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Friday, July 26

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News Fri Jun 12 2009

Iran ran ran ran ran, Iran ran ran.

I love democracy, don't you? I've been following the Iranian election pitting (primarily) Ahmadinejad (Bush) versus Mousavi (Anybody But Ahmadinejad) pretty closely. It's funny--the conservative Iranian elements are saying similar things to what the most conservative American elements were saying in 2004--the enemy wants the challenger to win because it'll make us weaker and more rife for takeover. A vote for Mousavi (Kerry) is a vote for the Americans (terrorists)! (Please don't construe that as a defense of John Kerry's shitty campaign).

I hope Iranians don't fall prey to fear mongering.

The Guardian (UK) has the best coverage.

5.10pm: President Obama said that his government was "excited" about the debate surrounding the elections, Reuters report. "Whoever ends up winning, the fact there has been a robust debate hopefully will advance our ability to engage them in new ways," he said.


Update: Voting has been extended for a third time, Reuters reporters. Polls will now close at 9pm (5.30pmBST).


Polling time has been extended until 8pm (4.30pmBST) AP confirmed, in another sign of the huge turnout.


The Ahmadinejad camp claims their man is winning.

"Based on the evaluation of Ahmadinejad's position he is ahead ... with 60% of the votes and we are certain that the election will end in the first round in his favour," Ali Asghar Zarei told Mehr News Agency, according to Reuters.

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Alex / June 12, 2009 1:46 PM

The proper title would be, "Ira-a-an, Iran so far away."

Dave / June 12, 2009 4:13 PM

Hey, Rasmin...Is the election by secret ballot?

ramsin / June 12, 2009 4:29 PM


Yes, Dave it is. However, unlike union "secret ballot" elections, both sides have access to voter lists, and neither side can intimidate activists out of campaigning by threatening their livelihood.

Dave / June 12, 2009 10:19 PM

I love it when union sympathizers claim intimidation on the other side. Never forget the day a colleague was threatened to be stuffed into a glove box by a union boss.

Ramsin / June 15, 2009 12:34 PM

Wow, a probably anecdote. Wanna swap employer intimidation/physical violence against/murder of unionists stories? I bet I'd win.

Between that and your 4th grade/ignorant adult tactic of purposely mangling my funny soundin' for'nur name, you're making a lot of allies.

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Parents Still Steaming, but About More Than Just Boilers

By Phil Huckelberry / 2 Comments

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Substance, Not Style, the Source of Rahm's Woes

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