stumbled upon a website about the art of couponing, and now I'm obsessed. If you do it right (combining coupons with sale prices) you can get stuff for free. You can even get money back for stuff that you "buy." I've only been doing this for a few months and already I have enough toothpaste to last me at least two years and and I haven't paid more than 50¢ for any single tube. It's a sick, sick addiction. My problem now is hiding my stockpile from my roommate so she doesn't think I'm psycho.
I should add that what makes it nerdy rather than just weird is that I get excited when I wake up on Wednesdays because it's the day the new ads for Jewel and Dominicks come out on Saturdays when I can get the Sunday paper and all the ads and coupons that come with it. I spend hours cutting out coupons and organizing them and still more hours comparing the sales with my coupons and making detailed lists for what to buy at each store. It's ridiculously nerdy.
My dog. I also have a habit of talking about Chicago like it's the center of the universe. It is, so people need to deal.
Urban Ethos [26]
What is Chicago's "urban ethos"?
Cool Glass of... [16]
What're you drinking?
Supreme Decision [22]
What's your reaction to the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act?
Taking it to the Streets [20]
Chicago Street Fairs: Revolting or Awesome?
I Can Be Cruel [9]
Be real: what is the meanest thing you've ever done?
R / May 6, 2010 2:30 AM
Talking with other dog owners about my dog.
There. I said it.