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National Politics Wed May 06 2009
Libertarian Paradise: Come to Somalia! Government Free Since 1991
Libertarianism died a death with this latest global economic crisis ("The Great Financial Kerfuffle" if you will) just as socialism, its juvenile Utopian counterpart, did with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Now we can happily insult and ridicule libertarians and their free market fundamentalist fellow travelers forever. Ha-ha!
Mason / May 10, 2009 12:55 AM
LOLbertarian indeed! But seriously... How exactly did libertariansim "die" with this recent economic crisis? Because from where I'm sitting, it seems as though a good deal of blame could be placed at the feet of Federal Reserve policies.
Or was it "deregulation"? Of course, the libraries full of federal laws regarding investment securities aren't enough, as long as someone somewhere has the freedom to put their money where they want the "free market" can be the cause for any economic problem!
As for Somalia, Sudan has a "functioning state" and it doesn't seem to be doing much better... in fact, put in the context of other poor African nations, there are some bright points in Somalia, as the wikipedia article states. And just to anticipate the "why don't you move there then?" sneer, there are plenty of African countries in that region where you could do a lot worse. I'd rather pay for a protection company in Somalia than have to bribe corrupt officials anywhere else in that region of Africa.