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National Politics Sun Aug 09 2009
Capitulation or Savvy?
Over at the Huffington Post there is a painful post up about President Obama's changes in his positions on health care negotiations. Most damning:
Capitulation to special interests? Or "political intelligence" that will get some form of health care reform through?
Dennis Fritz / August 13, 2009 6:22 PM
Obama has handled health care the same way he's nadled a whole slew of issues. He offers lofty, high-minded rhetoric, but chooses the path of least resistence when it comes to policy implementation. Real health care reform is dead. No doubt he sees this approach as being "realistic."
Real health care reform is dead. It died the minute Obama pledged he would not use the bargaining power of the federal government as leverage against large pharmeceutical companies in exhange for their pledge to voluntarily (!) lower drug prices. Are you kidding me? It took a law to get Detriot to do something as commonsensical as putting seat belts in cars. Very sad.