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Education Thu Feb 19 2009
Soto School Closure Moratorium Bill Passes Committee
We all know that means little if Speaker Madigan (or Senate President Cullerton) wants to squash it, but good on Rep. Cynthia Soto for bucking the Mayor and his corporate lackeys on the Board of Ed and moving this moratorium on school closures through the General Assembly. The vote was 20-0.
Rep. Sara Feigenholtz, candidate for Rahm Emanuel's House seat, is a Chief Co-Sponsor. The bill has a Republican co-sponsor, Roger Eddy of Hutsonville.
The Board of Education has no standards for its school closures. It views our city as a "market" and is merely trying to increase the "market share" of the privatized schools so favored by the Mayor and the myopic mopes who purr in his lap on the Fifth Floor.
Kenzo Shibata / February 21, 2009 6:28 PM
The bill just picked up another co-sponsor, Rep. John Fritchey. Now there are two candidates for 5th CD (he and Rep. Sarah Feigenhotlz) who are co-sponsors.