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Olympics Tue Jun 16 2009
No Games Chicago Live in Switzerland
Cool. NGC sent a delegation to Switzerland to meet with IOC members and make the case: don't wreck our city.
Three members of the No Games Chicago Coalition have been in Lausanne, Switzerland since Monday morning! Martin Macias, Tom Tresser and Rhoda Whitehorse have traveled to the headquarters city of the International Olympic Committee to tell them NOT to award the 2016 Olympics to Chicago.
As far as we know, this is the first time a citizen's delegation has made such a journey to make such a demand in the one hundred year plus history of the modern Olympics.
Disclosure: I was a co-founder of No Games Chicago
chimack / June 16, 2009 3:15 PM
Visit www.nogameschicago.com to learn what a boondoggle the Olympics are. Don't let the IOC help Daley privatize the Chicago parks. Which is what will happen if Chicago gets the 2016 Games. The Chicago Park District is already in cahoots on this.